REPTO HELP identify


Well-Known Member
hello everyone ill post pictures in a seconds however they're at night so the plant is closed it has 3 leafs, long skinny stalk and they're purple i THOUGHT it was a bat plant but now that i want to look in to growing them for sale i need some help finding out what they really are!during light they open in dark they close rapidly and you can watch them happen flowers are like little incoming lookin for cable


Well-Known Member
my mother got 3 of those from a gardener friend and now i have a ton but people want them and i will help meet that! :) its a purple wall when they open for the sun, the root is also just a bead of hairs nothing just a bead and when one dies you pull it out and 2 more will pop out of the root-bead


Well-Known Member
thanks alot guys! i was having such a hard time figuring it out, lol and i always criticize people for their bad Google searching skills lol thanks again!