re using potting soil?


Well-Known Member
so as you all know by my name i live in northern california and we have a dump site for potting soil were all the growers dump there soil they used i mean theres still some marijuana stumps here and there its all from pot growers can i use this soil and just use fox farms marine crusine and liguid nutes and still get a good harvest because i need to fill 50 15 gallon grow bags and thats alot of soil and money if so let me know thanks guys your awesome.


Well-Known Member
You could try it but I wouldn't recommend it. It has a good chance of having salts, bugs, or fungus in it. You'd definitely want to flush it real good and freshen it up, maybe let it compost for a while.

Personally I'd just go buy some cheap soil instead of chancing it.


Well-Known Member
really i mean it looks like real good soil maby mix some fox farms ocean mix in with it alittle compost?


Well-Known Member
umm bake it in a hot oven for an hr or so that could prb kill/sterilize the soil if u abs have to use it


Well-Known Member
It might look good but you really don't know whats in it. I don't even reuse my own dirt. I'll put it in the flower beds but that's about it.

I certainly wouldn't plant a whole crop in it without testing it out, as for composting I wouldn't waste the FFOF. Just go buy that to use lol. maybe some steer manure or something.


Active Member
i would definatly NOT reccomend it bro. like some have said before, you dont know whats in it and i dont even re-use my own dirt. i would just go buy some cheap mix at OSH or sumthing and then add some additional soil from outside if you have to fill all those bags. me personally, i dont penny pinch when it comes to my babies, id rather skip a couple meals and know that my babies are comfortable and fed.


Well-Known Member
Make your own dirt if you need a lot. You can usually buy compost and soil in bulk from nurseries and farm stores. Then just mix it up with whatever you want: manure, guano, castings, lime whatever and let it compost up for a bit.


Well-Known Member
If you check your local paper you might find landscapers that sell top soil. Some of the best dirt I've used was swamp dirt.


Well-Known Member
Well there you go. If you want cow manure and don't have farms nearby the earthGro stuff at home depot is pretty good, and it's only like $.75/bag. Already composted and ready to use. I bought a whole pallet back at easter for about $40 when it was half off.


Active Member
haha i thought about that once when goin to purchase soil.... pull the truck around back, fill er up! ahahhahahahaa


Well-Known Member
ya lol just load your truck up and then go inside and buy some nutes hold your reciet as you walk out and drive off?

lil austin

im jus using regular potting soil at the moment an mine have sprouted nicely. its only been ah week an is going on the second. once they get bigger ima have to transplant em to something bigger cause im jus usin the bottom of ah 2 liter bottle for starter pots. when its time to transplant them. can i continue to use regular potting soil?


Well-Known Member
lil austin ya just use regular potting soil fox farms ocean mix is the best and after 3 weeks start feeding them fox farms grow big nutes at 1/4 strengh also add some marine crusine on the top of the soil around the plant for excelent results.

lil austin

lil austin ya just use regular potting soil fox farms ocean mix is the best and after 3 weeks start feeding them fox farms grow big nutes at 1/4 strengh also add some marine crusine on the top of the soil around the plant for excelent results.
where can i get this fox farms an marine crusine stuff at? can i get it at lowes?