Real Way To Make Bubble?


anyone watched this? i did a few months back and i have to say the guy makes sense I'm definitely gonna try this way, it seems like soooo much less hassle and effort to make bubble when you do it this way plus you don't get sang of the plant matter in your end product :)


Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
i use a 120 or 160 micron bag, i think. put some dry ice in the bottom of the bag (about half the size of a golf ball, and not a whole lot) put your dry trim on top, then a bit more dry ice. let it sit for 5 min. or so, then shake it over a mirror or whatever. that's all there is to it. when your done, the trim looks a bit like coffee grounds. it's pretty efficient too. i loaded up the used trim into a bho tube to see what i could get. it wasn't even worth the cost of the butane, there was almost nothing.


Well-Known Member
Ive never understood the theory of using 5 or so bags..

surely you need one to strain your first run and get teh crap out and then a fine bag to collect it all I see sets of 5 and 6 bags and never understood why...


Well-Known Member
+1 for dry ice hash.

I used the dry ice method with my 3 bubble bag set, and just used the work bag. 15-30 seconds is enough time to extract all the good resin before it starts coming out green.

And the smell is amazing... The first 10-15 seconds of shaking gets you blonde resin with an amazing smell. I couldn't imagine myself spending 15-30 minutes with an egg beater ever again.

i use a 120 or 160 micron bag, i think. put some dry ice in the bottom of the bag (about half the size of a golf ball, and not a whole lot) put your dry trim on top, then a bit more dry ice. let it sit for 5 min. or so, then shake it over a mirror or whatever. that's all there is to it. when your done, the trim looks a bit like coffee grounds. it's pretty efficient too. i loaded up the used trim into a bho tube to see what i could get. it wasn't even worth the cost of the butane, there was almost nothing.


Well-Known Member
+1 for dry ice hash.

I used the dry ice method with my 3 bubble bag set, and just used the work bag. 15-30 seconds is enough time to extract all the good resin before it starts coming out green.

And the smell is amazing... The first 10-15 seconds of shaking gets you blonde resin with an amazing smell. I couldn't imagine myself spending 15-30 minutes with an egg beater ever again.
I Used a paint mixer attached to a drill =p

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
anyone watched this? i did a few months back and i have to say the guy makes sense I'm definitely gonna try this way, it seems like soooo much less hassle and effort to make bubble when you do it this way plus you don't get sang of the plant matter in your end product :)
you have got to be kidding me!?!? prob. the worst "how to," bubble bag i've ever seen, lol, seriously! the weed didn't hit the bag, until 20 minutes in! that's when i stopped watching/laughing. first, he wen't off on sooo many tangents. i can't believe the amount of time he spent talking about the fan part/pole, and his hash spoon, lol. there was something else that bugged too. on his left hand, his little finger is friggin weirdly bent, and is very distracting, lol. seems a bit anal retentive to me, sorry. anyways, he pretty much summed up why i don't like the bags. the time/MESS/effort involved, is just too much hassle...


Well-Known Member
If your able to control yourself and have a maturity level of high enough standards to watch, and extrapolate the information given in that video its actually a great example on how to make full melt. The time and effort it takes is minimal, in case new comers are reading this, they are just incredibly lazy. The whole process takes an hour. Half of the time your not doing anything, and the other half your getting shit ready. You don't use egg beaters, that pulverizes the weed. You gently stir and poke to get the full melt. Then pulvarize it if you want and sell it or something. but full melt, this guy knows how to get it.


I have no idea what kind of crazy shit you guys are talking about, but it sounds awesome!!! Is this for real? Here's how I make hash, lol. Kif in a jar, sitting in a pot of water, sitting in another pot of water. Heat it until it turns to clay. It gets you high as giraffe nuts, but after reading this thread, I don't think it's even close to what you guys are perfecting.


Well-Known Member
Silly me. :dunce:

So let me get this straight... You're saying we should take a day off from work to gently stir a bucket of trim and ice all day to not be lazy and immature? I also use a washing machine and a cloths dryer. Does that make me lazy, or just rational?

There are also a lot of people on here with large legal operations with pounds and pounds of trim, looking for effective ways to make good quality hash. Only you have time to sit there poking gently.

Dry ice hash produces a much better and faster product imo. It preserves the smell, whereas all bubble is black with no smell.

If your able to control yourself and have a maturity level of high enough standards to watch, and extrapolate the information given in that video its actually a great example on how to make full melt. The time and effort it takes is minimal, in case new comers are reading this, they are just incredibly lazy. The whole process takes an hour. Half of the time your not doing anything, and the other half your getting shit ready. You don't use egg beaters, that pulverizes the weed. You gently stir and poke to get the full melt. Then pulvarize it if you want and sell it or something. but full melt, this guy knows how to get it.
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Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
i believe we're all after the same thing in the end, trichomes. i use the easiest way to get them, so far dry ice is the easiest/quickest way i've found. i don't care about how this or that size micron bag gets this or that trichome size/color. i'm not picky about the end result. as long as it clean in the end, and requires less time/effort, that's the method i'll use.


Well-Known Member
Silly me. :dunce:

So let me get this straight... You're saying we should take a day off from work to gently stir a bucket of trim and ice all day to not be lazy and immature? I also use a washing machine and a cloths dryer. Does that make me lazy, or just rational?

There are also a lot of people on here with large legal operations with pounds and pounds of trim, looking for effective ways to make good quality hash. Only you have time to sit there poking gently.

Dry ice hash produces a much better and faster product imo. It preserves the smell, whereas all bubble is black with no smell.
no do it on the weekend retard. ffs


Well-Known Member
When I used to make bubble hash, I used an egg beater. I said it above. That's my advice on the real way to make bubble hash.

Might I suggest calming down?

Oh, sundays is when I do my hobbies. AKA. Growing. When the fuck do you do yours? lol just get outta the forum its about making bubble not dry ice hash. Which in itself is very good also.


haha well i used this method last night and it worked perfect my amnesia lemon trim has made a nice blonde lemon smelling soft hash its fucking awesome :)