Reveg Early Flowering Plants Outdoor

Since you sound like you know what you’re talking about, I’m going to ask you what I’ve asked one seems to be able to answer this & if you can’t I understand ;).

I planted White Widow for the 2nd year in a row. It did SO well last year & was very easy to grow, that I decided to include it again, along with Critical Mass & something new for me, Critical Mass CBD (who knows, may actually help the pain).

This year, they started to flower early May .OH, they’re outdoors. They ranged from 8”- 12” high. It’s my 5th year to plant. I had the seedlings in the SAME place as the garden, so when I transplanted them, there was no difference in the lighting, etc. It did happen about a week after transplanting AND it happened to all three strains. I’ve never had this before.

I’ve already posted & asked what to do, even though I do have more to ask when they reveg, but my main question that no one will answer is:

WHY this year? Nothing was different from last year—-even the WW was the same....the temperatures were a little lower, but, of course, the lighting was the same.

If you know, sure would like an answer, as I am Stumped!

Most plants reach sexual maturity at 4-6 weeks. I can't remember if we talked about this earlier in the thread, but were the plants outside from the beginning? If so, they would start to flower as soon as they reached sexual maturity. Were this year's plants planted earlier?

Not sure what is causing it, but I had lots of plants flower in June one year. Lots of clouds and not much sun that year.
I think what the op is getting at is that is growing style and timing hasn changed in 5 years. I one can say that this has never happened to me. But this is my first year starting indoors first so I knew my problem. The op is still tryin to figure out theirs. But I'm not sure my 8 that went into flower, flowered past a month (4 weeks)
And that ended recently around 2 weeks now. But it doesn't look like they'll ever be the same. Mt last few intentional re veg's never got stuck ina limbo
Most plants reach sexual maturity at 4-6 weeks. I can't remember if we talked about this earlier in the thread, but were the plants outside from the beginning? If so, they would start to flower as soon as they reached sexual maturity. Were this year's plants planted earlier?

Not sure what is causing it, but I had lots of plants flower in June one year. Lots of clouds and not much sun that year.

Yes, they were planted outside, and in the SAME place as the garden. I had the starter trays in a wire dog crate (keeping out critters..they got in through the wires once and got 3 plants!), so not taking chances...But, the sun/shade ratio, times of day, etc are all the same. NO CHANGES when transplanted them.

The first three years I planted, I DID start them in full sunlight (the grow site is in an area cleared in the woods and isn't full sun, but can't grow in full sun as that's too easy to see) as the starter trays were small enough to not see in the tall 'weeds'.....and, transplanted them to the shadier area. They did NOT flower then....go figure again!

The last two years, I put the trays in the are where the garden is (fence around it now so cows can't get to it), so no changes when I transplant it. I also planted White Widow last year & it didn't flower. I planted them this year......nothing different...and, they flowered, along with the Critical Mass & Critical Mass CBC...all flowered.

I just popped & Planted 10 more Blue Dream today with hopes they'll produce enough by's late, but don't know what will come of the ones I have....I can't be without it. The hash is the ONLY way I can sleep!
Yes, they were planted outside, and in the SAME place as the garden. I had the starter trays in a wire dog crate (keeping out critters..they got in through the wires once and got 3 plants!), so not taking chances...But, the sun/shade ratio, times of day, etc are all the same. NO CHANGES when transplanted them.

The first three years I planted, I DID start them in full sunlight (the grow site is in an area cleared in the woods and isn't full sun, but can't grow in full sun as that's too easy to see) as the starter trays were small enough to not see in the tall 'weeds'.....and, transplanted them to the shadier area. They did NOT flower then....go figure again!
The longer you grow, the more random crap you will run into. I've got a young plant flowering now that I thought was well in the clear. (I'm at 13 hours 52 minutes length of day now)

I'm gorilla, so I always plant at least twice what I think I will need. When you have extra plants, it is easier to take the setbacks. Still sucks.
This doesn't contribute to the conversation at all, but I'm having the same issue, my plants are all started outdoors and they've started to show sex pretty early on, I'm assuming they'll either reveg or become stunted unless I light dep em. I do have 4 back ups just started a few days ago incase things go awry
I’ll just use my Glookies start and finish pics again just to share my opinion and plans for this year. You can see that plant had a lot of buds left on her and almost all produced a limb but some some were obviously stronger then others. Some of the limbs didn’t produce anything and chopped them off, and will do the same this year and remove more of the empty stems from the new growing stems themselves. You can also see how thin and wirey looking some of them new limbs got. My plan is to grow my limbs out still like below but by mid July prune away the wirey limbs and let the strongest looking ones continue to grow. Plus I would lollipop them like I would do in my tent grow. I have 5 attempts going now from my just finished tent grow. Plus the 3 clones I planted also were in a flowering stage when they finally went into their final plastic garbage can homes. My Bruce Banger looks mostly dead, but I saw 6-8 small buds with new green limb stretch showing. Diesel Drift is looking great with most spots (20+) showing new growth. Amnesia Lemon Kush a plant I’m also growing from seed again, looks a lot like the Glookies attempt below and growth has started again, not many, but it’s starting. Pineapple Chunk and Dr Seedsman still show green spots but nothing too noticeable yet.

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I’ll just use my Glookies start and finish pics again just to share my opinion and plans for this year. You can see that plant had a lot of buds left on her and almost all produced a limb but some some were obviously stronger then others. Some of the limbs didn’t produce anything and chopped them off, and will do the same this year and remove more of the empty stems from the new growing stems themselves. You can also see how thin and wirey looking some of them new limbs got. My plan is to grow my limbs out still like below but by mid July prune away the wirey limbs and let the strongest looking ones continue to grow. Plus I would lollipop them like I would do in my tent grow. I have 5 attempts going now from my just finished tent grow. Plus the 3 clones I planted also were in a flowering stage when they finally went into their final plastic garbage can homes. My Bruce Banger looks mostly dead, but I saw 6-8 small buds with new green limb stretch showing. Diesel Drift is looking great with most spots (20+) showing new growth. Amnesia Lemon Kush a plant I’m also growing from seed again, looks a lot like the Glookies attempt below and growth has started again, not many, but it’s starting. Pineapple Chunk and Dr Seedsman still show green spots but nothing too noticeable yet.

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Yes, I remember seeing your photos before. Did you use the plant before to maturity & start it again? It looks like it was pretty large before it was severely pruned. Doesn’t look very promising, does it?

I noticed yesterday after looking at the photos of the reveging plants, that mine are already going back to reveg. Those 3 point, shiny leaves are forming, as well as a lot of ‘junk’ along the stem.

So, when they reveg, do I prune the buds off? Or prune the plant? where do I go from here?

Sorry. I couldn’t tell from your answer what you’re supposed to do next when they reveg.

thanks for your help (& patience ;) )
Yes, I remember seeing your photos before. Did you use the plant before to maturity & start it again? It looks like it was pretty large before it was severely pruned. Doesn’t look very promising, does it?

I noticed yesterday after looking at the photos of the reveging plants, that mine are already going back to reveg. Those 3 point, shiny leaves are forming, as well as a lot of ‘junk’ along the stem.

So, when they reveg, do I prune the buds off? Or prune the plant? where do I go from here?

Sorry. I couldn’t tell from your answer what you’re supposed to do next when they reveg.

thanks for your help (& patience ;) )

Just let them grow out for now. The limbs grow out of the buds, and so you don’t wanna remove potential limbs from growing. The above Glookies was harvested a few days beforehand in my tent grow, where I harvested roughly 363g of wet buds. Saw on another board about revegging a plant if some buds were left on harvested plant and thought I might as well try it. Turns out that the reveg harvest wet weight was almost the exact same harvest wet weight at 363g.

so let the limbs grow, don’t touch the buds, and prune weak limbs later in like Mid July before they switch to flowering to grow thicker denser buds. From my lack of pruning last year, I had a lot of the more popcorn like size buds instead. Some limbs had bigger buds then others but they were also thicker and stronger limbs. That’s why I plan of pruning back when I know who is the stronger limbs of the plant. Again, I never changed the plant out from her original starting pot from seed, a 7G fabric bag
WOW! How awful. They don't even look like cannabis plants anymore. What happens next? I read it, but it wasn't explicit on what it will do, or what I might have to do (if pruning? One suggestion..or several...was severe pruning) get it to grow again & produce buds?

Whenever I reveg I don't prune I just put what I didn't clip off back under the light and let it do it on its own. What grows, grows, and what dies dies. Generally I don't like to reveg, yes you don't have to clone etc but buds tend to be popcorn style and way way too many. trimming becomes hell. That being said, a reveg last year netted a pound at eoy.
For the last couple three years when my spring crop was finished, I tried to leave just a little bud on each limb to see if it would reveg. So far I've had a few make it all the way to harvest. But you do tie up a hole that a new plant could be going in. Now what I do is give them a month or so to see what they look like. If they are not doing great, I cull them and put a new plant in the hole.