Republicans only care for children in the womb

Too much. Anything paid for via a confiscatory policy rather than mutual exchange is suspect.

How much would an education cost if the paradigm weren't forcibly skewed in favor of what presently exists with "government schools" dominating is the logical question. Which is why a dolt like you, hasn't considered that aspect.
You are irredeemably stupid.

You have no right calling anyone else names.
I'm not sure how this thread became a convention of retired prison employees but I want to thank you all for your insights.
“We walked to toughest beat in the state”, right Doublejj? But now, all I want is to live a quiet peaceful life. When i retired, I felt like I was paroling from a life term.
I'll say....I had 150 inmates on my Folsom crew and a staff of 6, and there's no gun coverage inside the prison factory. They could eat us any day they choose to, they just weren't hungry today. I did 25 years like that, I feel i earned every cent of my retirement...
Things could go from 'nothing to see here' to total bedlam in an instant. Most of the inmates in this video had weapons. I was there at work the day this riot occurred..
I'll say....I had 150 inmates on my Folsom crew and a staff of 6, and there's no gun coverage inside the prison factory. They could eat us any day they choose to, they just weren't hungry today. I did 25 years like that, I feel i earned every cent of my retirement...
Things could go from 'nothing to see here' to total bedlam in an instant. Most of the inmates in this video had weapons. I was there at work the day this riot occurred..
Whatever your retirement plan is, it isn't half enough.
I'll say....I had 150 inmates on my Folsom crew and a staff of 6, and there's no gun coverage inside the prison factory. They could eat us any day they choose to, they just weren't hungry today. I did 25 years like that, I feel i earned every cent of my retirement...
Things could go from 'nothing to see here' to total bedlam in an instant. Most of the inmates in this video had weapons. I was there at work the day this riot occurred..
I was at ground zero for 5 major riots and that happened my first 8-years out of the 22-years I did. I started at 28-years old and worked and aged with coworkers and inmates and then retired in my 50s. There are inmates I’ve known for 21- years and have a great deal of respect for and they for me. I remember escorting some L.A. Sheriffs detectives onto the yard years ago and could see these dudes was so leery and uncomfortable, it was crazy. I’m sure they felt naked without their sidearm. Would it be mean, if I said I was mildly entertained watching their discomfort? If they took me on a ride-a-long, they would probably be smiling at my discomfort.
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I was at ground zero for 5 major riots and that happened my first 8-years out of the 22-years I did. I started at 28-years old and worked and aged with coworkers and inmates and then retired in my 50s. There are inmates I’ve known for 21- years and have a great deal of respect for and they for me. I remember escorting some L.A. Sheriffs detectives onto the yard years ago and could see these dudes was so leery and uncomfortable, it was crazy. I’m sure they felt naked without their sidearm. Would it be mean, if I said I was mildly entertained watching their discomfort? If they took me on a ride-a-long, they would probably be smiling at my discomfort.
getting visitors to sign the Folsom prison 'No Hostage" waver was a hoot
All visitors to Folsom prison must sign a statement of understanding that CDCR would not trade even a can of Coke for you if you were taken hostage. I've had equipment repair mechanics that flew in to do repairs on specialized equipment, that refused to sign it and flew home on their own dime and company had to send another.
i had Rick James on my crew for about a year.....yeah that rick james. Dude shaved his head and looked like a marine in Folsom. He was scared stiff. He hired a Huge guy to cell up with him as a bodyguard. The last thing you want to be know for in prison is being rich....
i had Rick James on my crew for about a year.....yeah that rick james. Dude shaved his head and looked like a marine in Folsom. He was scared stiff. He hired a Huge guy to cell up with him as a bodyguard. The last thing you want to be know for in prison is being rich....

Cool story bro.

i had Rick James on my crew for about a year.....yeah that rick james. Dude shaved his head and looked like a marine in Folsom. He was scared stiff. He hired a Huge guy to cell up with him as a bodyguard. The last thing you want to be know for in prison is being rich....
Heard he was a asshole to staff. I had this young black actor for 7-years on Manslaughter charges.


and the Indian dude from 40-year old Virgin for attempt murder, 9- years to life for stabbing his girlfriend 22 times, she lived though. He just parole last year.
