Right wing nuts worldwide.

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Orban's party is't even the worst in Hungary:

Political scientists say Our Homeland could lure away the radical voters of Fidesz who are unhappy with the corruption of the ruling elite. But Toroczkai believes his party has a lot of reserves on all political sides because its policies are "sincere and honest".

Though the party has yet to announce its list of candidates for the European elections, Toroczkai is already quite certain of which political group they would join.

"We have a very close relationship with the German AfD, we definitely want to be in the same group as they are, even if that means establishing [a] completely new one", he said.

Another thing Toroczkai is also certain of one thing: Our Homeland will not sit in the same group as Fidesz.

Another sign is that the radical right is trying to distance itself from Orbán and find its own voice on the European stage.

For the EU parliament elections, national parties from all EU members form coalitions/groups to enter.

Our Homeland Movement
"Although the party identifies itself as "third way", opposing the policies of both the left-wing opposition and [Orban's] right-wing governing party Fidesz, Our Homeland Movement and its ideology has been variously described by the mass-media as: nationalist, right-wing populist, far-right, radical right, extremist, and even as neo-fascist by the European Roma Rights Centre. The party has anti-immigration, anti-Islam, anti-Masonry and pro-Russian views, and was additionally accused of antiziganism, antisemitism and neo-fascism. The party holds national conservative, traditionalist and social conservative positions.

Among 18-29 yr olds, it's (in 2023) with 22% the most popular party. An example of an ultra-right party stretching the overton window to a point far-right doesn't look that 'far' anymore and becomes normalized.

So if Orban upports anything against Russia, he loses voters to his main competitors who actuall 'are' pro-Russian and don't just do whatever they have to to stay in power.

Aside from the usual, they, like I recently mentioned in regards to Portugal's far-right, hate Romani people (travelers with Indian roots, gypsies). In Portugal there are only 40K or so, in Hungary 700k (7% of population).

The Soviets didn't like them either:
"According to a prevailing racist logic that assumed Gypsies to be universally illiterate, peculiarly nomadic, stubbornly marginal, socially parasitic, thieving, diseased, and superstitious, Roma threatened to jeopardise all of the Soviet Union’s modernising goals."

For the nazis they were subhumans:

Our Homeland Movement wants to restore Hungary to its original pre WW1 treaty borders:

Yes, many Hungarians would like that piece of Ukraine.

When Hitler rose to power Hungary wanted an alliance, joined the axis of evil in 1940, partly because Hitler gave them (back) land. Hungary tried to back out the alliance only after the Germans, including Hungarians, were defeated in Stalingrad. In 1944 Hitler invaded Hungary.

In 2021, the Parliament of Hungary promulgated the so-called Hungarian anti-LGBT law, which aims to ban all content for children that may be considered as "promoting homosexuality" and which makes a relationship between the LGBT community and pedophilia. This received a heavy negative response from other countries of the EU, with Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte even suggesting Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orbán to leave the EU.

There's a good vid from Orban whining like a kid to a reporter that Rutte just doesn't like him. If Rutte gets the head of NATO job he won't take any crap from Orban. Most leaders in EU are very much fed up with Orban.

Polls showed by far most Hungarians want to stay in the EU. Only a little over 50% favors NATO alliance though.
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View attachment 5371834

Orban's party is't even the worst in Hungary:

For the EU parliament elections, national parties from all EU members form coalitions/groups to enter.

Our Homeland Movement
"Although the party identifies itself as "third way", opposing the policies of both the left-wing opposition and [Orban's] right-wing governing party Fidesz, Our Homeland Movement and its ideology has been variously described by the mass-media as: nationalist, right-wing populist, far-right, radical right, extremist, and even as neo-fascist by the European Roma Rights Centre. The party has anti-immigration, anti-Islam, anti-Masonry and pro-Russian views, and was additionally accused of antiziganism, antisemitism and neo-fascism. The party holds national conservative, traditionalist and social conservative positions.

Among 18-29 yr olds, it's (in 2023) with 22% the most popular party. An example of an ultra-right party stretching the overton window to a point far-right doesn't look that 'far' anymore and becomes normalized.

So if Orban upports anything against Russia, he loses voters to his main competitors who actuall 'are' pro-Russian and don't just do whatever they have to to stay in power.

Aside from the usual, they, like I recently mentioned in regards to Portugal's far-right, hate Romani people (travelers with Indian roots, gypsies). In Portugal there are only 40K or so, in Hungary 700k (7% of population).

The Soviets didn't like them either:
"According to a prevailing racist logic that assumed Gypsies to be universally illiterate, peculiarly nomadic, stubbornly marginal, socially parasitic, thieving, diseased, and superstitious, Roma threatened to jeopardise all of the Soviet Union’s modernising goals."

For the nazis they were subhumans:

Our Homeland Movement wants to restore Hungary to its original pre WW1 treaty borders:

View attachment 5371824
Yes, many Hungarians would like that piece of Ukraine.

When Hitler rose to power Hungary wanted an alliance, joined the axis of evil in 1940, partly because Hitler gave them (back) land. Hungary tried to back out the alliance only after the Germans, including Hungarians, were defeated in Stalingrad. In 1944 Hitler invaded Hungary.

In 2021, the Parliament of Hungary promulgated the so-called Hungarian anti-LGBT law, which aims to ban all content for children that may be considered as "promoting homosexuality" and which makes a relationship between the LGBT community and pedophilia. This received a heavy negative response from other countries of the EU, with Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte even suggesting Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orbán to leave the EU.

There's a good vid from Orban whining like a kid to a reporter that Rutte just doesn't like him. If Rutte gets the head of NATO job he won't take any crap from Orban. Most leaders in EU are very much fed up with Orban.

Polls showed by far most Hungarians want to stay in the EU. Only a little over 50% favors NATO alliance though.
It's as if western democracies have gotten tired of success.
It's as if western democracies have gotten tired of success.
One thing I don’t understand at a gut level is how regular people imagine voting in a fascist would make their lives better.

Then again, I’ve spoken to several people in my rather red corner of Blank Map, CA — who insist that things were better under That Russian Asset In The Oval Room.

Propaganda is slowly and quietly invasive, like dry rot or termites. We’ve lost almost all who remember Europe’s last dance with fascism, and how many lost their lives andor homes. Without their voices, fascist propaganda seems to be thriving in generations too young to have a relative remind them of how awful it really was. I worry.
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I almost pissed my pants just dragging the link here.

Expect 35.5 million $10 donations, all of which are untraceable but come from outside the US. Think of it as Putin's donations to the State of New York. Or maybe a speculative bid on a potential President.
I almost pissed my pants just dragging the link here.

Note which letters are capitalized of that Gofundme. Noticing a dumbass pattern?

As Kaplan told it, at the end of the questioning, Trump’s attorneys ensured the two sides were no longer on the record before he looked at her and remarked: “See you next Tuesday.”
The phrase is well-known, thinly veiled code for perhaps the most offensive misogynistic insult that can be directed at a woman, combining words that sound like the first two letters of the slur – “C” and “U” – along with words that start with the letters “N” and “T”.


People in that cult can't help themselves, all seem to be at the same maturity level. I hope Judge Engoron gets the chance to chime in on a future court case that Elena and Grant Cardone will inevitably be in. Looks like a straight up copy of TFFG, just backed with Scientology.

So yeah, STFU Judge - hopefully the courts take notice of it.
Project 2025
"Building on the legacy of Mandate for Leadership"

Whatever the fook that was. Didn't bother to look it up, it's most likely just more fascist fantasy porn like "day of rope" or "Project 2025".

The Republican Party still doesn't have a policy platform, just fantasy stuff from Trump's PACs.

It's hard to believe that Trump has a legitimate shot at regaining the presidency and yet, he not only does but by historical standards, Biden is trailing him right now.
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Orban believes political momentum is on his side. “There are great opportunities ahead of us. The world political scene at the end of the year [after EU and US elections] will have a completely different picture than it is at the beginning of the year,” Orban predicted in his annual televised address February 17.

We can’t get involved in another country’s elections, but we would really like President Donald Trump to return to the presidency and make peace here in the eastern half of Europe,” Orban said.

Like I said (or dreamed I posted) :It's as if far-right in Europe is waiting for orange Hitler to rise and unite them. Not as much as their king but the strongest teammate, legitimizing and empowering each other on the world's political arena. Another one of my famous quotes that might not actually exist either "there's a perfect Nazi storm brewing"... Orban feels it too.

It think a concise way to sum up the situation in Europe is that far-right is no longer fringe but becoming mainstream, normalized. The pace at which that seems to occur is shocking though. Not like they'll have a majority by the end of the year but it sure doesn't look like they peaked. Young voters gain their voting right in a time where far-right is not only an option - which is nuts already - but a normalized common option. You can go in a bar and say you voted far-right and leave the place in one piece... nuts.
It's as if western democracies have gotten tired of success.
It's as if some want to go back to their roots or at least the recent old days. Unlike US, France, and NL, for example, liberal democracy is not in the DNA of every nation. Many know of Mussolini (Italy), some about Franco too (Spain), but then there's Portugal, Greece and others that were dictatorships long after or even before Hitler.

Or how about Tito in Yugoslavia.


Yugoslavia no longer exists, again, but no shortage in right wing nuts. It's quite possibly the most beautiful area in Europe. Yugoslavia, 'South Slavia', as in southern Slavic people. East Slavs is Ukraine, Belarus, Russia. West Slavs is Poland and it's southern neighbors Czechia, and Slovakia. All Slavs have one thing in common, the women are beautiful, the men bat shit crazy. Obviously lots of good people there too... just a stereotype with some truth in it.

Yugoslavia formed after WW1, first as a monarchy with a parliament. Attacked by Italy, Hungary, the Germans and Bulgaria, it was split up. Recreated during WW2, as a communist nation. With as leader Josip Broz Tito, who ruled till his dead in 1980. A powerful united nation. Operating between Russia and US, good relations with both. After all, they were on the good side during WW2. A heavy weight when it came to military power during the cold war.

This is Yugoslavia today:

A mess. One could fill a large section of a library with just that area, roughly the Balkan area.

In the 1990 Balkan wars the non-Serbian (Serbia being the most powerful including most of the army) regions like Croatia and Slovenia wanted more autonomy. "During the 1992-95 Bosnia war, Dutch soldiers were sent to defend the enclave of Srebrenica. Many refugees were turned away from their base, and Bosnian Serb forces went on to massacre 8,000 Muslim men and boys." Just another black stain in Dutch history.

The Serbian leader, Milosevic was prosecuted at tribunal, sort of predecessor of the international court in The Hague, and died of a heart attack in his prison cell in The Hague in 2006 before the trial was concluded.

Croatia and Slovenia are members of the EU, the others have candidate status.

Slovenia is not too bad, would still consider that as holiday destination. Plus:

Croatia, however, well this title fits:

They did withdraw, but it will remain a volatile area, especially with far-right on the rise. Hungary (bordering Balkans in the east) built a wall, well, more like iron curtain, so any immigrants (coming through Turkey) are funneled through the Balkans.

From an extensive study:

Serbian nationalism poses by far the greatest danger to the region’s Muslims. With regard to Serbian far-right nationalism, policymakers must have a clear understanding of the following:
1. The Serbian far right draws upon a genocidal ideology
2. This ideology is robust and thriving
3. There is growing interconnectedness between this ideology and the GFR*
4. Most importantly, when Serbian far-right nationalism is emboldened, the Balkans are destabilized, and innocent people are killed
5. [Serbia and Russia are allies]

In summary, running through both American and EU far-right ideologies are nationalist fixations on race and nation, racist “fears” of a “great replacement” (by either Jews or Muslims), and a rejection of democracy. These elements justify the usage of the term “global far right” (GFR)

Generally speaking, the key elements of Croatian nationalism can be summarized as follows:
1. Anti-Semitism
2. Hatred of Serbs (including the glorification of their
slaughter at the hands of the Ustaša in World War II)
3. More recently, a very aggressive Islamophobia
4. Hatred of Roma
5. Hatred of immigrants
6. Homophobia

Bosnian far right espouses an ideology that is based loosely upon Nazim and includes these tenets:
1. Bosnia is primarily for Bosniaks, to be ruled by Bosniaks for the benefit of Bosniaks (Bosniak identity is viewed primarily as ethnic/racial, rather
than as religious)
2. Bosniak society should be guided by the principles of national socialism (Nazism)
3. Immigrants are unwelcome
4. Zionism and global Jewish domination should be resisted, as should communism, multiculturalism, and liberalism
5. Only traditional Bosniak values, which are seen as compatible with Nazism, are permitted

As a whole:
- Anti-NATO and anti-EU politics
- Pro-Russian attitudes and ties
- Connections to organized crime

Did I ever mention the "European" label doesn't work for me and I'm not a big EU fan...
It's as if some want to go back to their roots or at least the recent old days. Unlike US, France, and NL, for example, liberal democracy is not in the DNA of every nation. Many know of Mussolini (Italy), some about Franco too (Spain), but then there's Portugal, Greece and others that were dictatorships long after or even before Hitler.

Or how about Tito in Yugoslavia.

View attachment 5372923

Yugoslavia no longer exists, again, but no shortage in right wing nuts. It's quite possibly the most beautiful area in Europe. Yugoslavia, 'South Slavia', as in southern Slavic people. East Slavs is Ukraine, Belarus, Russia. West Slavs is Poland and it's southern neighbors Czechia, and Slovakia. All Slavs have one thing in common, the women are beautiful, the men bat shit crazy. Obviously lots of good people there too... just a stereotype with some truth in it.

Yugoslavia formed after WW1, first as a monarchy with a parliament. Attacked by Italy, Hungary, the Germans and Bulgaria, it was split up. Recreated during WW2, as a communist nation. With as leader Josip Broz Tito, who ruled till his dead in 1980. A powerful united nation. Operating between Russia and US, good relations with both. After all, they were on the good side during WW2. A heavy weight when it came to military power during the cold war.

This is Yugoslavia today:
View attachment 5372926

A mess. One could fill a large section of a library with just that area, roughly the Balkan area.

In the 1990 Balkan wars the non-Serbian (Serbia being the most powerful including most of the army) regions like Croatia and Slovenia wanted more autonomy. "During the 1992-95 Bosnia war, Dutch soldiers were sent to defend the enclave of Srebrenica. Many refugees were turned away from their base, and Bosnian Serb forces went on to massacre 8,000 Muslim men and boys." Just another black stain in Dutch history.

The Serbian leader, Milosevic was prosecuted at tribunal, sort of predecessor of the international court in The Hague, and died of a heart attack in his prison cell in The Hague in 2006 before the trial was concluded.

Croatia and Slovenia are members of the EU, the others have candidate status.

Slovenia is not too bad, would still consider that as holiday destination. Plus:

Croatia, however, well this title fits:

They did withdraw, but it will remain a volatile area, especially with far-right on the rise. Hungary (bordering Balkans in the east) built a wall, well, more like iron curtain, so any immigrants (coming through Turkey) are funneled through the Balkans.

From an extensive study:

Serbian nationalism poses by far the greatest danger to the region’s Muslims. With regard to Serbian far-right nationalism, policymakers must have a clear understanding of the following:
1. The Serbian far right draws upon a genocidal ideology
2. This ideology is robust and thriving
3. There is growing interconnectedness between this ideology and the GFR*
4. Most importantly, when Serbian far-right nationalism is emboldened, the Balkans are destabilized, and innocent people are killed
5. [Serbia and Russia are allies]

In summary, running through both American and EU far-right ideologies are nationalist fixations on race and nation, racist “fears” of a “great replacement” (by either Jews or Muslims), and a rejection of democracy. These elements justify the usage of the term “global far right” (GFR)

Generally speaking, the key elements of Croatian nationalism can be summarized as follows:
1. Anti-Semitism
2. Hatred of Serbs (including the glorification of their
slaughter at the hands of the Ustaša in World War II)
3. More recently, a very aggressive Islamophobia
4. Hatred of Roma
5. Hatred of immigrants
6. Homophobia

Bosnian far right espouses an ideology that is based loosely upon Nazim and includes these tenets:
1. Bosnia is primarily for Bosniaks, to be ruled by Bosniaks for the benefit of Bosniaks (Bosniak identity is viewed primarily as ethnic/racial, rather
than as religious)
2. Bosniak society should be guided by the principles of national socialism (Nazism)
3. Immigrants are unwelcome
4. Zionism and global Jewish domination should be resisted, as should communism, multiculturalism, and liberalism
5. Only traditional Bosniak values, which are seen as compatible with Nazism, are permitted

As a whole:
- Anti-NATO and anti-EU politics
- Pro-Russian attitudes and ties
- Connections to organized crime

Did I ever mention the "European" label doesn't work for me and I'm not a big EU fan...
Yes, ignore history at one's peril. Wrongs done 600 years ago are remembered as if they were yesterday. The US south still simmers in grievance over the dismantling of the plantation-based economic system

Still, though. Have not the past forty years of peace and prosperity said something about the benefits of cooperation and democratic forms of government to people who lived east of the iron curtain before it fell? It's a rhetorical question. We HAVE had a good run of peace, prosperity and economic growth. People who ask what do you have to lose could get their own answer from that if they actually wanted an answer.
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"German 16- and 17-year-olds will be allowed to take part in the upcoming European Parliament election. As a result, campaigners are increasingly turning to video-sharing platform TikTok." "Young citizens of Belgium, Austria, Greece and Malta will also be eligible to vote this year."

"It's a mystery to me why other parties [not far-right] do so little [on social media for youngsters] by comparison," Klaus Hurrelmann, an education expert, told DW. "This young generation grew up online, it communicates exclusively through digital channels, and it basically only registers political information on these channels."

"The allure right-wing parties have for men is not a strictly German phenomenon. Studies have shown that worldwide, Gen Z men and women are increasingly drifting apart in their political views. An analysis by the Financial Times newspaper found that young men either remained immobile or gravitated toward political conservatism, while young women were becoming more progressive."

I'm reading this after watching something on TV a week ago about the increasing amount of young males in (afaik) west Europe who want to regress to more conservative ways and role of man and woman in a family.

To quote the wise POTUSes:

Peaches come from a can
They were put there by a man

DALL·E 2024-03-04 03.46.27 - Create a photo-realistic image of a peach wearing a white bonnet ...jpg

"German 16- and 17-year-olds will be allowed to take part in the upcoming European Parliament election. As a result, campaigners are increasingly turning to video-sharing platform TikTok." "Young citizens of Belgium, Austria, Greece and Malta will also be eligible to vote this year."

"It's a mystery to me why other parties [not far-right] do so little [on social media for youngsters] by comparison," Klaus Hurrelmann, an education expert, told DW. "This young generation grew up online, it communicates exclusively through digital channels, and it basically only registers political information on these channels."

"The allure right-wing parties have for men is not a strictly German phenomenon. Studies have shown that worldwide, Gen Z men and women are increasingly drifting apart in their political views. An analysis by the Financial Times newspaper found that young men either remained immobile or gravitated toward political conservatism, while young women were becoming more progressive."

I'm reading this after watching something on TV a week ago about the increasing amount of young males in (afaik) west Europe who want to regress to more conservative ways and role of man and woman in a family.

To quote the wise POTUSes:

Peaches come from a can
They were put there by a man

View attachment 5375165
Thank you for the oddest image of the day.

"German 16- and 17-year-olds will be allowed to take part in the upcoming European Parliament election. As a result, campaigners are increasingly turning to video-sharing platform TikTok." "Young citizens of Belgium, Austria, Greece and Malta will also be eligible to vote this year."

"It's a mystery to me why other parties [not far-right] do so little [on social media for youngsters] by comparison," Klaus Hurrelmann, an education expert, told DW. "This young generation grew up online, it communicates exclusively through digital channels, and it basically only registers political information on these channels."

"The allure right-wing parties have for men is not a strictly German phenomenon. Studies have shown that worldwide, Gen Z men and women are increasingly drifting apart in their political views. An analysis by the Financial Times newspaper found that young men either remained immobile or gravitated toward political conservatism, while young women were becoming more progressive."

I'm reading this after watching something on TV a week ago about the increasing amount of young males in (afaik) west Europe who want to regress to more conservative ways and role of man and woman in a family.

To quote the wise POTUSes:

Peaches come from a can
They were put there by a man

View attachment 5375165
I really wish that these articles would stop saying stupid shit like ""It's a mystery to me why other parties [not far-right] do so little [on social media for youngsters] by comparison," Klaus Hurrelmann, an education expert,".

How hard is it to understand that there is not a pro-democracy movement of dictators and ultra-rich dickheads using their nations resources to suppress actual information sources (buying up twitter, scam journals, buying up newspaper companies and online news sites ) in order to spread and amplify disinformation to trick everyone into whatever radicalized bullshit they are most likely to buy into using sophisticated data programs to find what they are most vulnerable to believing based on their (and anyone they actually know in real life) trackable online activity?

I really wish that these articles would stop saying stupid shit like ""It's a mystery to me why other parties [not far-right] do so little [on social media for youngsters] by comparison," Klaus Hurrelmann, an education expert,".

How hard is it to understand that there is not a pro-democracy movement of dictators and ultra-rich dickheads using their nations resources to suppress actual information sources (buying up twitter, scam journals, buying up newspaper companies and online news sites ) in order to spread and amplify disinformation to trick everyone into whatever radicalized bullshit they are most likely to buy into using sophisticated data programs to find what they are most vulnerable to believing based on their (and anyone they actually know in real life) trackable online activity?

It's interesting to me that it's mostly young men who are becoming polarized toward fascism. Women seem to be repelled by their ideology. Small wonder. Fascism has always been about the men but nowadays, women have more agency than they did in the 1920's & '30's.
Fascism has always been about the men but nowadays
Supression and repression in other forms usually too. For thousands of years. The bond and overlap between far-right and conservative religion parties seems to be increasing. The upside: young men with fascist tendencies may have a harder time reproducing. Explains why they oppose abortion even in case of rape.
Supression and repression in other forms usually too. For thousands of years. The bond and overlap between far-right and conservative religion parties seems to be increasing.
IMO it is because they are/were easy marks.

once you think you are somehow important enough for some all seeing all power diety to listen to your every prayer, the sky's the limit.

The upside: young men with fascist tendencies may have a harder time reproducing. Explains why they oppose abortion even in case of rape.
On the downside it might just because statistically speaking they have been born with access to more resources which correlates with a lower birthrate since most will succeed in life.

It's interesting to me that it's mostly young men who are becoming polarized toward fascism. Women seem to be repelled by their ideology. Small wonder. Fascism has always been about the men but nowadays, women have more agency than they did in the 1920's & '30's.
I think it comes down to mostly low hanging fruit and laziness on behalf of the management of the troll factories, coupled with the rise in women having the ability to become educated over the last handful of decades in a college (on their own and in a environment that has led to 25% (last I looked) of them being raped (meaning that on average every single one of them had a roommate/suite-mate that was raped/sexually assaulted) and how a educated woman with experience on the real life impacts that comes with the INCEL mindset causes.

How to find this,
I think something like a basic statistical model with inputs being easily mined off dickheads YouTube history and social media posts (easily found with cookies everyone has on their computers downloading real time information to foreign dictator funded troll farms im guessing).

Then it would be as easily as scoring something like:

+1, 0, -1
Screen Shot 2024-03-04 at 12.36.59 PM.png

Let xy >= +1 be people whose online data profile represents (pro-fascist) INCEL type shit,

x = -1< 0< +1 be the people who are really not persuaded much by either side (too random to really be scored into any extreme)

xy => -1 the people who are repulsed by fascism (in this example feminism/anti-hate content)

Then by having troll push things that radicalize xy against xx, linking them in friend groups so that they are coming in contact with one another would amplify the repulsion, and catfishing (with their troll armies ) them into seeing that kind of content from people they 'trust' online it would be pretty easy to increase divides.

Then the trick is to do things like show them anti-israeli content and tie it in with Biden being the reason everything they despise is occurring and wallah you start nudging the xy group into not voting giving would be dictators like Trump a outside, but reasonable, chance at coming back into power and stripping xy's rights away radicalizing them further in some future troll yet to be developed.
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There is a societal change in the US and men are resisting this change. Not all. Not even most. Not a plurality. But more men than women are resisting changes in society's treatment of gender differences, changes in roles in the workplace and especially changes in what is considered tolerable behavior by men toward women. That said, changes have been going on for a long time now and there doesn't seem to be a huge change in attitudes toward conservatism/right wing authoritarianism among young men in the US compared to the recent past. What is notable is that young women have shown strong changes in attitudes away conservatism while young men have not changed much, one way or the other.

Different Formative Political Experiences
One reason why the politics of young men have changed so little is that they have not had the same type of formative experiences as young women. Last year, I wrote about the remarkable political transformation occurring among young women. The Dobbs decision was a political accelerant for young women—it was the most important issue for them heading into the 2022 midterms. It was hardly the only formative political experience either. The #MeToo movement, and Donald Trump’s election, were seminal political events in the lives of many young women. These experiences continue to shape the outlook of young women who increasingly perceive society as hostile to women and believe that the experiences of other women in the US are connected to what happens in their own lives.

I cannot think of any comparable experiences for young men. If young men have become more conservative, there are no obvious explanations. You could argue that #MeToo alienated young men, but they are more likely to support the movement than not. Further, young men do not appear overly concerned about the prospect of being falsely accused of sexual misconduct. What about Donald Trump? Young men are not overly fond of Trump, even if they are not quite as hostile to him as young women.


His conclusions:

More than anything, what characterizes the outlook of young men is confusion and uncertainty. You certainly see this in dating. Young men today are adapting to behavioral requirements foreign to older generations of men. Obviously, many of these changes are long overdue. Still, it can be disorienting. There are too few positive models of behavior for young men, and a growing number of counterproductive ones. Conservatives appear more eager to engage on these issues, but it’s not clear whether this will translate into a dramatic shift in voting preferences; at least, not immediately. Concerns about social inequality, distrust of corporations, and comfort with cultural pluralism remain salient political considerations for young adults—men and women alike. At the same time, I don’t have a hard time believing that certain Republican candidates can attract support from young men; it’s just not going to be Josh Hawley.
There is a societal change in the US and men are resisting this change. Not all. Not even most. Not a plurality. But more men than women are resisting changes in society's treatment of gender differences, changes in roles in the workplace and especially changes in what is considered tolerable behavior by men toward women. That said, changes have been going on for a long time now and there doesn't seem to be a huge change in attitudes toward conservatism/right wing authoritarianism among young men in the US compared to the recent past. What is notable is that young women have shown strong changes in attitudes away conservatism while young men have not changed much, one way or the other.

Different Formative Political Experiences
One reason why the politics of young men have changed so little is that they have not had the same type of formative experiences as young women. Last year, I wrote about the remarkable political transformation occurring among young women. The Dobbs decision was a political accelerant for young women—it was the most important issue for them heading into the 2022 midterms. It was hardly the only formative political experience either. The #MeToo movement, and Donald Trump’s election, were seminal political events in the lives of many young women. These experiences continue to shape the outlook of young women who increasingly perceive society as hostile to women and believe that the experiences of other women in the US are connected to what happens in their own lives.

I cannot think of any comparable experiences for young men. If young men have become more conservative, there are no obvious explanations. You could argue that #MeToo alienated young men, but they are more likely to support the movement than not. Further, young men do not appear overly concerned about the prospect of being falsely accused of sexual misconduct. What about Donald Trump? Young men are not overly fond of Trump, even if they are not quite as hostile to him as young women.

View attachment 5375294

His conclusions:

More than anything, what characterizes the outlook of young men is confusion and uncertainty. You certainly see this in dating. Young men today are adapting to behavioral requirements foreign to older generations of men. Obviously, many of these changes are long overdue. Still, it can be disorienting. There are too few positive models of behavior for young men, and a growing number of counterproductive ones. Conservatives appear more eager to engage on these issues, but it’s not clear whether this will translate into a dramatic shift in voting preferences; at least, not immediately. Concerns about social inequality, distrust of corporations, and comfort with cultural pluralism remain salient political considerations for young adults—men and women alike. At the same time, I don’t have a hard time believing that certain Republican candidates can attract support from young men; it’s just not going to be Josh Hawley.

I'm not going to lie, I was pretty close to having panic attacks when the realizations of who I had been all my life towards women hit me.

The easiest way to describe it is in understanding how something I found incredibly hilarious (in the above clip) was describing rape. Because at the end of the day if you are playing 'just the tip' you are forcing yourself into someone who has said/demonstrated they do not want to have sex, because if they did, you would not have to 'play' it.