RDWC leaking issue

, tightened them as tight as possible n i got lil leaks
This will guarantee a leak. If you tighten the gland nut so much that the rubber gasket squeezes out, that's too tight. I just finished reassembling my UC rig upstairs for this years run and all I use is a film of RTV silicone on each side of the rubber gasket and assemble the fitting. I let the RTV cure overnight. You will need to use some force to get the fittings apart if you do it this way.
Edit: make sure that the rubber gasket is on the side of the fitting, not the nut. If it's on the nut side it will twist as you tighten.
thanks for the replies everyone, i just sprayed the flexseal on the outside of the tubs not the inside.

if i overtightened them should i loosen them up and retighten slightly less? not sure how well thatll work since i applied the flex seal.

ill giver a try tomorrow and hopefully it just doesnt leak but out of 5 totes i think 4 were leaking? i did everything exactly as OP
thanks for the replies everyone, i just sprayed the flexseal on the outside of the tubs not the inside.

if i overtightened them should i loosen them up and retighten slightly less? not sure how well thatll work since i applied the flex seal.

ill giver a try tomorrow and hopefully it just doesnt leak but out of 5 totes i think 4 were leaking? i did everything exactly as OP
are you sure your gasket on the bulkhead is centered on the hole? maybe trace the gasket onto the tub and then install to make sure it's on point.
thanks for the replies everyone, i just sprayed the flexseal on the outside of the tubs not the inside.

if i overtightened them should i loosen them up and retighten slightly less? not sure how well thatll work since i applied the flex seal.

ill giver a try tomorrow and hopefully it just doesnt leak but out of 5 totes i think 4 were leaking? i did everything exactly as OP

Your gasket is likely deformed if you over tightened it and will always leak. Buy a new bulkhead fitting and use that gasket to try again. That gasket just needs to be snug, not compressed.
Your gasket is likely deformed if you over tightened it and will always leak. Buy a new bulkhead fitting and use that gasket to try again. That gasket just needs to be snug, not compressed.
idk i got medium sized channel locks that cant quite get a great grip on them, i did maybe half a turn after hand tightening. is that too tight? i was thinking of getting new pliers and tightening more
idk i got medium sized channel locks that cant quite get a great grip on them, i did maybe half a turn after hand tightening. is that too tight? i was thinking of getting new pliers and tightening more

Just go loose at first, test, then tighten as needed. Bulkheads are kinda a PITA, there is a sweet spot where they don’t leak. Too tight, leaks. Too loose, leaks worse. You don’t need any additional sealant other than the gasket.
Tightening is usually the problem. It does NOT need to be way tight. Watch the gasket when you tighten it. Its most likely squishing out in the sides, and deforming. I suggest with bulkheads buying threaded on both sides. That way you can simply glue a male adapter on the end of your piping and screw them freely on and off from the bulkheads.
Sealant should not be needed.

Make sure the hole being drilled is on a completely flat surface. And I'm pretty sure 2" bulkheads use a 2 7/8" hole. Not 3" like a uniseal.
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You need pipe wrench from harbor freight. Saved my Ass.

idk i got medium sized channel locks that cant quite get a great grip on them, i did maybe half a turn after hand tightening. is that too tight? i was thinking of getting new pliers and tightening more
You don’t need any additional sealant other than the gasket.
Sealant should not be needed.

Make sure the hole being drilled is on a completely flat surface. And I'm pretty sure 2" bulkheads use a 2 7/8" hole. Not 3" like a uniseal.

I agree that in a perfect world, sealant may not be needed. I've found that in the real world, fittings twist and may develop a leak unless you use a gasket material to physically bond the gasket to the fitting/tote. GUARANTEED NO LEAK
Permatex Ultra Series RTV is what I've used for decades in my automotive trade-extremely tough stuff when applied correctly.
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so i undid all my bulkeads today n put a bit of silicone around while tightening the nut most of them are ok now.

i got one that no matter what i couldnt loosen the nut and i applied silicone around the nut? still leaks tho

I agree that in a perfect world, sealant may not be needed. I've found that in the real world, fittings twist and may develop a leak unless you use a gasket material to physically bond the gasket to the fitting/tote. GUARANTEED NO LEAK
Permatex Ultra Series RTV is what I've used for decades in my automotive trade-extremely tough stuff when applied correctly.

if i applied this overtop of where its leaking would it work?
What size hole saw did you use for the 2inch bulkheads? If its the current culture bulkheads you got they say to use 2-7/8" hole saw. If you used that size there should be no reason they leak. I've even used 2 3/4" hole saw and had success. I hand tighten all of mine and not even hard. The hole must have a nice clean edge, no burrs.
What size hole saw did you use for the 2inch bulkheads? If its the current culture bulkheads you got they say to use 2-7/8" hole saw. If you used that size there should be no reason they leak. I've even used 2 3/4" hole saw and had success. I hand tighten all of mine and not even hard. The hole must have a nice clean edge, no burrs.

i used a 3" hole saw
I suppose you could attempt to 'spackle' some RTV around the fitting to see if you can seal it. Gonna look like hell, but it MIGHT hold...
You should NOT be gooping shit on there and waiting 24 hours to see if its going to leak. Just no.
Bulkheads, when installed correctly will not leak even when they are just hand tightened.
Thread tape will NOT work on these threads because they are not NPT.
One of the reasons I do an no-plant test run to make sure everything is working before I add plants to the mix.
Hey, at least you didnt start seeds.
I had to rebuild my first try due to a couple split uniseals.