RIU is destroying my social life!


Well-Known Member
yes, its true. all i ever seem to do is come home after work, hop out the laptop and gaze for hours, im fucked tired at work, losing all my social skills, think of riu when im at work etc etc. there sould be a riu annonymous. this is not healthy. i even somtimes put off having a shower when im online. any help or advice is much appreciated. how do i get out of this pickle?


Well-Known Member
hahah this is funny. and mane, you should head RIUanonymous. yea man just use selfcontrol and don't go on if you think its negatively affecting you


Well-Known Member
i find myself reading here for hours then finding some useful tidbit and running off to my growroom.
so between here and the grow op my wife has got to think im surfing porn .... to bad she dont know its only bud porn.
hi my name is Phinxter and im addicted to bud porn


Active Member
i find myself reading here for hours then finding some useful tidbit and running off to my growroom.
so between here and the grow op my wife has got to think im surfing porn .... to bad she dont know its only bud porn.
hi my name is Phinxter and im addicted to bud porn
lol hi phinxter, please refrain from Jacking your cola 'n our presence.


Well-Known Member
Its funny cause Ive only been on here a couple day already and its fun. Just reading what others have to say, or responding to threads.

DannyKing, limit yourself like set a time when your going to get off and go do something else. Force yourself to leave the comp desk. LOL this is awsome!!!


Well-Known Member
It is very addicting lol. I'm sittin on my ass playing poker most of the time anyway. But that's a whole different story...


Well-Known Member
hah yea i used to have a way worse online poker habit than my RIU forum 'addiction'


Well-Known Member
no harm no foul, just give yourself a reasonable allocated amount of time per day you allow yourself on here and be strict. I mean damn dont lose sleep over it,lol or forget to shower geeez. As far as social life goes, you will probably get more mental stimulas here then at any friends house or bar....CHEERS;-)


New Member
Is this the RIU A meeting? I'm also addicted to this site.

I don't know why my family doesn't like me eating dinner here at the computer......sigh.


Well-Known Member
whats more social then RIU? haha yeh I definately have a problem when it comes to producing drugs, it just kind of runs thru my head constantly, since i cant grow bud atm I've been looking into the mushroom thing ^^

but I like to pop in around here to try to give advice, keeps what i've learned in my head for the time being


Well-Known Member
RUI 12 step program

Step 1 - Smoke a bowl
Step 2 - Stare at plants
Step 3 - Smoke a bowl
Step 4 - Turn on computer
Step 5 - Contemplate going to RUI or porn
Step 6 - Are to stoned and forget what you were doing
Step 7 - Smoke a bowl
Step 8 - Contemplate going to RUI or porn
Step 9 - Stare at plants some more
Step 10 - Make decision to google image bud pics
Step 11 - 2 hours later realize you have been looking at bud porn
Step 12 - smoke a bowl and go to bed.


Well-Known Member
RUI 12 step program
- Smoke a bowl- Stare at plants- Smoke a bowl- Turn on computer- Contemplate going to RUI or porn- Are to stoned and forget what you were doing- Smoke a bowl- Contemplate going to RUI or porn- Stare at plants some more- Make decision to google image bud pics- 2 hours later realize you have been looking at bud porn- smoke a bowl and go to bed.

LOL +rep for that shit is hilarious.


Well-Known Member
My name is Sparky and i am a RIUaholic. I find it fascinating , engaging and to be honest one of the first times in my life where i am kinda good at something that i can make some scratch at.

Yes i am addicted for many reasons.


New Member
My name is Hester. I spend all my time at RIU looking at other peoples plants because staring into my grow cabinet all day makes my eyes hurt.........