Canna Sylvan
Well-Known Member
If I want vegan pepperoni, it doesn't make me Rock Hudson.
If I want vegan pepperoni, it doesn't make me Rock Hudson.
and i can make a mean tri-tip. so what.Mindmelted, Then your joint who makes the veggie burger sucks. Made properly they're yummy. I make the most delicious hummus Chesapeke Bay crab cakes. Tastes better than the real thing. Trick is dulse from Maine.
I would wager the texture doesn't match, esp. for that delicately runny yolk. cnBear,
I can make the perfect poached egg using a vegan mayo, agar agar, and black salt. The trick is using a microwave in less than 10 second intervals to spark into life the vegan Franken egg.
I can't believe you promote the death of seaweed to sustain yourself, sea-weed are people too.Bear,
I can make the perfect poached egg using a vegan mayo, agar agar, and black salt. The trick is using a microwave in less than 10 second intervals to spark into life the vegan Franken egg.
I have grown rather fond of the little beauties and am still teaching myself to cook good ones. I am wondering how you'd nail the flavor of the yolk. I have found no other foodstuff that comes close. cnBear,
Yes it does. That's the whole point of the microwave. It allows runny goo instead of gel. But I was never much of a fan of the poached egg, even as a meat eater.
Real, genuine, chicken period is irreplaceable IMO.I have grown rather fond of the little beauties and am still teaching myself to cook good ones. I am wondering how you'd nail the flavor of the yolk. I have found no other foodstuff that comes close. cn
And yet I am fascinated by the Avenging Bunny's clever workarounds. cnReal, genuine, chicken period is irreplaceable IMO.
Yes, but food chemistry is an art within the science. I don't have much expertease there. But I do know how nitroglycerin tastes, and it is strangely delicious before the pounding headache sets in.Bear,You're a chemist?What gives egg their flavor is umami ( use miso, powdered dried mushroom, and/or sea weed/dulse), black salt which contains sulfur and the last element is texture.You look at your ingredients for how much:carbs, protein,fat and sodium
(José Jimenez voice) oooo I hope not.Bear,
Then I'm the vegan Jackson Pollock mad food scientist? It's like Pokemon: carbs/sugar eliminate salt and sour, acid makes cultured protein, chia seeds have super absorbing levening powers.
all that may be absolutely true - but a deal is a deal, they are still owed their pensions. the way it is going to work however is that management and owners and those who weasled their way into squeezing a few more bucks out of this failing company are all going to walk away with jingle in their pockets while the tax payers are going to take up the slack. First they will be paying unemployment benifits, remember the company, though still worth something (which will be sold and distributed to everyone BUT the workers). then the tax payers will foot the pension bill as well after the pension has been gutted by those same folk who make off with all the rest, never mind what they made off the backs of the workers in the first bk go round.course it IS the worker's fault for not giving up even more of their income while management and the "consultants" lined their pockets. That is likely why they finally drew the line, they had had enough of a two standard system. the middle class doesn't hate the rich for being rich, they hate the rich because the rule aren't the same. they resent the rich for having a different set of "guidelines". If a poor person steals, he goes to jail. If a rich person steals, he is lauded as being a very GOOD rich person.And so it goes.What is saddest about this mess is that there are other working stiffs who are booing unions, falling in line with the rich folk who HAVE to have the backing of the middle class and will portray their "plight" in any way they can in order to have those who are actually funamentaly opposed to management here, believe it is the union's fault.You're right. Hostess should've caved and developed robotic technology which only required a handful of employees with real skills other than pushing buttons. My 3yo could do Hostess employee button pushes.Without unions, illegals and even more automation
Management is at fault for the ultimate demise of the Company, but the union demands are the straw that broke the Twinkies back.all that may be absolutely true - but a deal is a deal, they are still owed their pensions. the way it is going to work however is that management and owners and those who weasled their way into squeezing a few more bucks out of this failing company are all going to walk away with jingle in their pockets while the tax payers are going to take up the slack. First they will be paying unemployment benifits, remember the company, though still worth something (which will be sold and distributed to everyone BUT the workers). then the tax payers will foot the pension bill as well after the pension has been gutted by those same folk who make off with all the rest, never mind what they made off the backs of the workers in the first bk go round.course it IS the worker's fault for not giving up even more of their income while management and the "consultants" lined their pockets. That is likely why they finally drew the line, they had had enough of a two standard system. the middle class doesn't hate the rich for being rich, they hate the rich because the rule aren't the same. they resent the rich for having a different set of "guidelines". If a poor person steals, he goes to jail. If a rich person steals, he is lauded as being a very GOOD rich person.And so it goes.What is saddest about this mess is that there are other working stiffs who are booing unions, falling in line with the rich folk who HAVE to have the backing of the middle class and will portray their "plight" in any way they can in order to have those who are actually funamentaly opposed to management here, believe it is the union's fault.
If management is at fault, then the rest is irrelvent. The point here is that Management isn't going to suffer the consequences as much as the workers are. They have been banking big since the last BK.Management is at fault for the ultimate demise of the Company, but the union demands are the straw that broke the Twinkies back.