Republicans only care for children in the womb

Not killing a baby is just a right to life. It doesn't cost anything, you have it too. There is a big difference between saying someone shouldn't be killed, and saying that the government needs to redistribute wealth to pay for health care/food/housing, etc...

To make a proper comparison, you would have to find politicians advocating for actually killing poor children. I don't think you are going to find anyone advocating for post-birth abortion on a poor 6 year old child.
Killing babies is illegal, little girl
do you feel the similar sort of victimization when you are "forced" to pay for & plug up the nearly two trillion dollar hole in the fed so the elitist 1% enjoy a permanent tax holiday an further out of pocket inflation cost due to tariffs?
or are you one of the unaffected 1%?
seems like you don't mind paying "charity" as long as it doesn't go to the ones who need the assistance the most.

I'm not even sure where to begin slicing and dicing your platitudeness paragraph.

The best argument against republicans is themselves and their own arguments / policies, of course a person has to be smart enough to see through their bullshit, the rest just get caught up in it and consumed by it. The economy is a magical beast that rears its head uncontrollably, rich people create jobs, the more money rich people have the better off we are. How come the 100 poorest counties in the US are straight red? How come the areas of the US where education is the worst are republican? How come over the course of my entire life when republicans get in control the economy is suddenly in a recession? Fuck republicans and their fuck the working class Americans agenda
Going back 70-80 years, the last 9 out of 10 major financial crisis were created under Republican Presidents. The one recession out of the 10 was under Carter, I believe, and it lasted all of 4 months.

I agree with you on the poor counties. Kentucky has some of poorest countries, and they are white Republican counties, they continue to vote against their interests, or are they. Maybe their perceived interest is that they are voting with the party that represents their race, which is how people of color see the Republicans party anyway. Must be something to it.
I agree with you on the poor counties. Kentucky has some of poorest countries, and they are white Republican counties, they continue to vote against their interests, or are they. Maybe their perceived interest is that they are voting with the party that represents their race, which is how people of color see the Republicans party anyway. Must be something to it.
that sums it up
There are many ways to inflict death on society, robbing people of things of necessity before they have the chance to have them is another republican tactic
Death can come quickly or take a very long time. Death by a thousand cuts. Economic death. The bastards have no empathy because few have ever suffered or ever been deprived. And they’re not sympathetic despite supposedly hugging Jesus 24/7.
There are many ways to inflict death on society, robbing people of things of necessity before they have the chance to have them is another republican tactic

So if you're against robbing people why would you support a government that features involuntary collection of money as the main column of its money revenue ?

What makes you against robbery when some people do it, but inured to it when other people do it ? Don't you believe in "equality" ?
Going back 70-80 years, the last 9 out of 10 major financial crisis were created under Republican Presidents. The one recession out of the 10 was under Carter, I believe, and it lasted all of 4 months.

I agree with you on the poor counties. Kentucky has some of poorest countries, and they are white Republican counties, they continue to vote against their interests, or are they. Maybe their perceived interest is that they are voting with the party that represents their race, which is how people of color see the Republicans party anyway. Must be something to it.

Which things or events cause a "financial crisis" and why is the idiot who happens to be President responsible for the crisis ?

What is a "financial crisis" ?
Which things or events cause a "financial crisis" and why is the idiot who happens to be President responsible for the crisis ?

What is a "financial crisis" ?
Which things or events cause a "financial crisis" and why is the idiot who happens to be President responsible for the crisis ?

What is a "financial crisis" ?
Policies, Rob. I'm talking about recessions. If you go back to 1899, it's a lot more than 9. Now I know you Republican guys like to say, the recession was caused by the previous Democratic administration. It's documented history. The pattern is clear, so stop it with the rhetorical questions.
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So if you're against robbing people why would you support a government that features involuntary collection of money as the main column of its money revenue ?

What makes you against robbery when some people do it, but inured to it when other people do it ? Don't you believe in "equality" ?
“Taxes are theft” is a very common canard among white supremacists like you
Which things or events cause a "financial crisis" and why is the idiot who happens to be President responsible for the crisis ?

What is a "financial crisis" ?
You always point to the federal reserve, which is a common canard among Jew hating neo nazis like yourself