Real Basic Grow Sage


Hi guys, im doing my first basic grow. Havent a clue whats going on but tryin all the same :)

I killed a few seeds at the start with overwatering and bad germination. Im using a 600w hps with multi purpose compost with cat litter lol told you it was bad. Plan on using tomato feed with Phostrogen for nutes until i know better, dont have any meters. Im using S.A.G.E cause its susposed to be a small plant with big buds. Thinking i'll try the topping technique cause of height restrictions. So far she's looking good but that could change fast.....


Well-Known Member
Do the LST instead, it won't affect hormone buildups as much.
The tomato food is PERFECT, it's meant for human consumption, and aimed at root/flower/leaf growth.
Sounds perfect to me.

The blood meal will be another good move,
but cat litter?
What the fuck!?


Well-Known Member
yeah im confused about the cat theres all kinds of fuct up stuff in that..
Im trying to stay organic on my grow, i wonder if i should try out that Tomato food and the blood meal...i was thinking of ordering 5 lbs of worm castings and mixing in a good 20% into my soil too


lol.... ya i wasnt so sure about the cat litter myself but i didnt have any perlite and i needed something to get the water to drain. It was a rush job and i had killed 3 seeds with overwatering ;( i checked the bag and there is no additives in it and its working for now. When transplating i'll use sand or stones in the big pot, is that a better idea?


ya just did a bit of reading up on it, it does absorb water but as im only watering every 2 or 3 days its not too bad. some guys are saying that they only use cat litter for the seedlings and change over to perlite after that.....

I was thinking of topping as its susposed to give you more yeild and i dont mind leaving it veg for an extra week to recover. But i dont have all the information on topping and lst so havent made up my mind yet.


im not sure about the worm castings but i cant see how they would harm your baby. i read about using tea bags in water, i think i'll be doing that aswell


Right, i think i just made a big mistake, i transplanted her to a bigger pot but was just after watering. was it a good or bad idea?
i took a quick pic, so let me know what you think.

Instead of cat liter i would use small rocks such as lava rocks... I put a 1-2 inches layer at the bottom so it can drain easily. and lst is soooo much better then topping in my opinion. Do a little research on it


Well-Known Member
Im not sure if you made a mistake or not, we'll have to see how it goes, but as far as topping and LST, topping stunts the growth of the plant for a short time while its recovering, if your growing an Auto i wouldnt suggest it as autos have a set lifespan, LST is pretty simple, your just staking down the branches in the directions you want to train them to stay low and spread out so that the plant gets even lighting. Tons of guides on LST out there, i've learned about it from RIU myself.
And get some perlite, its like 4 bucks for a bag. Wal-mart carries the stuff


ok, so i did some research on topping,LST and supercropping and im still leaning towards topping... i might use the LST technique down the line but it seems to me that LST really stunts the stem growth and i still have a bit of room to play with. Quick question, is there much growth when flowering as i might use LST then?

Im using S.A.G.E (Sativa Afghani Genetic Equilibrium) its not an autoflowering plant and is susposed to be very resilient. Im going to wait for a week before topping her and see what happens :)

When i transplanted yesterday i put a few stones at the bottom and in the soil, there's no wal-mart in this country and i think perlite is a little pricey here, im a cheap skate lol

here's a few pics



Hi folks, im planning on topping soon but not sure what i am actually topping so if you got info and ideas shout them out :)
Do i top the spikes coming up or do i wait another few days and top the bit inbetween them????



Two weeks since topping and she looks good, has a little yellow on some tips, i think i wasnt giving her enough nitrogen.



Well-Known Member
Looks like she is growing there. I don't understand though if you have the money to buy and run a 600w, why don't you just drop a little cash on some good soil and nutrients?


was given the 600w and will have to give it back, but your right about spending a bit on the nutes. I went into this grow blind but as i go on i see the importance of all the extras or essentials as some see them lol. Staying with the feeding routine i have for the rest of veg unless something happens, but deffinitely getting more nutes for flowering, sulfur and sugar seem to be the bee's knees :)