Friendly Caregiver
Well-Known Member
Funny you say that, I would love to but having the responsibility legal wise where i am 1 is enoughi feel great knowing i've helped a few out outside of this site and my input has come greatly appreciated by them
That is adequate for me now, I am a very simple guy not into much material things, as long as i got my girl and big tv and stupidly ridiculous stereo then that keeps me plenty happy. I visit a few 'comm growers' round these parts and i feel a big part of the culture. They know me as the dude who cares a little too much.
Now and then i plonk one in the backyard for fun, same strain as what i'll have going indoors but recently they have been to pungent and sticking out the block
I have always considered the risk of increasing the number of plants in my room, and I have never even been close to reaching my max limit, but I have also learned that as long as you keep everything in your room professional, keep it between you and your significant other (treat it like a second life in a way), then the likelihood of anyone asking questions is so low, I cant even put a % for chance on it...