RIU politics is officially dead

Jesusfuck you're stupid; she was quoting Trump.

What makes you think the current administration's policies are any different from those of Shrubbery? Not that I expect a coherent response from you, of course; that would require the one activity I've never seen you show any evidence of.

he knows, just being the littlle stinky shite he is
this is a place to vent frustrations, the people who agree with you will support your venting, the people who disagree with you will call you a fucktard....and thats about all thats ever going to be achieved on any forum on any website, ever.
to expect this blather to actually DO anything is idiocy. no one reads this shit but us, and unless someone here is really good at hiding their position, not a single one of us even work for the government, much less holds a position of any authority.
as a matter of fact, posting here is wasting time you could be using to actually go out and picket, or attend rallies and let your opinion be known a little more publicly.
so, to recap, posting here or anywhere else about politics is just you venting....thats all it's ever been, and all it's ever going to be...
venting is ok, as a matter of fact, it's probably good for you, but to expect it to make a difference....not going to happen

we used to have something called 'moderator'.
this is a place to vent frustrations, the people who agree with you will support your venting, the people who disagree with you will call you a fucktard....and thats about all thats ever going to be achieved on any forum on any website, ever.
to expect this blather to actually DO anything is idiocy. no one reads this shit but us, and unless someone here is really good at hiding their position, not a single one of us even work for the government, much less holds a position of any authority.
as a matter of fact, posting here is wasting time you could be using to actually go out and picket, or attend rallies and let your opinion be known a little more publicly.
so, to recap, posting here or anywhere else about politics is just you venting....thats all it's ever been, and all it's ever going to be...
venting is ok, as a matter of fact, it's probably good for you, but to expect it to make a difference....not going to happen

posting online is what got us president pedo.
You make a good point.

My best response is, 'if we can save just one life it's worth it.'

Now while you're there, can you pass me a slice?

i used to think same, but it literally comes down to one thing: belief in higher power. if someone has one molecule of themselves thinking there is possibility of this..you cannot change their mind; it's the core of belief system. a weakness; a flaw.
Actually that picture is highly germane to the current discussion; Hitler was very narrowly elected by making loud speeches full of specious red meat and lies during a vote with low turnout.

Sound familiar?

History repeats itself, which is why it's so important to learn. Sadly, nowhere near enough history is taught in America anymore. I think it was replaced with ebonics or something.

i thought hitler was overwhelmingly elected and had 90% job approval rating when he fired up the ovens?

@TacoMac told me.
1 clove garlic, cilantro, cucumbers, lime, parsely
diced bell peps, tomatoes and minced jalapeño

Cucumber Salad. it's what's for dinner. lunch tomorrow and a few snacks between.
posting online is what got us president pedo.
no, it's not.
a room full of old conservative men who don't give a shit about the will of the country decided who would be president.
Hillary won the popular vote, like it or not. the electoral college went against the will of the people and picked who they wanted.
don't get me wrong, i hated both choices so much i didn't vote this year in protest...it disturbs me when life imitates South Park.
If Donald and Hillary are the best either party has to offer, they both fucked up badly, and neither actually deserved to be rewarded for making horrible choices.
Lol, cracker jack thinks he's Bruce Lee.
Don't compare me to a little chinese man. I'm like steven seagull. You're gonna be under siege.