Not 30% do not cite incorrect numbers.
Did the CEO deserve a pay raise? Again, NO. BUT IT IS THEIR COMPANY. THEY employ you. You are entitled to nothing. You are lucky they gave YOU a job. And if you don't like them as management THEN LEAVE. You seem to think these people were forced to work there. I'd be willing to bet a good percentage out of the 12million Americans unemployed would be more than happy to take a 50% of what those workers are making now and have no pension and be perfectly happy.
I think pensions as a theory is an obligation. But that is not reality. There are too many times that companies and governments do not fulfill their pension agreements.
You and I are different. You rely on others to provide for you, I rely on myself.
In July of 2011 we received a letter from the company. It said that the $3+ per hour that we as a Union contribute to the pension was going to be 'borrowed' by the company until they could be profitable again. Then they would pay it all back. The Union was notified of this the same time and method as the individual members. No contact from the company to the Union on a national level.
This money will never be paid back. The company filed for bankruptcy and the judge ruled that the $3+ per hour was a debt the company couldn't repay. The Union continued to work despite this theft of our self-funded pension contributions for over a year. I consider this money stolen. No other word in the English language describes what they have done to this money.
After securing our hourly cash from the bankruptcy judge they set out on getting approval to force a new contract on us. They had already refused to negotiate outside of court. They received approval from the judge to impose the contract then turned it over to the Union for a vote. You read that right, they got it approved by the judge before ever showing to the Union.
What was this last/best/final offer? You'd never know by watching the main stream media tell the story. So here you go...
1) 8% hourly pay cut in year 1 with additional cuts totaling 27% over 5 years. Currently, I make $16.12 an hour at TOP rate of pay in the bakery. I would drop to $11.26 in 5 years.
2) They get to keep our $3+ an hour forever.
3) Doubling of weekly insurance premium.
4) Lowering of overall quality of insurance plan.
5) TOTAL withdrawal from ALL pensions. If you don't have it now then you never will.
Remember how I said I made $48,000 in 2005 and $34,000 last year? I would make $25,000 in 5 years if I took their offer.