Republican States Blow

Why are Republicans so stupid?

  • Contaminated breast milk

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

    Votes: 6 46.2%
  • Being dropped as a baby

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • other

    Votes: 5 38.5%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
As the title states, it seems that if you want to live in a shit hole, move to a Red state. A recent study by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and Wall St 24/7 shows that 7 out of the 10 most miserable places to exist in the US today are completely controlled by Republicans, with only West Virginia completely controlled by Democrats. The Red states listed have the highest unemployment, the lowest income levels and the highest homicide rates. Their average mortality rate is also the highest in the nation. Why? The Republicans say the Democrats are ruining the country, but then why are most of the best places to live in the US Blue states. Doesn't make much sense, does it? What also doesn't make sense, is that polls show a Republican lead in acquiring a majority of seats in the Senate and the House of Representatives in the coming November elections. Now that is really fucking scary. It would seem that either 1) Americans liked the way the country was run under, or over, (depending on how you look at things) by Republicans 2) They have absolutely no memory as to why the economy went down the drain in the first place, or 3) Americans really are the dumbest fucks on the planet ( which a number of studies show to be true). Let me apologize to any RIU members who happen to live in any of the states listed. I am sure it is not your fault personally unless you voted Republican, then in that case you deserve it, you stupid twit (or twat if your female). So, here is the list, and for your sake, I hope you don't live there.
10) Georgia
9) New Mexico
8) Louisiana
7) South Carolina
6) Oklahoma
5) Tennessee
4) West Virginia
3) Arkansas
2) Alabama
and last, and definitely the least in everything good about life, is that state run by the Republican poster boy and possible Presidential contender Gov. Bobby Jindal.
1) Mississippi
So, answer me this, all you conservative Republicans on this site, why is the GOP so bad at doing things that actually help their constituents, and so very good at talking bull shit. Must be the water in those places.
Jindal is louisiana not mississippi. ^^

"...why is the GOP so bad at doing things that actually help their constituents?"

..."the left" are not their constituents. Their private interests are their constituents, but most of the people voting, don't realize a republican vote is NOT about "the republic, for which it stands..." but is actually an endorsement/enabling of NEO-conservatism, which is an entirely different beast (which is apparently disguised well enough to fool the majority of voters). But then a "democrat" vote is an endorsement of neo-liberalism (which is really the same thing wearing a different mask).

Voting for a lesser evil is still voting for an evil.
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
A group of socialists who hate capitalism, nice fucking source.:clap:
maybe we should get an article from rush limbaugh and get his opinion on San Francisco
The republicans were responsible for the Panic of 1898, the Great Crash of '29, the resultant ten year long Great Depression, and now any number of economic collapses in the last ten years.

Oh yeah, they're behind banks being 'too big to fail' and allowing banks to ignore their charters and sit on millions of foreclosed homes for years.

The republicans are funded by the ultra rich and do their bidding. To get votes, they buy ad time on TV and rabble rouse with polarizing topics that hide their real agenda, stuff like abortion, prayer in schools and the rest of it.

Republicans are fascists at base, even though they talk about the freedom to own guns, they're happily chipping away at ALL THE REST OF THE BILL OF RIGHTS. RICO, The truly Orwellian 'Patriot Act', and many more federal laws that simply ignore our constitutional freedoms ALL have republican origins.

When will republicans ask Rush Limbaugh why they shouldn't have the rest of their rights? That's because the most influential tinker in the whole damned party is an ENTERTAINER! He's never held ANY office!

This is why the average republican isn't very bright; because it takes someone too stupid to realize the implications of voting AGAINST one's own self interest.

Ferguson, MO is a classic example of republican policing- except for the community outreach part. Republicans would have issued a shoot to kill order against 'those poor black people'- 'Cause they can't call them niggers anymore without getting yelled at.

Yes, I called the party racist. I'm going to call it bigoted and misogynistic, too... Oh, and CLASSIST; all that whining you hear about 'class warfare' from the right? They're complaining because the rest of us have caught on- we are realizing that they've been running class warfare games on Americans for longer than I've been alive- and I have gray hair.
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Here's a little sample that will skew the OP's claim. Seems like those stupid hillbillies are wising up.

Robert C. Byrd, a Democrat, represented the state of West Virginia in Congress for over 57 years, as a Member of the House from the now-defunct 6th District from 1953–1959, and as a United States Senator from 1959–2010. He served as Democratic Senate Leader from 1977–1989. In 2006 he became the longest-serving Senator in history, and in 2009 the longest-serving member of Congress in history. Senator Byrd died of pneumonia on June 28, 2010, aged 92. Governor Joe Manchin appointed Carte Goodwin to fill the seat until a special election was held in November 2010. Manchin was elected to the seat to fulfill the remainder of Byrd's term.
In the Republican landslide of 1988, it was one of only ten states, and the only southern state (as defined by the US Census), to give its electoral votes to Michael Dukakis; it was one of only six states to support Jimmy Carter over Ronald Reagan in 1980; and it supported Bill Clinton by large margins in both 1992 and 1996. The state has trended increasingly Republican in presidential elections; despite the earlier Democratic wins in presidential match-ups, it narrowly elected George W. Bush over Al Gore in 2000, then re-elected Bush by a much larger margin in 2004 and voted for John McCain in 2008 by a slightly larger margin than 2004. West Virginia was one of only 5 states, the others being Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Tennessee, where McCain won by a larger margin in 2008 than George W. Bush in 2004. Mitt Romney won the state in the 2012 presidential election with 62% of the vote, a significant improvement over McCain's 56% vote share in 2008 and the first time in modern American history that a Republican candidate for president won every county in the state .[1] [2]
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
A group of socialists who hate capitalism, nice fucking source.:clap:
maybe we should get an article from rush limbaugh and get his opinion on San Francisco
Facts are facts, where they come from doesn't matter, right?
The republicans were responsible for the Panic of 1898, the Great Crash of '29, the resultant ten year long Great Depression, and now any number of economic collapses in the last ten years.

Oh yeah, they're behind banks being 'too big to fail' and allowing banks to ignore their charters and sit on millions of foreclosed homes for years.

The republicans are funded by the ultra rich and do their bidding. To get votes, they buy add time and rabble rouse with polarizing topics that hide their real agenda, stuff like abortion, prayer in schools and the rest of it.

Republicans are fascists at base, even though they talk about the freedom to own guns, they're happily chipping away at ALL THE REST OF THE BILL OF RIGHTS.

This is why the average republican isn't very bright; because it takes someone too stupid to realize the implications of voting AGAINST one's own self interest.

Ferguson, MO is a classic example of republican policing- except for the community outreach part. Republicans would have issued a shoot to kill order against 'those poor black people'- 'Cause they can't call them niggers anymore without getting yelled at.

Come on. These parties have swapped names.

Before Lincoln, his party was called the Democratic-Republican.
The term "Democratic-Republican Party", is the name used primarily by modern political scientists for the first "Republican Party" (as it called itself at the time), also known as the "Jeffersonian Republicans." Historians usually use "Republican Party." It was the second political party in the United States, and was organized by then United States Secretary of State, Thomas Jefferson and his friend and compatriot James Madison, (then serving in the House of Representatives) in 1791-93, to oppose the Federalist Party run by Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton.

We are on our 6th unique party system in the USA but with the same Constitution which itself is unique and having only one big C since the beginning, is unique.

So, please don't act like you know the Party system before 1933. That was the 5th system beginning and before that there was the 4th Party system that has existed here. And all have been different in terms of issue swapping, and big lie swapping.
Experts debate whether this era ended (and a Sixth Party System subsequently emerged) in the mid-1960s when the New Deal coalition did, the early 1980s when the Moral Majority and the Reagan coalition were formed, the mid-1990s during the Republican Revolution, or continues to the present. Since the 1930s, the Democrats positioned themselves more towards Liberalism while the Conservatives increasingly dominated the GOP.[54]
Can it possibly be that all political parties are just, rip-off, profit troughs? Of course, they are. The issues are false across the board and meaningless.

They only thing that means anything here is civil disobedience, That got us the Civil Rights Act, got us out of Viet Nam, and lately got Justice onto the illegal practices in Ferguson.

The bullshit of can't stand on the street side, can't walk back and forth, can't walk too slow, is not LEGAL.

WE people brought that bs into the light of law and it will stop. New laws will be written to assure again, our freedom to protest without being bullied.

We run this place, not parties. The Parties are the Pigs against us all.
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Let's not forget the perhaps deliberate confusing of the terms.

When i say i'm "liberal," i mean: i think people have a right to do whatever they want, as long as they refrain from taking a liberty which impinges that of another.
When i say i'm "conservative," i mean: i want the least possible government involvement in my life, and for the government to remain as minimal as feasible, while efficient as possible (i.e. not wasting money to do unnecessary, or worse, harmful things).

My approach leans toward reducing the bad parts of government, and increasing people's personal freedoms (or rather, increasing the acknowledgment and recognition of our rights and liberties, by those who claim authority to deprive us of them).

But there is a massive disconnect: those already in positions of power and authority, typically do not allow "the masses" to decide which direction things should go, or which things should be allowed to vote on. We have to essentially coerce them into allowing us to preserve our own freedoms... which apparently doesn't work very well. They can simply disregard our requests of redress of grievances, completely stalling the process of identifying and resolving issues, while deliberately perpetuating the very same grievances we want fixed.

I want the republic preserved, along with our rights. I do not want a "nanny state," which attempts to dictate everyone's personal lives, while disregarding our constitutionally preserved liberties, while demanding we comply with their irrational and unacceptable, ever encroaching restrictions, which they then assert and maintain the authority to enforce with lethal violence and "legalized theft."

They are impinging our liberties, infringing our rights, unnecessarily and unjustly ruining countless lives, but demanding compliance and respect.

I mean... "i can't believe" this is the world we live in... and that enough people actually want things to be this way, that they have been able to make it this way, and keep it this way, for so long. What the fuck. Seriously.

They are not our parents or owners, and they have no right to do quite a lot of the things they have continued to do... however, they have the Means to impose, and most people lack the means to remove their means.

If they would respect our rights, most of us would have no problem respecting their authority. If they would acknowledge their mistakes and cease them, most of us would be willing to allow them to seek redemption through pursuit of correcting what they've made wrong.

We shouldn't have to declare "off with their heads!" in order to be acknowledged. It shouldn't take riots and thousands or millions of casualties. It should only take acknowledgment of the notion that each person is entitled to be the final authority on their own life and property, and that unless a person has deprived or injured another, no penalty can be justified.
Not defending the states you listed, a state being a shithole is a merely subjective and completely opinion.

The facts tell us that the red states are the states where the jobs are. IF you look at the BLS stats, the top 20 states with the least amount of unemployment is dominated by red states, in fact only 6 blue states are in the top 20, and none are at the top. Red States take all of the top positions when it comes to employment opportunity.

You will notice that the top state is North Dakota, which I am sure everyone can agree is a shit hole, not opinion, fact.
You just gave Buck another reason not to get a job.
Colorado is a purple state, but Colorado is like Oregon, full of white people, almost no blacks. that is how Buck prefers it and why he chooses to live there. Colorado has 1/4th the number of blacks as the average state does. What else would you expect from a long time Stormfront member?
:lol: North Dakota :lol:
People are happy there for whatever reason.
Lawrence Welk museum! I bet Mussolini's old, childhood home gets more visits per year than Welk's.
Why do you say they are not facts? Wall St 24/7 is a respected online investment tabloid, and OECD is an international organization devoted to economic development. If you do a search, you will see that neither have any association with any political party. Basically, all they are saying is you really wouldn't want to live in those places if you wanted to live a long and prosperous life. Let me ask you this, would you want to raise your family in any of those states or retire there? Come on, be honest. Not on a bet, right?
As an Indie voter (or sometimes non-voter) from Alaska, I can pretty much agree that the red states above ARE FOR SUCKERS and the premise of this post is correct, for the most part. As a free Alaskan, I must point out that our state pretty much rocks. We make alot of money and smoke alot of good weed, mybrothers.

and oh, yeah
