Well-Known Member
Most plants reach sexual maturity at 4-6 weeks. I can't remember if we talked about this earlier in the thread, but were the plants outside from the beginning? If so, they would start to flower as soon as they reached sexual maturity. Were this year's plants planted earlier?Since you sound like you know what you’re talking about, I’m going to ask you what I’ve asked one seems to be able to answer this & if you can’t I understand.
I planted White Widow for the 2nd year in a row. It did SO well last year & was very easy to grow, that I decided to include it again, along with Critical Mass & something new for me, Critical Mass CBD (who knows, may actually help the pain).
This year, they started to flower early May .OH, they’re outdoors. They ranged from 8”- 12” high. It’s my 5th year to plant. I had the seedlings in the SAME place as the garden, so when I transplanted them, there was no difference in the lighting, etc. It did happen about a week after transplanting AND it happened to all three strains. I’ve never had this before.
I’ve already posted & asked what to do, even though I do have more to ask when they reveg, but my main question that no one will answer is:
WHY this year? Nothing was different from last year—-even the WW was the same....the temperatures were a little lower, but, of course, the lighting was the same.
If you know, sure would like an answer, as I am Stumped!
Not sure what is causing it, but I had lots of plants flower in June one year. Lots of clouds and not much sun that year.