Rasmussen poll: Nearly 1 in 3 Americans think a 'U.S. civil war likely soon'

yeah, but they'll be easily repairable, the components they effect are inert in the box, some chips may need to be re-programmed, but you can replace everything else that can be fried pretty quickly. if you have an old enough car (pre 80s) it probably won't even do anything to it
But in those first few minutes, horses will carry the day.
But in those first few minutes, horses will carry the day.
oh yeah, you gotta go get all the parts to fix all the cars, and good luck ever finding enough. government vehicles will get preference, and emergency vehicles, might be a good while before you can get your vehicle fixed, a horse and buggy might be damned handy to have around. even once you can get your vehicle repaired, there probably will be pretty heavy fuel rationing...lot harder to ration grass and oats
water is the key factor. Once the water stops running people will start dying rapidly.
this part of tennessee is covered in rivers, streams, and artesian wells. the weather will have to change substantially before we go dry. not sayin it can't happen, but i doubt i'll live long enough to see it become a problem.
this part of tennessee is covered in rivers, streams, and artesian wells. the weather will have to change substantially before we go dry. not sayin it can't happen, but i doubt i'll live long enough to see it become a problem.
I should have said "clean drinkable water"...because river and stream water will need purification as you cannot be sure what has happened up stream & many artesian wells need elect pumps to operate...deep solar wells provide good clean water with only sunshine....
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I should have said "clean drinkable water"...because river and stream water will need purification as you cannot be sure what has happened up stream & many artesian wells need elect pumps to operate...deep solar wells provide good clean water with only sunshine....
Here in WA, volcanic eruptions are a real possibility and I'm not sure if water that's been contaminated with large amounts of ash can be made potable.
It's good to have a plan B.
Wells are nice because you've got a built-in reservoir. Most people have zero potable water on hand for emergencies, which could cost them their lives. :dunce:
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I should have said "clean drinkable water"...because river and stream water will need purification as you cannot be sure what has happened up stream & many artesian wells need elect pumps to operate...deep solar wells provide good clean water with only sunshine....
The definition of artesian well is one that flows on its own.

I can tell you're jelly.
this part of tennessee is covered in rivers, streams, and artesian wells. the weather will have to change substantially before we go dry. not sayin it can't happen, but i doubt i'll live long enough to see it become a problem.
I'm pretty damn sure from your previous posts that you and I are within a 100 mile radius of one another. You don't shoot me and I don't shoot you. We can then smoke dope and eat the feds I'll have out in the smokehouse Then we go old school hills bootlegger and live like fat rats running the smoke and shine rackets.
I hope that the Republicans don't figure out that seawater can be drunk in a pinch.

Seawater is nasty stuff, full of viruses, even if you can keep it down. If not, which is likely, you'll deplete more water from the vomiting.
this one has never completely dried up. sometimes it gets down to a trickle, but i've never seen it dry in 11 years i've been here

You'll still need power to create pressure, or you could just go back to fetching it with buckets. De-evolution is what the trumpcult wants. Dismantle civilization and society. Kill, or be killed. Trumpcultists call that "winning".
this one has never completely dried up. sometimes it gets down to a trickle, but i've never seen it dry in 11 years i've been here
Giardia sucks. I've never gotten it but people hiking with me who ignored warnings and drank untreated water have. They said it was really, really bad. I wouldn't want to be sick with Giardia during the civil war apocalypse you guys are fantasizing over. I don't think a person that sick would make it.

Giardia can be present in artesian wells if surface water makes it's way into the well's sources through cracks or holes . Also, you might have clean water as it exits the ground but it can be contaminated once it reaches the surface. This is why even an artesian well should be sealed if it's used for drinking water. If you can't be sure, a 1 micron filter (absolute, not nominal) can remove the microbe and its spores.

Boiling water for ten minutes works too.
if you start to dismantle society, it'll all fall apart like jenga on a water bed. the pieces are all interlocked, if you don't have a nail, the shingle falls off, then the roof rots, and the house falls down....rich people like having someone to do their work for them, they might get rid of the serf, but the peons will always have boots to lick