RhymesWithGosh's DWC Stealth Grow


Well-Known Member
This will be my second attempt at a grow. I have two seperate chambers, a veg chamber and a flowering chamber. Veg chamber is in my desk and I have a small closet for my flower chamber. I currently am still finishing my 1st grow. I used the aerogarden and its day 28 of flowering. I will be using the aerogarden for clones on my next grows.

Method: I will be using DWC hydroponics, some DIY 10 gal sterlite tubs.

Lighting: 8 26w cfls in veg chamber, lights will be on 24 hours. 1 150w hps for the flower chamber.

Nutrients: Botanicare Pure Blend.

Water: Tap water that has sat out for at least 24 hours.


I started germinating 6 seeds using the paper towel method. I am currently germinating 2 Aurora Indica, 2 Mazar X Afghan, 1 bagseed from some purple strain, and 1 bagseed from arizona.



Well-Known Member
I just checked on my seeds that are germinating. 3 out of the 6 have cracked! ( I didnt check the other 3). Hopefully tomorrow they should be ready for transplant into my rockwool. Right after I checked on my seeds I began soaking my rockwool cubes in water in preparation of transplanting.


Well-Known Member

Well, I transplanted 4 out of my 6 seeds into rockwool this morning. I transplanted 2 Mazar X Afghan and 2 Aurora Indica. My Purple seed has cracked, but am waiting on the root to get longer so I can transplant it. My Arizona bagseed did not germinate or crack at all, so I selected 2 more to germinate. Hopefully I can get one of those to go.



Well-Known Member
Purple seed has a long enough taproot that i transplanted it into the rockwool cube. Hopefully tomorrow I will have some sprouts!

Please someone, anyone leave comments!


Well-Known Member

Well, no sprouts yet :(. Thats ok. I checked them in their cubes and they should be sprouting probably tomorrow morning. My arizona bagseeds still refuse to germinate. Guess I'm shit out of luck in that department. Ill need to order some seeds here very soon. I've included some pics of my plants from my first grow. Currently day 30 of flowering. Some plants are definately farther along than others.



Well-Known Member
It could be. I have been using the standard aerogarden nutrients that come with it. I pop one tablet in the reservior a once a week. I didnt spend any money on nutes really for my first grow, but I have some for my second grow. Still waiting on those sprouts!


Well-Known Member

I checked my babies this morning and I have 3 sprouts. I checked the other 2 seeds and they should be sprouting here within the next day or 2. Good news with my 6th seed though, my arizona bagseed. It's cracked and has a tiny taproot shooting out of it. Hoping it should be ready for transplant tomorrow.



Well-Known Member

My 3 sprouts are doing very well. My other 2 are very close to breaking through the surface of the rockwool, the purple strain is already starting to poke her head through. I also added the hydroton in the net pots. My AZ bagseed still has no taproot. It's got to be genetics. I would purchase some more but im strapped for cash at the moment. I added another bagseed to try and germinate. One of those bastards has to go!

Please feel free to leave any comments.



Well-Known Member
temps in my veg and flower chamber stay at 70 when the doors are left open. When they're closed its about 85. I have a box fan blowin on my veg chamber until i can get some smallers ones to actually fit in there.


Well-Known Member
when summer comes around again and you're still growin, ur gonna have to find a way to push air out of the grow room. Gotta get that heat out when u have the door closed. 85F is ok if u don't go any higher.


Well-Known Member

All 5 plants have sprouted, finally. I think im just going to give up on the bagseed. None of them want to germinate. I rewatered the rockwool cubes a little, just making sure they dont dry out. Nothing really going on. Just watching them grow.



Well-Known Member

Just a quick update. All 5 plants are doing great! Aurora Indica #2 and Mazar X Afghan #2 are both working on their second set of leaves. Seem to get bigger everytime I look at them.:hump:

First 2 Pics - Aurora Indicas #1 + #2
3rd and 4th pics - Mazar X Afghan #1 + #2
5th pic - Purple something



Well-Known Member

Some updated pics from today. All 5 plants are working on their second set of leaves. Looking healthy.

Just a question. I know some people veg 24/0 and some veg 18/6. I've also heard of people starting on 24/0 and switching to 18/6 after a few weeks. What are the differences of 24/0 and 18/6? Is it just personal preference? In my last batch, I had lighting on 24/0 for my veg stage and they seemed to do just fine. I am unsure that the 6 hours of darkness really benefits the plant. I know this will most likely be opinions and personal preference but what lighting do you guys use and why do you use it?

