Well-Known Member
Here' one ... http://www.themorningsun.com/article/MS/20130724/NEWS03/130729850
Here's another one ... http://missoulian.com/special-secti...cle_1d9f6f8a-2137-11e0-a0be-001cc4c002e0.html
And another ... http://www.medicaldaily.com/driving...lated-car-crashes-triple-over-10-years-268638
And another ... http://www.kptv.com/story/20368360/driver-charged-with-dui-marijuana-after-deadly-crash-in-vancouver
OH!!! Looky here ...
Driver in Crash that Killed 4 Under the Influence of Marijuana ...
How many more would you all like me to show you. I'm sure you're all going to deny them. Because of "bias" and all. Kind of like the "bias" you all are displaying because you all smoke marijuana and can't admit it might be dangerous.
Quit spewing your shit. You don't give the whole story. They only got sentenced to one year. If cannabis really caused it and it was deemed vehicler homicide, the punishment would have been worse.
Plus it clearly states "THE ROADS WERE COVERED IN ICE."
It was a shitty accident. That is all it was, an ACCIDENT.
ICE caused the wreck. You have no proof that the person was high at the time of the wreck, just that they had used in the last couple days.