Well-Known Member
As the title states, it seems that if you want to live in a shit hole, move to a Red state. A recent study by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and Wall St 24/7 shows that 7 out of the 10 most miserable places to exist in the US today are completely controlled by Republicans, with only West Virginia completely controlled by Democrats. The Red states listed have the highest unemployment, the lowest income levels and the highest homicide rates. Their average mortality rate is also the highest in the nation. Why? The Republicans say the Democrats are ruining the country, but then why are most of the best places to live in the US Blue states. Doesn't make much sense, does it? What also doesn't make sense, is that polls show a Republican lead in acquiring a majority of seats in the Senate and the House of Representatives in the coming November elections. Now that is really fucking scary. It would seem that either 1) Americans liked the way the country was run under, or over, (depending on how you look at things) by Republicans 2) They have absolutely no memory as to why the economy went down the drain in the first place, or 3) Americans really are the dumbest fucks on the planet ( which a number of studies show to be true). Let me apologize to any RIU members who happen to live in any of the states listed. I am sure it is not your fault personally unless you voted Republican, then in that case you deserve it, you stupid twit (or twat if your female). So, here is the list, and for your sake, I hope you don't live there.
10) Georgia
9) New Mexico
7) South Carolina
6) Oklahoma
5) Tennessee
4) West Virginia
3) Arkansas
2) Alabama
and last, and definitely the least in everything good about life, is that state run by the Republican poster boy and possible Presidential contender Gov. Bobby Jindal.
1) Mississippi
So, answer me this, all you conservative Republicans on this site, why is the GOP so bad at doing things that actually help their constituents, and so very good at talking bull shit. Must be the water in those places.
10) Georgia
9) New Mexico

7) South Carolina
6) Oklahoma
5) Tennessee
4) West Virginia
3) Arkansas
2) Alabama
and last, and definitely the least in everything good about life, is that state run by the Republican poster boy and possible Presidential contender Gov. Bobby Jindal.
1) Mississippi
So, answer me this, all you conservative Republicans on this site, why is the GOP so bad at doing things that actually help their constituents, and so very good at talking bull shit. Must be the water in those places.