+rep for any help,dont know whats wrong with my AK47


Well-Known Member
OK so my plants are 3 weeks old vegged for 2 weeks then started flower like 3 days ago,they smell alrea not hte problem.but the problem is my AK47 has leaves that are curling bad at the tips and they look and feel all feathery not like leaves at all,what causes this?using really weak nutes for them they are in miracle grow organic choice under a 400 watt hps,

another question why r my plants growing so slow could it be the bulb we got?i had better resutls with my old 150 watt hps,any help would b reppd can get pics if needed


Active Member
looks like yiour overdoing the plants with nutes, mg already has enough nutes in it to last about 4 weeks, you need to be feeding straight water and then when the plants need nutes start on only very small dose and work your way up. ive never grown with mg but ive heard its ok if used properly and taken care with. i dont know about flushing at this stage because that could make things worse. if the leaves are green (cant tell) and just burned on tips then do as i said about backing off the nutes but if the plant is yellowing then you have nutrient lockout with overdoing nutes.
let me know


Active Member
as for why your plants are growing slow it could be to do with the humidity and extra heat because of the bigger bulb. what are your temps and humidity and are u supplying fresh air to them.

kbo ca

Active Member
I have never had much luck growing with miracle grow. My plants would turn yellow most of the time, like they were unable to uptake nutrients. Usually the bag will say that it feeds up to a month, so you shouldn't use any extra nutrients during this time. Looks like you have good air flow with that oscillating fan, so if the room isn't getting too hot and you have lots of fresh air coming in you can rule that out as a problem. I would cut back on the light nutrient regimine you have them on and just give them plain ph corrected water. What kind of nutrients are you feeding them? I don't reccommend using miracle grow nutrients, the can easily burn your plants, some of the leaves look like they have some burn starting. give em a good flush for a few days and they should start greening back up. most growers will add perlite to their medium to aerate the soil and to improve drainage so if you transplant them you might consider doing this.


Active Member
Pics would help, for sure...With MG products, you wouldn't typically want to use additional nutes this early (5 weeks)....as their products usually come 'pre-nuted"....Could you be "over-nuting" your babies?.....How far way is your light source?..What is the size of the space that you working with....is it too hot?.....Consider these questions & remember that you can find a lot of answers HERE

Good Luck, I hope you find a solution that works for you!!

I've used Miracle Gro Moisture Control with GREAT results...the only extra thing I would use would be blackstrap molasses & I would use it start to finish....


Well-Known Member
well my temps dont go about 85 and the humidty i dont know what it is,but i dont think its bad.ive been using biobizz nutes biogrow once for veg and biobloom twice for the past 4 days its 2-2-6 or something,so not to strong and a small dose,the plants r green just the light is making them look yellow.thanks for all the help.i hate MG soil going with FF OCean Forest next grow.\

plenty of fresh air door stays open during lights on which gets them a constant ammount of freshness,heat is fine and shit i just worry alot.the light is about 9-11 inches from the tops and its not to hot on them lower it will burn them,i think it might be the bulb its not the right color tempertaure i dont think we just bought a new special HPS bulb for plants,so hopefully that helps


Active Member
if youve got them in flower now and the bulb looks orangey then its fine, have you got a fan in that room to keep them a bit cooler, i always try to keep the temps below 80(easy for me we have shit weather), try and get as much cooler air in there as you can and cut back on the nutes and youll be fine,
also dont worry so much, everything will work out but if you panic easy and do silly things that will go against the grow.
and no more nutes!
good luck


Well-Known Member
thanks,yea i got a fan on them babies.i do worry alot and it sucks i just want to have some bud havent smoked in moths!!!will i even get anything off these babies they 6 inches


Well-Known Member
MG produces so many soils, it has 2 organic ones - MG Organic Garden soil and MG Organic Potting soil
they are quite different, i use the garden soil with good results


Well-Known Member
My friend I've been growing ak for three years, I started out with 20 regular lowlife AK the mix was 60% 40% at 60% female 40% male I picked to the best males left them in the room with the females I put the males in front the females with the fan blowing pollen on the females six weeks later I had more than enough seeds to play with it's a beautiful thing, first off if you're growing autos they don't like nuts, here's my advice, you used MG soil do not give any more nuts just pH the water and just continue to water the plant in the MG soil it has nuts for three months that are time released if you try to flush you will only release more of the nuts, therefore just let the soil dry a little and water normally however, if you have seeds that you can start I suggest if you're going to use Fox Farm Ocean caught it 50-50 with promax because Fox Farm Ocean is very hot I like rapid routers start my seeds and go right into at least a 1 gallon pot preferably a 2 gallon pot if you have regular seeds let the first round pollinate and grow some seeds hence you won't have to buy anymore and you can practice until you get it right also have found that they like a lot of light I also made the same mistake with MG soil I think it's a common mistake so don't feel alone the nice thing about autos is the perpetual grow however the yield is small but the smoke is big what you have a down start new seeds every five weeks and will never have to knock on bubbas door again good luck


Well-Known Member
Rep me dude, this is definatly an over nute problem, pic 7 shows it on the leaves and when you overnute you make the plant more susceptable to heat burn. Probably take a few weeks to turn round so like everyone said let the soil dry in between waterings and don't add any nutes. Yes you can grow in miracle grow but no need for nutes, at least you know what nute burn and lockout look like for the next grow. Try a seedling soil for the whole grow if you find potting soils are too hot, these seedling soils have less nutes, although some can be a bit ott on the nitrogen. I can't get fox farm here but dosen't it do a low nute variety for seedlings and a higher nute one for mature plants.