RIU is destroying my social life!


Well-Known Member
Same here regarding the thinking about RIU while at work. I think of new shit to question or research while at work. When back home, my time spent on RIU is throttled by other responsibilites but I get my RIU fix in one way or the other.

I could go online at work but would be caught doing so as online activity is monitored. Instead I bring ganja grow manuals in pdf format on my memory stick. At lunchtime I disconnect the network cable on my PC and pass the time reading and pondering some new insight into growing.

This doesn't help you I know as it could just worsen your situation if your work involves the use of a computer. So don't try this at home.. err work. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
its because growing is adactive no matter what people say when they smoke your shit you always wanna make it better


Well-Known Member
whats more social then RIU? haha yeh I definately have a problem when it comes to producing drugs, it just kind of runs thru my head constantly, since i cant grow bud atm I've been looking into the mushroom thing ^^

but I like to pop in around here to try to give advice, keeps what i've learned in my head for the time being
It's like anything else in life.

I got "addicted" to graffiti back when i was 14/15.
It was all i thought about all the time. I drew and designed my graff stuff all day every day.

I got busted for spraying up a 6 foot by four foot Gremlin stencil. (6 layers)
Best time of my life.

(if you're wondering they didn't catch me during the graffing, CCTV and a snitch. >_< )

But my point is, sometimes if you let an addiction become the only thing you look forward to.. well you've got a problem. ;)


Well-Known Member
don't feel bad. i get home from school... get on RIU... i need to TEAR myself away so i can do my damned essay...


Well-Known Member
its good to know there is is help out there, you just have to talk abouit it. dont let it all bottle up inside. now go to your happy place... wait.. thats what im addicted to...


Active Member
ok i realise this problem also
i find myself reading for hours on end without moving haha
im not a big poster i try n help out when i can and ask the odd question but im forever readin jornals etc