Regular pot smokers have shrunken brains, study says

Honestly. It must have been a few really crummy situations that changed your opinion. I can understand being annoyed with apathetic attitudes and flakiness, when due to cannabis consumption it doubly annoys me. Punctuality is key, heavy cannabis users often lack punctuality, again not a preferred character trait.

So far marijuana has killed 6 people I know. They didn't deserve to die.
Mmmmmmmm, must have injected too many marijuanas eh?

Or is there more?

Did you know driving under the influence of marijuana is illegal? Do you know why it is illegal? Because it impairs your abilities to drive safely. There were 4 of them in that particular accident. They all died. The stoned driver in the other car walked away without a scratch. They were all my friends, and they all died.

Now comes the part where everyone jumps in and says "I drive better when I'm stoned". Tell that to my dead friends.

Two of my friends were walking home late one night after scoring an ounce. They got mugged but refused to give up their "sack". They were both shot dead on the street. If it weren't for the weed they'd still be here today. Killed over a bag of weed.

There are consequences to every action. Just because you can't OD on pot doesn't mean it's harmless. You all are so quick to call me the ignorant one when most of you can't even have an honest discussion on the subject.
Honestly. It must have been a few really crummy situations that changed your opinion. I can understand being annoyed with apathetic attitudes and flakiness, when due to cannabis consumption it doubly annoys me. Punctuality is key, heavy cannabis users often lack punctuality, again not a preferred character trait.

When I have an appointment or deadline, I always aim to be early.
Did you know driving under the influence of marijuana is illegal? Do you know why it is illegal? Because it impairs your abilities to drive safely. There were 4 of them in that particular accident. They all died. The stoned driver in the other car walked away without a scratch. They were all my friends, and they all died.

Now comes the part where everyone jumps in and says "I drive better when I'm stoned". Tell that to my dead friends.

Two of my friends were walking home late one night after scoring an ounce. They got mugged but refused to give up their "sack". They were both shot dead on the street. If it weren't for the weed they'd still be here today. Killed over a bag of weed.

There are consequences to every action. Just because you can't OD on pot doesn't mean it's harmless. You all are so quick to call me the ignorant one when most of you can't even have an honest discussion on the subject.

I would argue that your 4 friends died because of recklessness. did they also drive or drive with drunks? your other two friends died because they choose not to give up the sack but not because of the sack.

I knew a guy who got shot and robbed over his Jordans.. does that mean that his runners were deadly??

edit - not making a joke about your friends fyi. may they all rest in peace..
I would argue that your 4 friends died because of recklessness. did they also drive or drive with drunks? your other two friends died because they choose not to give up the sack but not because of the sack.

I knew a guy who got shot and robbed over his Jordans.. does that mean that his runners were deadly??

edit - not making a joke about your friends fyi. may they all rest in peace..

"her" friends don't exist.
I would argue that your 4 friends died because of recklessness. did they also drive or drive with drunks? your other two friends died because they choose not to give up the sack but not because of the sack.

I knew a guy who got shot and robbed over his Jordans.. does that mean that his runners were deadly??

edit - not making a joke about your friends fyi. may they all rest in peace..

My friends never drove stoned, they weren't smokers. They were killed by a "reckless" driver who was impaired due to the influence of marijuana. He was charged for his crime and it included being under the influence. They have strict Driving Under the Influence laws because people who drive under the influence kill people. It happens with alcohol, pills, heroin, meth AND marijuana. How can people condone driving under the influence?

Yes, it was the mugger who killed them. But it was the marijuana that put them in that situation. Take away the marijuana and you take away the killing.

I think the whole marijuana movement would gain a stronger foothold if people who used it were more honest about it's risks. It's all about being responsible. Isn't it?
Yes, it was the mugger who killed them. But it was the marijuana that put them in that situation. Take away the marijuana and you take away the killing.

even in your fake story it wasn't cannabis that killed them, it was its illegality.
My friends never drove stoned, they weren't smokers. They were killed by a "reckless" driver who was impaired due to the influence of marijuana. He was charged for his crime and it included being under the influence. They have strict Driving Under the Influence laws because people who drive under the influence kill people. It happens with alcohol, pills, heroin, meth AND marijuana. How can people condone driving under the influence?

Yes, it was the mugger who killed them. But it was the marijuana that put them in that situation. Take away the marijuana and you take away the killing.

I think the whole marijuana movement would gain a stronger foothold if people who used it were more honest about it's risks. It's all about being responsible. Isn't it?

Their decision to get and not give up the mj is what killed them. If you want to put the blame on something other than the punk who shot them over weed. THAT Is where the blame lies Imo.
Their decision to get and not give up the mj is what killed them. If you want to put the blame on something other than the punk who shot them over weed. THAT Is where the blame lies Imo.

I fully understand and agree where the blame lies. I understand that the marijuana didn't kill them. But once again, it put them in the situation that got them killed.
I fully understand and agree where the blame lies. I understand that the marijuana didn't kill them. But once again, it put them in the situation that got them killed.

Once again, "it" didn't put them in that situation, "they" did.

That's like saying the driver's license and car are to blame for drunk driving accidents.

Red Herring/Logical Fallacy imo.
Sheskunk- i hate to say it but your friends who got.mugged and shot would have still gotten mugged and shot without the weed. assholes walking around with a gun would have shot them for cash they used to buy the weed wayyyy before shooting them for the weed. To speculate furher and say well they wouldnt have been out that night if they werent going to buy the weed is just immature and not being hknest with yourself and thats what you accusing everyone here of not doing.

Kinda hypocritical. I am sorry for then dying though, shitty situation.

As for the car accident, again sorry for loss BUT , every one us who drives knows the risks before getting in the car due to SOMEONE ELSES negligence. Weed,lq other drugs ect... should all be illegal to be doing while driving.

However, to fight weed being legal has shown its wasted resources spent, how it could be better fought of dui and possession of people not of age in comparison to when its legal but watched.

How many cops were actually administering thc tests to drivers last 50years? Now how many are done in colorado and surrounding states?

If anythng it proves if it were monitored back when your friends died, the driver had more chances of being arrested and not had a liscence or had learned a lesson from previous offences/fines/jail time before time of accident.

Far fetchd but being someone who is preaching truth you should recognize, there may be small chance of that accident being prevented. Regardles to how small it would still have been A CHANCE to being prevented compared to NOT ONE chance back then.
you realize "her" entire story is fake, right?

Sorry to butt in, but what do you make of this cloud ? Authentic art or what?
