Active Member
lol @ april's man!! (has he come out of hiding yet honey?)
well, our kid is 2 and i'm stubbornly *hanging *on to my $60 face (hair used to cost similarly but that has fallen by the wayside).... my man steers clear of my products because he knows what they cost... to him. mwa ha ha.
i still have the same ex-celebrity hairdresser but i get the bro-price at-home job ($20 and a nugget) instead of going to his $salon$, and bikini-waxings are mutually beneficial so as long as i'm willing to go through it, he's willing to pay for it lol.
my neighbour recently started selling avon and i switched to their "anew 30+" line and i friggin love it.
ms. bot i LOVE my slave. i especially love him when he's slavin. is that wrong?
what i do miss is gettin my nails *did. it's hard to wear uv gel extensions and parent a toddler at the same time; i got them removed during 3rd tri and haven't gone back.....
I used to buy salon shampoos and conditioners, but my hair is really long and I go through a bottle of conditioner every week. My oldest is 19 and when she was born, I was only 19 myself and my hair was my 'best feature' and up until child #2 came along I did spend a lot on my hair. I never got into manicures much, because I'd go spend the money, then wind up ruining them by the end of the week. Acrylic tips don't like bleach and other cleaning products very much. I never really went over board on my own clothes, but I did put myself in life long debt to Macy's buying clothes for my oldest. My second was born 8 years later, and by then I was staying home with the kids, so no more Macy's Kids clothes!Lmao nice to see some rambles yall! I thought was so funny reading this I never pamper myself! I'm not into girly shit as I never had money growing up so just been content with what I havethough I do feel bad now used to used shampoo and conditioner that cost 50 bucks
I know ridiculous but damn good hair
haha just had to throw my little girly tid bit in....damn I miss that stuff!