Can you please tell me how you use them together?
Do what the label says..
The manufacturer's recommend once a week foliar, once a month root application for Regalia
Most manufactures recommend the
same rate for bacillus amyloliquefaciens, but only Hygard says 3-5x a week for both foliar and roots.
Maybe to get it colonized, but that seems excessive. There are different strains of B.amyloliquefaciens which work better than others.
Don't add any microbe food(especially not sugars), use surfecant, you want it to colonize the plant not feed it lunch. Regalia doesn't need surfecant, its either a natural one or has some in it already.
I don't see much literature for tank mixing the 2, doubt its antagonistic. I tank mix Regalia with a wide range of products.
Regalia Foliar Applications
2 tbsp/gallon of water per 1000 sq. ft. Apply at a 7 day interval
Soil-based or Soil-less Growing Media Applications
2 tbsp/gallon of water per 1000 sq. ft. Apply at a 21-28 day interval
Dilute 0.12-0.25 per gallon of water and spray with lights turned off on foliage.
Spray 3-5 times per week.
Dilute 0.12-0.25 per gallon of water and apply directly to root zone 3-5 times per week.