read this.....take the time to, please;
Those are some very nice looking colas - huge. That grower obviously knows what he is doing!
This is an off shoot of the first and has valuable info and great pics;
Bald plants are not beautiful
Doc, Uncle Ben, Ed, Jorge, Greg and a host of others
Interesting string. Haven't read it all yet but will later tonight. My kind of stuff. Thanks for the link.
RM3's defoliation experiment's results were interesting as well. I personally left a lot of fans on each plant - a few interspersed on each cola (coloring now - a few removed) and more near the bottom of the plant where I felt they were not overly shading anything that important - but I removed a BUNCH. Frankly, I was more focused on the bending and tying (used tomato cages cut down to two rings from the bottom of the cage to tie to at first - then later on to push the stems away from outside the cage using heavier guage wire (gently) as they grew longer) splaying the stems out from the center of the plant in a star shape. My goal was to achieve a ScrOG effect without the screen. I think I achieved that. All 3 plants are a little less than 3 feet tall (tallest colas) and about 3 feet wide with lots (to me) of colas. They look like little bansais. Right or wrong, I can keep my lights in close.