RDWC Buckets in Canada?

It's all in the hole size I get it but I hate them... Taking them in out and moving shit. They will get older and dry out and become less playable and eventually leak... Rubber has a shelf life for a reason usually 5 years. It doesn't mean it's bad but it's not as playable as when it was first made. With a bulkhead the seal is set and not disturbed after. Also is not nearly as exposed that leads to degradation.

Just my opinion.. and reasons.

Just going to add while you 2 may not have had issues it's not hard to find numerous people who have had. Maybe they drilled the hole to big or the bit used walked a bit.... Nonetheless bulks heads are far more forgiving
I don't get the recommended 3" inch returns which imo is overkill then recommend unileaks...makes no sense to me. Overdo one and skimp on the other? I know they are designed for curved surfaces but generally those are ones that have little to no flex... Not like a 5 gal pail
It's all in the hole size I get it but I hate them... Taking them in out and moving shit. They will get older and dry out and become less playable and eventually leak... Rubber has a shelf life for a reason usually 5 years. It doesn't mean it's bad but it's not as playable as when it was first made. With a bulkhead the seal is set and not disturbed after. Also is not nearly as exposed that leads to degradation.

Just my opinion.. and reasons.

Just going to add while you 2 may not have had issues it's not hard to find numerous people who have had. Maybe they drilled the hole to big or the bit used walked a bit.... Nonetheless bulks heads are far more forgiving
There are just as many people using bulkheads that still have leaks.

Uniseals are not natural rubber, they're made from EPDM. Should last a very long time under the conditions they see in our application
There are just as many people using bulkheads that still have leaks.

Uniseals are not natural rubber, they're made from EPDM. Should last a very long time under the conditions they see in our application
Lol dude now you just arguing to argue. You really saying as many people have leaks with bulkheads as uniseals. Anyone can google the effects of time on rubber. I spent 20 yrs in the railway doing QA I have a pretty good idea of what I'm talking about. The aquarium hobby has been around forever ask them how the feel about unileaks... Why is it some people are willing to look stupid to to try to prove they are right. EPDM has a shelf life of 5 yrs just like I said.. it may say 5-10 but don't kid yourself
Use one bulkhead per bucket, and one bulkhead coming through each of the SIDES of your res, for each pair of buckets. In other words have your buckets connected in sets of two each using their own pipe to go to the res using a 90 and a TEE for each set. That way you can plumb your inline pump in the FRONT of your res and into your tent, to the manifold. Keep the res outside. Tents aren't expensive so don't worry about cutting a few X's into it.

Something like this?
Lol dude now you just arguing to argue. You really saying as many people have leaks with bulkheads as uniseals. Anyone can google the effects of time on rubber. I spent 20 yrs in the railway doing QA I have a pretty good idea of what I'm talking about. The aquarium hobby has been around forever ask them how the feel about unileaks... Why is it some people are willing to look stupid to to try to prove they are right. EPDM has a shelf life of 5 yrs just like I said.. it may say 5-10 but don't kid yourself
Wow 20 years doing QA for a railroad! See alot of gasket material in that time? Guess what material the gasket in a bulkhead is made from?
Wow 20 years doing QA for a railroad! See alot of gasket material in that time? Guess what material the gasket in a bulkhead is made from?
Go back and read my post about exposure and not being disturbed after installation.

Of course I have seen the effects that's why I made the post. Gaskets can last 50+years if installed properly... Wow your some kinda special. Ok out... Sigh

I bet @Airwalker16 gets what's I'm saying.
Go back and read my post about exposure and not being disturbed after installation.

Of course I have seen the effects that's why I made the post. Gaskets can last 50+years if installed properly... Wow your some kinda special. Ok out... Sigh

I bet @Airwalker16 gets what's I'm saying.
Lol...how harsh are exposure conditions indoors? Broscience dude
Yup your right im worng... Have a good day I have better things to do than educate you on the properties of rubber. Like I said they work... So have at it
One last question, if the shelf life of EPDM is 5 years, how does it last 20-25 years as a roughing material? :)
One last question, if the shelf life of EPDM is 5 years, how does it last 20-25 years as a roughing material? :)
Wow you have to be the single most challenged person I have ever met. Look up degradation and see if you can piece together the difference between a seal and shingle. It's not like 5 yrs it just diacipates. You got to be fuckin kidding me you are comparing a shingle to a seal... WOW. Stop just stop man you are making yourself look rediculous and it just goes to show how far people will go to try and prove they are right and their inability to learn and progress. Please just stop.
You just keep making my points. You see the top sides get worn and the bottom side has almost no exposure as the heat in the summer let's the shibgles lay flat and literally stick together. As I said exposure is key and a gasket has very little compared to a uniseals Infact just the edges.

Now let's talk the difference between a seal and a shingle. Shingle seals on the unexposed side preserving the qualities longer.

A seal seals on both side only expose edges.

A uniseal has both side and most of the rubber exposed.

Are you starting to get this yet?

Anymore dumb fucking questions? I wish you stopped earlier I hate to be an ass but you sir have done nothing but ask for it
Wow you have to be the single most challenged person I have ever met. Look up degradation and see if you can piece together the difference between a seal and shingle. It's not like 5 yrs it just diacipates. You got to be fuckin kidding me you are comparing a shingle to a seal... WOW. Stop just stop man you are making yourself look rediculous and it just goes to show how far people will go to try and prove they are right and their inability to learn and progress. Please just stop.
Shingles are made from asphalt numbnuts...epdm roughing is not a shingle, its a membrane laid out from a roll. Typically used on flat roughs. And I made the point because your talking about degradation and exposure...a rough is pretty harsh environment in terms of UV exposure and temperature...you know, things that degrade rubber?
Shingles are made from asphalt numbnuts...epdm roughing is not a shingle, its a membrane laid out from a roll. Typically used on flat roughs. And I made the point because your talking about degradation and exposure...a rough is pretty harsh environment in terms of UV exposure and temperature...you know, things that degrade rubber?
It's works the same way as a shingle. Your like the gift that keeps giving only it's stupidity.

Get off the subject already it's just gone to a laughable excuse for an argument

I agree with @Airwalker16 a bulkhead with a flat surface is best but the flexibility of a 5gal pail make it a viable option also at 2"...3" I would definitely stick to flat sides
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