Riot in Tulsa?


Well-Known Member
Get your popcorn out boy's & girls, because tomorrow night in Tulsa should be very entertaining to watch, to say the least.

The Mayor of Tulsa has already initiated a curfew starting immediately after Trump's rally & extending until Monday.
Trump then this morning issued a threat to individuals who want to protest his campaign rally, adding divisive rhetoric to a Juneteenth holiday that is serving as a moment of national reflection over this country’s racist history, but he's just too fucking stupid to get it.

So why not throw some more gasoline on the fire you helped to create, you dumb fuck

“Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis,” Mr. Trump Tweeted this morning.

“It will be a much different scene!”

Yup, your fucking right you stupid bag of shit, you and your imbecilic supporters are really going too experience 1st hand how much you/they are despised by the majority of Americans.

You want to see a true reality show with real-time destruction & mayhem?

Tune in tomorrow night & watch the Trump rally in Tulsa.

I can't wait :)
I hope he breaks a leg out there.

I mean that literally. I hope he falls down a "very slippery" ramp. It'll be a good end to what I expect to be hours of blabbering nonsense, half of which will be spent justifying the last ramp debacle.

the rally will produce a whole host of Super Spreaders that in the end, they will link back to this event. Since we still have a raging pandemic that everyone seems to have forgotten about..people walking around as nice as you please, no masks.

this IS going to be interesting.
the rally will produce a whole host of Super Spreaders that in the end, they will link back to this event.

I wonder how many will be traced back to the rally? How many will become infected but never admit they attended?

If Oklahoma has a problem now, imagine what may come with 10's of thousands of Trumper's in town. What could go wrong? o_O
Have a look at this spike of infections.
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"Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis. It will be a much different scene!"

So he fits into 60% of his own comment, but he's going. Such a piece of shit.
I hope it is a dud and people don't let this turd goad them into protesting him. But it is impossible to not have the need to respond with his trolling.
these trump guys are all about guns, but hypothetically it would be possible to wait until they are all indoors, chain the doors shut and torch em all alive... with organization and masks of course, you know to be safe, it wouldn't be hard to overrun security and remain relatively anonymous with the right numbers... just saying... gasoline is cheap right now... 4th of july could come early this year... of course anything like that would surely have some kind of unforeseen consequences for the good guys too...