Fucking Idiots. Thanks for making MJ users look like crack/meth heads.

This shit is happening all the damn time now... Fuckin idiots, using butane inside. I seen that shit light in mid-air. And these idiots act like its fucking cool to make BHO! They qualify as tweakers to me in the ganja world. Tweaked out idiot STONERS! Its not "Cool". Its dangerous and should be done by responsible step-taking ganja lovers. The stores round here are constantly out of Butane!( by the fuckin pallet). Making the world of cannabis look like a meth lab ridden industry...WTF!

Well, I happen to like my oil, there's a right way and a wrong way, I choose the right.And in the article they say 15 % oil. someone isn't doing their research.


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Dumb shit stunts like these will make all of us look like a bunch strung out douche bags. I see on one site they called it "cooking" again which puts us head to head with tweakers. Don't know how anyone can explain this bad PR away. Hell, we've finally gotten weed to be "not so scary" but we're headed back to the dark ages if the drug warriors can use this against us effectively.
This is what happens when mere mortals try to manipulate perfection. Some locals may refer to it as natural selection.


BHO nay-sayers! It is unfortunate to have shite like this in the news but really, this is obviously shady. Unfortunately too for sea world. It's easy to blow! Vent, gear up and blastoff! It can be safe just don't be dumb! I like to do small batches with an Oz of trim and only 1-1.25 cans of 5x filtered butane. Gets me about 3-4g top notch dispensary grade wax/budda. Never smoke near your purge area, have a fan going and wear gloves. 100% effective.
Well, I happen to like my oil, there's a right way and a wrong way, I choose the right.And in the article they say 15 % oil. someone isn't doing their research.

I think that was kind of the point. If it's done the right way it's a ok. If it's done the wrong way it's bound to wreck the day.
The 15% thing was the reason I said......Also thanks for the extremely accurate information on hash oil.
My bud is more than 15% on it's own. Concentrate it..............yowza.
I worked with this guy before that had the flesh on his hands shriveled up to his forearm. He said it was because of a hash oil explosion... Somebody lit a cigarette. I initially thought meth head when he said the word "cooking".
BHO nay-sayers! It is unfortunate to have shite like this in the news but really, this is obviously shady. Unfortunately too for sea world. It's easy to blow! Vent, gear up and blastoff! It can be safe just don't be dumb! I like to do small batches with an Oz of trim and only 1-1.25 cans of 5x filtered butane. Gets me about 3-4g top notch dispensary grade wax/budda. Never smoke near your purge area, have a fan going and wear gloves. 100% effective.

Moral of the story. Be careful and I'm glad you are.

That said.........Anything beyond bubble hash is just a bit beyond me. I don't see the need to bring any sort of man made chemicals into the whole pothead equation. More power to you but if I can't get high enough with plain ol' weed, then maybe I'm choosing the wrong drug of choice.
lol @ the up to 15 percent THC in hash oil.
and what a idiot! this is why people suggest NOT making the shit indoors.
friends shouldnt let idiot friends make BHO...
Thank you for acknowledging that there are safe ways to approach this.

As for not getting high enough; maybe. But I think I'll quote the late, great Hunter S. Thompson "Because once you're locked into a serious drug collection; the tendency is to push it as far as you can." lol. I personally have liked this level of concentrate since the early days of honey oil and dirty peanut-butter hash, a little tiny bit can last for months! I notice with bubble it tends to go really quickly (topping bowls, etc) and it can't dab. :( but hey, different strokes for different folks or different tokes for different folks! There's plenty of information out there if you ever get curious.
Thank you for acknowledging that there are safe ways to approach this.

As for not getting high enough; maybe. But I think I'll quote the late, great Hunter S. Thompson "Because once you're locked into a serious drug collection; the tendency is to push it as far as you can." lol. I personally have liked this level of concentrate since the early days of honey oil and dirty peanut-butter hash, a little tiny bit can last for months! I notice with bubble it tends to go really quickly (topping bowls, etc) and it can't dab. :( but hey, different strokes for different folks or different tokes for different folks! There's plenty of information out there if you ever get curious.

Well said my friend. I'm all for the exploration and exploitation of this lovely plant called mary jane ganja titties. I'm a full on believer in "to each their own" when it comes to all things weed. I've tried every possible thing when it comes to the consumption of mary jane and I wouldn't call any adventure frivolous. To be honest, if you have a little patience, I can't think of anything better than munching a few fresh buds off a plant. You get the energy. You get the sedation. You get the mellow body trip accompanied by the creative mental trip, and you get it all as natural as can be.

I would love to run a perpetual grow where I could just eat buds 70% of the time but it's just not possible for me at the moment. Maybe someday. Until then though, using concentrated, explosive poison to get a tiny bit higher just doesn't float my boat.
I think its disgusting when people look down upon your way of life. I mean we all have different ideas and philosophies ,so im pretty sure many of us wont agree on everything. we can only agree to disagree.
Well, I happen to like my oil, there's a right way and a wrong way, I choose the right.And in the article they say 15 % oil. someone isn't doing their research.

Oh i love the morning dab! from my own material also....but its done correctly and safely as possible...