• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Renes Random Rambles!

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Active Member
lol @ april's man!! (has he come out of hiding yet honey?)
well, our kid is 2 and i'm stubbornly *hanging *on to my $60 face (hair used to cost similarly but that has fallen by the wayside).... my man steers clear of my products because he knows what they cost... to him. mwa ha ha.
i still have the same ex-celebrity hairdresser but i get the bro-price at-home job ($20 and a nugget) instead of going to his $salon$, and bikini-waxings are mutually beneficial so as long as i'm willing to go through it, he's willing to pay for it lol.

my neighbour recently started selling avon and i switched to their "anew 30+" line and i friggin love it.

ms. bot i LOVE my slave. i especially love him when he's slavin. is that wrong? ;)

what i do miss is gettin my nails *did. it's hard to wear uv gel extensions and parent a toddler at the same time; i got them removed during 3rd tri and haven't gone back.....
Lmao nice to see some rambles yall! I thought was so funny reading this I never pamper myself! I'm not into girly shit as I never had money growing up so just been content with what I have :D though I do feel bad now used to used shampoo and conditioner that cost 50 bucks :shock: I know ridiculous but damn good hair ;) haha just had to throw my little girly tid bit in....damn I miss that stuff!
I used to buy salon shampoos and conditioners, but my hair is really long and I go through a bottle of conditioner every week. My oldest is 19 and when she was born, I was only 19 myself and my hair was my 'best feature' and up until child #2 came along I did spend a lot on my hair. I never got into manicures much, because I'd go spend the money, then wind up ruining them by the end of the week. Acrylic tips don't like bleach and other cleaning products very much. I never really went over board on my own clothes, but I did put myself in life long debt to Macy's buying clothes for my oldest. My second was born 8 years later, and by then I was staying home with the kids, so no more Macy's Kids clothes!


Active Member
hey ....................:cuss:
Ah, fab I was just kidding, kind of. My husband's actually pretty great but sometimes after a 12 hour work day, he can be a tad cranky. Understandable. I get a tad cranky on those long days, too as he doesn't get home until after the kids are in bed.


Pickle Queen
lol my man paints my toes,( hey he's a car painter so he likes playing with all my colours and creating unique designs, and he's pretty good!) i don't like polish on my fingers unless it's to match a special outfit, chipped polish looks nasty so mine stay clean and not too long.

My cat had babies under my bed this morning!!! I'll post pics in the kitty thread when she lets me get to them lol, they are hours old and she's keeping them tucked away.


Active Member
Aww, baby kitties! It's great your man paints your toes! I only bother in the summer, when I'll be wearing sandals. It's the way with me with my fingernails, only for special occasions.


Weed Modifier
haha funny...i would paint my girls toes too ! if i had one? but back to this slave thing...you women get a kick outta this? don't cha!!! lmao good for a man to do what you ask but don't yah think it would be better if the guy just did(cuz he wanted too) what you (women)wanted from us without all the nagging...hehe just saying! I mean sure who wouldn't want a slave...??? i think a man should do what a woman asks but not if demanded.... or most will just hear blah blah blah...hahaha think it would be better if a guy actually thought about what women wanted, by listening to what there women are really saying! but women are so damn confusing sometimes hard for us men to know it all! you need to remind us with out it looking like we are being told !...,just ask....? idk think i need to get high??? yes i do....:bigjoint:


Moderatrix of Journals
ms. bot, 4 kids later do you still have the long hair? mine used to be to my butt BC (<-b4 child), but now it's a slightly more manageable mid-back length, and i still fight off the urge to cut it all off everyday. my kid LOVES my hair, and it's both really really effing cute and sometimes i could just hang him out the window by it, all at the same time. mummy is apparently little more than a jungle gym with a climbing rope coming off the top. everytime i talk about it my man's like "NNNOOOOO" but i've tried *everything*, even pulling his hair (you know, not in an angry way but to show him how it hurts).... he seems to remember it hurts for about 2.2 seconds (so maybe i'm just not pulling hard enough lol). except it's also like a comfort plush, he likes to shnuggle the end of my pony at bedtime, or in booboo situations. i really like having long hair, i always miss the crap out of it when it's short, but i've come very close to having my neck broken in my sleep by a mini-tarzan practising his 'moves' (literally opened my eyes and stiffened my neck a split-second before he jumped off the end of the couch -- **OUCH** but i'm still alive...)

i used to be really into my manicures.... clear or french only though (no colours in food service). i used to bartend at a tapas bar where the bar was sort of "on display" which meant that if you were behind the bar, you were too, and your hands/nails get UGLY when you're playing in alcohol all day. i did find that the acrylic tips turned yellow with a lot of cleaning products, but i switched to a product called "uv gel" which is clearer thinner stronger etc. etc.... when they put it on you can still see the natural ridges in your nails. apparently there's a new-ish product (i haven't gotten a mani in over 3 yrs now) called "bio-sculpure gel" which is like uv gel, but it actually *improves the health of your nailbed while you're wearing them.... skeptical, but willing to give it a try, once i'm out of the stage where i have to stick my finger in my kid's mouth to fish out something he's not supposed to have in there. ;) (<-YOU know...)
i know a couple of kids that have been raised by moms who buy little-worn brand-whore kids clothes at thrift stores and ebay them for $$$$$.... you'd be surprised how many new-with-tags GAPkids sweaters etc. they find. i don't do ^that, but my kid's usually pretty well turned out, for cheep-cheep. (although macy's selection must be A-effing-MAZING....)

on the slave front, well, what can i say, i've got a gooder. he rarely gets up to anything that doesn't benefit the fam somehow, and when he does it's like, "honey do you mind if i go paintballing tomorrow?"
and i really have to be careful about my offhand "well i really wish i could...." or "well i really wish this would happen..." comments because sometimes he goes out of his way to make it happen when i've already forgotten i asked for it, woman-stoner-style....

la la la wake n bake la la la


Well-Known Member
Lmao lime nice ramble a slave would be nice but yeah not into a mindless drone of course men should worship the ground us women walk on however we should do the same JMO
As far as all the girly shit I was lost pages ago! Never had money or an option to be girly really mother did try but what can I say I hate having my nail done makeup and all that junk just messes up my skin and my hair well had it done 2x just not me!


Well-Known Member
I have a buddy that needs some advice and has a couple ?'s about budding.

I had a question. do you think the buds will swell very much more in the next few weeks? How much time do you think i have left?

Me i dont know what they do in bud as this is my first female in bud, was going to suggest him get a mircoscope so he could check trics but was hoping someone could be more helpful as i would like to know the ?'s as well. Also ive read bud blow up in size the last few weeks but diffrent strain do diffrent things but maybe you guys have a guess about the buds getting bigger and when to expect them to like is there a final blow up as a last ditch effort to produce buds or do they slowly grow over bud cycle? I hope i made sense.


Weed Modifier
Lmao lime nice ramble a slave would be nice but yeah not into a mindless drone of course men should worship the ground us women walk on however we should do the same JMO
As far as all the girly shit I was lost pages ago! Never had money or an option to be girly really mother did try but what can I say I hate having my nail done makeup and all that junk just messes up my skin and my hair well had it done 2x just not me!
Blah...you need to your a woman! all women like to feel like a princess once in awhile ;) gotta play the part if you want em to jump...lmao


Moderatrix of Journals
oh yeah, the worshipping is mutual around here.... it would get pretty old pretty quick otherwise. (<-although i know my fair share of girls who'd take advantage)
and he's one of few who can keep me in check when i'm gettin "uppity" by shooting me a L@@K.

i used to clean houses with a team of cougars, when i first started i was the token tokin tomboy, but cougars are *scary* man, by the time they got done with me, i knew what the different cuts of diamond looked like, and where to best get my eyebrows threaded.....


Well-Known Member
oh yeah, the worshipping is mutual around here.... it would get pretty old pretty quick otherwise. (<-although i know my fair share of girls who'd take advantage)
and he's one of few who can keep me in check when i'm gettin "uppity" by shooting me a L@@K.

i used to clean houses with a team of cougars, when i first started i was the token tokin tomboy, but cougars are *scary* man, by the time they got done with me, i knew what the different cuts of diamond looked like, and where to best get my eyebrows threaded.....
Wait you know girls that dont take advantage and im not refereeing to married ones the single children less ones. i sure as hell have yet to meet one with their hands at their sides and not up in the air waiting for a hand out ahahahhahahahahahah sry ya'll bashed men enough so i had to bash ya'll back just a little i love you all and from the sounds of it ya'll are mothers and dont fall into the category im referring too:-) I know im going to get flack for this but thats way i wrote it just to poke around a little stir things up hahahahah i have a feeling im in trouble....


Moderatrix of Journals
nah, kitty has retractable claws. ;) and you'd only be in trouble if it truly didn't work both ways.
and trust me, motherhood has very little to do with whether you're a gold digger or not (if anything i'm MORE of a gold digger now that i'm a mom but now i take the $$ that would have gone to spa/sparklies and spend it on thomas the train paraphenelia instead).
i know dudes who've been *screwed* over.... apparently in canada, if you live with a single mom and support her and her kid for 6 months before splitting, she can then turn around and SUE YOU for child support. i know (but am NOT friends with) 2 chicks who get 2 child support cheques a month. fucking bs if you ask me.

BUT THEN, it makes the true gems like ms. bot, bbb, and rene easier to spot, you'll know when you find one so just HANG THE FUCK ON when you do.... like my man did lol....


Well-Known Member
nah, kitty has retractable claws. ;) and you'd only be in trouble if it truly didn't work both ways.
and trust me, motherhood has very little to do with whether you're a gold digger or not (if anything i'm MORE of a gold digger now that i'm a mom but now i take the $$ that would have gone to spa/sparklies and spend it on thomas the train paraphenelia instead).
i know dudes who've been *screwed* over.... apparently in canada, if you live with a single mom and support her and her kid for 6 months before splitting, she can then turn around and SUE YOU for child support. i know (but am NOT friends with) 2 chicks who get 2 child support cheques a month. fucking bs if you ask me.

BUT THEN, it makes the true gems like ms. bot, bbb, and rene easier to spot, you'll know when you find one so just HANG THE FUCK ON when you do.... like my man did lol....
What stopped readin at the 6 month child support thing hols shit are you fn kidding me ok ima read rest now just had to say something about it right a way hahaha do a good deed and take it in the ass for the next 10 plus years or till the kid is 18:-( bet canada has alot more fatherless children now that theirs that law meaning single wemon with kids are not on the list to date up in canada.


Well-Known Member
Blah...you need to your a woman! all women like to feel like a princess once in awhile ;) gotta play the part if you want em to jump...lmao
Haha some of us don't have the luxury to pamper themselves but it happens I prefer massages ;)

Wait you know girls that dont take advantage and im not refereeing to married ones the single children less ones. i sure as hell have yet to meet one with their hands at their sides and not up in the air waiting for a hand out ahahahhahahahahahah sry ya'll bashed men enough so i had to bash ya'll back just a little i love you all and from the sounds of it ya'll are mothers and dont fall into the category im referring too:-) I know im going to get flack for this but thats way i wrote it just to poke around a little stir things up hahahahah i have a feeling im in trouble....
Haha your looking at the wrong girls then...justsaying :lol:

nah, kitty has retractable claws. ;) and you'd only be in trouble if it truly didn't work both ways.
and trust me, motherhood has very little to do with whether you're a gold digger or not (if anything i'm MORE of a gold digger now that i'm a mom but now i take the $$ that would have gone to spa/sparklies and spend it on thomas the train paraphenelia instead).
i know dudes who've been *screwed* over.... apparently in canada, if you live with a single mom and support her and her kid for 6 months before splitting, she can then turn around and SUE YOU for child support. i know (but am NOT friends with) 2 chicks who get 2 child support cheques a month. fucking bs if you ask me.

BUT THEN, it makes the true gems like ms. bot, bbb, and rene easier to spot, you'll know when you find one so just HANG THE FUCK ON when you do.... like my man did lol....
Kitty how ya doing? You saved slim there lol your a dear you should add yourself to that list of gems :)


Moderatrix of Journals
well it was somewhat advantageous for me, whose ex do you think stopped barking up that tree once she got herself all knocked up? lol
here's the thing though. you have to be a real cold bitch for ^that^ to happen, 'cuz it's not like standard procedure from The System or anything. BUT, for instance, if you can spend your child support cheque from daddy#1 on a REALLY good lawyer, because of that loophole in our common-law laws, there's a chance you can nail daddy#2 to the cross too. so, she not only has to be a complete moralless sociopath, she also has to be able to afford to be. it's really few and far between but it does happen.

weird thing is, it's hit-and-miss who actually gets the thumbscrews put to them. i know a single mom who's babydaddy doesn't make dickall on paper, he hasn't EVER paid a SINGLE support cheque (he's supposed to pay a measly $100/mon) the kid's *10* this year and they tell her they're powerless to make him pay.... i have another friend who's a dad, pays several hundred dollars a month and MAKES his payments regularly, gets apprehended and thrown in jail for the weekend because he's LATE (which was actually a bank screwup anyway).... i don't get it. i DO think it boils down to how much bitching to The System the mom does. squeaky wheels getting the grease and all that.


Well-Known Member
Haha some of us don't have the luxury to pamper themselves but it happens I prefer massages ;)

Haha your looking at the wrong girls then...justsaying :lol:

Kitty how ya doing? You saved slim there lol your a dear you should add yourself to that list of gems :)

Rene i dont find them they find me i haven't gone out and tried to approach a girl in over 5 years they find me on facebook and such things like that or just show up at my work or home. I should know better cuz like ive told some of you when i was a young adult/16 to 20 i was a really bad womenizer i mean i would go through a handful in a week and i did that for years during that time i found some that i dated but like ive said i havnt always been the best guy not due to my morals or personal flaws more due to the fact i was raised small town morals but have lived in the city my whole life so its hard for me to fit into the crowd around here never really have fit. When i was younger i would try to fit in by lying to myself and giving into what other people where doing i cost myself some good girls over those years and now some of them have came back just as fucked up as i was when i first said i had enough and i was going to live my life the way i wanted and fuck everyone else and their shit ima do me. So i know what they are going through they always cry and beg for my help my heart being as big as it is can never say no hints why all my animals have and will always be rescues. I think i lost track of what i was saying oh yeah they always find me i need to move up into the hills so no one can find me except my RIU family!!!!hahaha always welcome if i make it up into the back country. Sry ive been drinking again hahaha was 5 years sober:-(


Moderatrix of Journals
Haha your looking at the wrong girls then...justsaying :lol:
and i would say that to any woman who sez men are all assholes too.... (although i DO believe that THOSE chicks and THOSE dudes deserve each other ;))

Kitty how ya doing? You saved slim there lol your a dear you should add yourself to that list of gems :)
lol, i'm riu-ing when i should be dressing my kid, but it's such a pointless exercise these days, i have a little nudist on my hands, i look up from typing a response and he's nekkid..... *sigh*. sometimes (because he's not toilet trained yet) it's the tinkle-tinkle of pee-noise on the floor that MAKES me look up.... *even deeper sigh*.

such is the domestic bliss of having someone, and a family. be careful what you wish for ;) lmao.

how YOU doing today? i swear, wake-and-riu is almost as bad as wake-n-bake for me.....
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