fucking murdered Mars grow lol
I really enjoyed that video lol....I used mars once and sold em, I thought they were good at the time tho.......boy was I mistaken.
but to contribute to the thread heres my first build...
Courtesy of SupraSPL
@ 56.3%
(4) CXB3590 3500K CD 36V @ 1.4A (49W ea) $190
(1) HLG-185H-C1400b $65
196 dissipation W -> 85.7W heat ->
passive cooled heatsink 10284cm² -> 5.88" X 38" heatsink $72 (could split in 2 to improve uniformity/spread)
active cooled heatsink 3428cm² min -> 3.5"X36" heatsink (for spread) $45 +80mm fan +psu $10
(4) lenses $16
110.3 PAR W covering 6ft² = 824 PPFD
$311 = $3.07/PAR W passive cooled
(great value point IMO, very efficient use of driver)
$326 = 2.96/PAR W active cooled
Im doing 3 of these passively cooled for a 4x4x6 tent and only using 36" long heatsinks....all 3500k CD
And then Im doing one of these on (2) 5.8" x 20" heatsinks for a 2.5x.2.5x4 tent with two 5k CD and two 3500k CD
waiting on the cobs from kingbrite still......So excited!!!! Sux I have to wait about a month or so to use them, moving to Colorado