Regular pot smokers have shrunken brains, study says

Here' one ...

Here's another one ...

And another ...

And another ...

OH!!! Looky here ...

Driver in Crash that Killed 4 Under the Influence of Marijuana ...

How many more would you all like me to show you. I'm sure you're all going to deny them. Because of "bias" and all. Kind of like the "bias" you all are displaying because you all smoke marijuana and can't admit it might be dangerous.

Quit spewing your shit. You don't give the whole story. They only got sentenced to one year. If cannabis really caused it and it was deemed vehicler homicide, the punishment would have been worse.

Plus it clearly states "THE ROADS WERE COVERED IN ICE."

It was a shitty accident. That is all it was, an ACCIDENT.

ICE caused the wreck. You have no proof that the person was high at the time of the wreck, just that they had used in the last couple days.
Maybe your friends should have not been on the road.
Oh, and the friends that were robbed and got killed. That is their fault.

Only rely on yourself to protect yourself.
Maybe your friends should have not been on the road.
Oh, and the friends that were robbed and got killed. That is their fault.

Only rely on yourself to protect yourself.

So everyone who has ever been a victim of any crime can only blame themselves? Should we just let all the people in prison go free? Marijuana kills. Deal with it.
So everyone who has ever been a victim of any crime can only blame themselves? Should we just let all the people in prison go free? Marijuana kills. Deal with it.

I am saying that if you can look around this world and the horrendous things that happen and decide to rely on public service to protect you, then yea, it is your fault.
I am saying that if you can look around this world and the horrendous things that happen and decide to rely on public service to protect you, then yea, it is your fault.

"Public Service"? What are you talking about? They got killed over a bag of weed. Take the weed out of the equation and they would be alive today.
"Public Service"? What are you talking about? They got killed over a bag of weed. Take the weed out of the equation and they would be alive today.

No they wouldn't. They would have got robbed for some other reason.
Did your friends fight back? Like I said, Their fault.

Public service is the police.
Ok, so your not a gun person.

Did your friends have pepper spray? $10.99 for a small one.
A good one handed pocket knife is 20 bucks.
So if they felt they did not need to spend a measly 10-20 dollars for some basic protection, their fault.

Did your friends need to be on the ice that day? I mean, like really need to be out?
They would be alive if they stayed home.

Coulda, shoulda, woulda.

All we can do is live every day like it is the last. We can not change the past.

You sound like you have some survivors guilt. Whats wrong? Were you supposed to be in the van that day or with your friends that got robbed?
You don't know that. They might have been killed for their money or shoes.

They would have never been walking down that street. The only reason they were in that neighborhood was to get the weed. Without marijuana they would be alive today.
No they wouldn't. They would have got robbed for some other reason.
Did your friends fight back? Like I said, Their fault.

Public service is the police.

Who said anything about relying on the police? You brought that into the conversation just so you could argue it.

So when a woman gets raped it's her fault, right?
Ok, so your not a gun person.

Did your friends have pepper spray? $10.99 for a small one.
A good one handed pocket knife is 20 bucks.
So if they felt they did not need to spend a measly 10-20 dollars for some basic protection, their fault.

Did your friends need to be on the ice that day? I mean, like really need to be out?
They would be alive if they stayed home.

Coulda, shoulda, woulda.

All we can do is live every day like it is the last. We can not change the past.

You sound like you have some survivors guilt. Whats wrong? Were you supposed to be in the van that day or with your friends that got robbed?

Ice, gun what the fuck are you talking about? That article was not about my friends. It was merely an example. The marijuana is fucking with your brain. Take a break from it.
Ice, gun what the fuck are you talking about? That article was not about my friends. It was merely an example. The marijuana is fucking with your brain. Take a break from it.

I binged the wreck. There was ice on the road. Or at least in the example you posted.

I'm not arguing guns. I was removing them from the equation since some people do not like them.

That still leaves options for basic protection.

I mentioned cops because most people, like your friends, think they are safe and cops will protect them.

No one deserves to be robbed, raped, murdered.

I was robbed at 16. I now know things.
Like when it happens it is too late. It was ended before it came to an end. Thank God.

Why would you not buy a key chain pepper spray for less than 20 bucks to protect yourself?
I know, you don't like confrontation. I do not like it either.

When someone comes at you armed, they do not give a damned whether you like confrontation or not.