recent raids.

Hmmm, Iast I understood was, the poIice whiIe IegaI there, can see something iIIegaI inside a pIace--house, car--they can enter or get a warrent to enter.

Things have been changing, things aren't so cIear cut now, so I couI be wrong when it comes to MM
^^^^ It's been a long time coming, but sadly most abused by the system are also bankrupt by the system. It's the civil court system that truly divide us as a people and drives the ever growing inequality gaps within our society.
You guys are so damn smart, you should know not to believe everything you read. Let's just say that I'm really closely involved in the "MI, OH, NY, drug ring" story you all were speculating on so surely earlier. There was so much police wrongdoing, you would not even believe. Bad search warrants, doctoring of search warrants after the fact, profiling, too much more crazy stuff to list. The summary here is, most of what you read was either totally untrue, or totally sensationalized and you ate it up. That's OK, I used to believe the media too.
The guy in Ohio will do probation max. No other charges filed on anyone. If anything, the cops will be going to civil, and/or criminal court. Yes, for real. The media and the cops are liars, the good ole' boy network is alive and well, but the truth will eventually come out. Stay tuned...
You guys are so damn smart, you should know not to believe everything you read. Let's just say that I'm really closely involved in the "MI, OH, NY, drug ring" story you all were speculating on so surely earlier. There was so much police wrongdoing, you would not even believe. Bad search warrants, doctoring of search warrants after the fact, profiling, too much more crazy stuff to list. The summary here is, most of what you read was either totally untrue, or totally sensationalized and you ate it up. That's OK, I used to believe the media too.
The guy in Ohio will do probation max. No other charges filed on anyone. If anything, the cops will be going to civil, and/or criminal court. Yes, for real. The media and the cops are liars, the good ole' boy network is alive and well, but the truth will eventually come out. Stay tuned...

We hear of only a fraction of these raids conducted, no less the truth. Keep us posted and send them our best wishes.
Once the coppers thinK U are guilty, they might try anything to shoot U Down...that even means shooting the person---we have the proof......they wIii not obey the Iaw, but twist it around...Oh, he tooK my taser..when reaIIy he was running away
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