Rasmussen poll: Nearly 1 in 3 Americans think a 'U.S. civil war likely soon'

Kino has been Red Pilled!
I don't know. I sympathize with the way the guy felt but that kind of shit is likely to benefit Trump. It's pretty clear that most Trump voters aren't very smart and have a ridiculous double standard about things today... "Jews will not replace us" - fine people. Angry guy throws water - dangerous gang member. Trump's 3000 lies - "well they all lie" : Obama says "if you like your doctor" - unforgivable. Trump Foundation is a sham - that's ok. Clinton Foundation does good shit - crime family.

I guess my point is, Trump is hurting his own people economically, make it easy for them to throw him out.
I've been saying that violence will play into the hands of the authoritarians for a long time here.

It's nice to see you agreeing with me on this.
Is that not racism and intolerance? Christianity is really only a problem when the separation of church and state is not practiced right.

Or Christianity is not practiced right.

We have universal health care because of a Christian socialist....go figure.
No, and it's a good question.

People can worship who they like. When they ACT in ways that are bigoted, hateful or abusive of others that's crossing the line.

When they go further and say or imply that their religion or morality is superior and allows them dispensation to do and say such things, then it's perfectly acceptable to say fuck their religion.

Jesus would agree.

Your 'Christian socialist' who brought you universal health care was doing good work and should be applauded for it, no matter what his or her religious beliefs.