Regular pot smokers have shrunken brains, study says

Your friends who were robbed and shot? They were killed by the person who killed them and the laws which make a plant that should cost next to nothing cost insane prices. Not smart decision making on their own part too.

And you're completely certain it was cannabis that caused that fatal accident eh? No other factors? Perhaps a copy of accident/police report could clear some of this up. You seem incredibly emotional and rarely when someone is in this state of mind do they think clearly. Was it even the person who was high's fault the accident occurred? Because there's literally almost no evidence to support that cannabis dramatically impairs driving ability unless people get to the point where they can barely stay awake, and people in that state do not drive typically while on cannabis. There are studies to support this. Traffic fatalities and accident rates have gone down in places where legalization and medical use has been allowed.

More over the potential medical treatments this plant offers (for conditions without good treatments in particular), and materials, and an incredible source of energy and food as well... you can make a strong argument that if God (if yoiu believe in that kind of thing) intended to make plants to help us, this was the one he by far and away spent the most energy on.

I know more than one doctors who feels understanding the cannabinoid system and cannabis are going to be vital to major breakthroughs and new treatments for stuff previously untreatable.

The driver was charged with a DUI, along with felony manslaughter. Keep trying to deny the truth though. I understand it doesn't fit into your agenda.
Never mind the 4 people in the other car that he just killed.

If he was never high in the first place there would be no need to increase the chances of survival.

They say the same thing about drunk drivers who kill people. Maybe we should all just get wasted before we drive.

Your emotion leads you to incorrect conclusions. Post up a story on the incident at least.

The driver was charged with a DUI, along with felony manslaughter. Keep trying to deny the truth though. I understand it doesn't fit into your agenda.

And he was only taking cannabis, right? Or did he simply test positive because he had smoked 2 days ago? Or was he also drinking? Prescription drugs? I'm definitely not trusting your first hand account based on the fact your bias is clear and obvious. Sorry. You already blamed cannabis for the deaths of your two friends, both of which had a significantly bigger hand in those deaths than the cannabis did (although ultimately the shooter is responsible).
I am well aware of what happened and why. If you want to go through life denying that the use of marijuana has dangerous consequences than that's on you. I just hope you never have to experience them first hand. I wish you luck.
Here' one ...

Here's another one ...

And another ...

And another ...

OH!!! Looky here ...

Driver in Crash that Killed 4 Under the Influence of Marijuana ...

How many more would you all like me to show you. I'm sure you're all going to deny them. Because of "bias" and all. Kind of like the "bias" you all are displaying because you all smoke marijuana and can't admit it might be dangerous.
Here' one ...

Here's another one ...

And another ...

And another ...

OH!!! Looky here ...

Driver in Crash that Killed 4 Under the Influence of Marijuana ...

How many more would you all like me to show you. I'm sure you're all going to deny them. Because of "bias" and all. Kind of like the "bias" you all are displaying because you all smoke marijuana and can't admit it might be dangerous.
How many people had a accident while under the influence of life? Every one.
Life is leading us all to death!
Stop life?
How many people had a accident while under the influence of life? Every one.
Life is leading us all to death!
Stop life?

So as long as it happens somewhere else it's OK?

Should we get rid of drunk driving laws? Since, you know, accidents and all. How about rape? People have sex all the time. Maybe make murder legal. Since people die anyways.

None of you have presented a single valid argument.
The guy that caused the accident under the influence of marijuana
is a fucking moron plain and simple. Wasn't a good driver to begin with.

I used to get ripped out of my brains completely with pot then win drag races with no accidents
all the time not to mention the 4 times I ran from the cops and I got away with no accidents. Iv'e drove on PCP, LSD , Cocaine, 'shrooms, pills, drunk etc... many times when I was younger and still drove a perfect straight line.
If your not a good driver to begin with then you might kill people whether your on
drugs, drunk or neither.

images (10).jpg

So as long as it happens somewhere else it's OK?

Should we get rid of drunk driving laws? Since, you know, accidents and all. How about rape? People have sex all the time. Maybe make murder legal. Since people die anyways.

None of you have presented a single valid argument.

people get into accidents under the influence of nothing at all, you can't use accidents as the basis on which to demonize something.

Rape and Murder are not accidents, so your logic isn't valid at all.
Did you know you could copy and paste that whole post into Google and it will take you right to where it came from. Now that you know that you will never again have to look stupid asking for citation. Thank me.

frankly, if you can't be bothered to give citation like everyone else here..i can't be bothered to read your post.


Told you so.

Experimental mice have been telling us this for years, but pot-smoking humans didn't want to believe it could happen to them: Compared with a person who never smoked marijuana, someone who uses marijuana regularly has, on average, less gray matter in his orbital frontal cortex, a region that is a key node in the brain's reward, motivation, decision-making and addictive behaviors network.

More ambiguously, in regular pot smokers, that region is better connected than it is in non-users: the flow of signal traffic is speedier to other parts of that motivation and decision-making network, including across the superhighway of "white matter" that connects the brain's hemispheres.

The researchers who conducted the study speculate that the orbital frontal cortex's greater level of "connectedness"--which is especially pronounced in people who started smoking pot early in life--may be the brain's way of compensating for the region's under-performing gray matter. Whether these "complex neuroadaptive processes" reverse themselves when marijuana use stops is an important unanswered question, they added.

The new findings, reported Monday in the journal PNAS, confirm findings about chronic marijuana use from rodents. But scientific evidence in humans has been more mixed.

Even now, however, the authors of the study acknowledge that they cannot discern whether a pot smoker's smaller orbital frontal cortex is the cause or the result of chronic marijuana use. A 2012 study found that subjects with a smaller orbital frontal cortex at age 12 were more likely to start using marijuana by age 16, suggesting that deficits in this crucial region may predispose one to substance-abuse behaviors.

This study, conducted by researchers from the University of Texas' Center for Brain Health and the Albuquerque-based Mind Research Network, did not follow subjects over time, so it is at a disadvantage in showing cause and effect. Instead, it compared 48 "chronic" marijuana users (at least four times a week over the past six months) with 62 non-using control subjects who were matched for age and gender with the using group. Subjects were an average age of 28 to 30 years old.

Researchers noted that the IQ of the marijuana-using group was significantly lower than that of the non-using group--not a finding of the study, but an incidental factor that might be indirectly linked to marijuana use.
this is of no concern to me, i'm not a "regular" pot smoker.

I'm an EXCEPTIONAL pot smoker.

He wasn't impaired by cannabis. His blood test indicated he was at 2ng/mL which is approximately equivalent to someone who had smoked within the last day. Unfortunate, but I'd guess testosterone was a bigger factor (and youth). The fact he's getting 15 years for that is unfortunate and excessive. I'd be willing to bet he regrets every minute. This isn't a story involving your friends though.

So they mention the first case but are scant any kind of details. All the other cases they mention involve someone drinking or doing some other drug. Funny too they passed a law that banned any level of metabolites in Montana for cannabis (despite the fact these metabolites can remain in your blood for up to 7 days in small levels, like for example in your first story or even 100 days if they're doing a piss test which does not prove impairment at all).

Questionable study at best. For a lot of reasons. Some of which I outlined above. But the source (Nation Drug Institute) doesn't help either given their history of distorting shit.

Police believe this is the first deadly crash involving the drug since it became legal in the state of Washington.

Police say the victim was close to two different lit and controlled intersections, but chose to step out into the middle of traffic, which would clearly put him at fault.

However, because Rowles was believed to be under the influence of marijuana, Washington State law says he is technically at fault, according to police.

Read more:

From article directly. Also notice the world 'believed' to be under the influence.

You can do better than this if you're going to make bold claims. Still waiting on something regarding your friends, none of those stories seem related except topically.

OH!!! Looky here ...

Driver in Crash that Killed 4 Under the Influence of Marijuana ...

How many more would you all like me to show you. I'm sure you're all going to deny them. Because of "bias" and all. Kind of like the "bias" you all are displaying because you all smoke marijuana and can't admit it might be dangerous.

Are these your friends? In the article it suggests the prosecutor has not proven his case and that it was icy outside and she slid out into the road. These things can happen with or without cannabis. None of the articles I've found suggest anything more than the presence of cannabis metabolites in her blood, which as I've outlined again above, could have been from smoking up to a week ago without much more detail.

You're not making a real strong case here. And I'm not biased. I don't drive if I'm very high FYI.
He wasn't impaired by cannabis. His blood test indicated he was at 2ng/mL which is approximately equivalent to someone who had smoked within the last day. Unfortunate, but I'd guess testosterone was a bigger factor (and youth). The fact he's getting 15 years for that is unfortunate and excessive. I'd be willing to bet he regrets every minute. This isn't a story involving your friends though.

So they mention the first case but are scant any kind of details. All the other cases they mention involve someone drinking or doing some other drug. Funny too they passed a law that banned any level of metabolites in Montana for cannabis (despite the fact these metabolites can remain in your blood for up to 7 days in small levels, like for example in your first story or even 100 days if they're doing a piss test which does not prove impairment at all).

Questionable study at best. For a lot of reasons. Some of which I outlined above. But the source (Nation Drug Institute) doesn't help either given their history of distorting shit.

Police believe this is the first deadly crash involving the drug since it became legal in the state of Washington.

Police say the victim was close to two different lit and controlled intersections, but chose to step out into the middle of traffic, which would clearly put him at fault.

However, because Rowles was believed to be under the influence of marijuana, Washington State law says he is technically at fault, according to police.

Read more:

From article directly. Also notice the world 'believed' to be under the influence.

You can do better than this if you're going to make bold claims. Still waiting on something regarding your friends, none of those stories seem related except topically.

Are these your friends? In the article it suggests the prosecutor has not proven his case and that it was icy outside and she slid out into the road. These things can happen with or without cannabis. None of the articles I've found suggest anything more than the presence of cannabis metabolites in her blood, which as I've outlined again above, could have been from smoking up to a week ago without much more detail.

You're not making a real strong case here. And I'm not biased. I don't drive if I'm very high FYI.

Why don't you drive if you are "very high"?
So as long as it happens somewhere else it's OK?

Should we get rid of drunk driving laws? Since, you know, accidents and all. How about rape? People have sex all the time. Maybe make murder legal. Since people die anyways.

None of you have presented a single valid argument.

When you figure out what too much weed is for driving let me know. Because you are losing me quick.
Because it's uncomfortable and I end up driving way too slow. You have literally presented nothing in this thread to make a convincing argument for anything. I'm done now.

I have presented medical research, legal research, and real life cases.

You have presented "nut huh".

Your ignorance will one day cause harm. At least I know I'm free from that type of history on my conscience. I wish you luck.
I do...fuck off!

Imma go smoke a bunch, then meet up with Unclebaldrick and UncleBuck. If I cause a wreck it's because it's snowing, not because I'm stoned. Take it up with Al Gore, Fatso!

You seem emotionally troubled by all this.
I have presented medical research, legal research, and real life cases.

You have presented "nut huh".

Your ignorance will one day cause harm. At least I know I'm free from that type of history on my conscience. I wish you luck.

Did you read the evidence you provided? I doubt it. Because it's not very good.
When you figure out what too much weed is for driving let me know. Because you are losing me quick.

It all depends on the individual.

Chronic smokers could probably get away with a lot. Someone who never smokes and then does 10 rips of erl is probably going to be quite incapacitated.

You know this though.