Rare dankness/rd genetics


Well-Known Member
Yup, now I want 501st even more....FmL just about everything I see picks of I want.... Good stuff!! any pics of the JaWa,Long Peak Blue,4corners or Purple Swish?

Rare D MI

New Member
The 6" seedlings I'm speaking of are out here in Michigan with my team members. The Colorado RD crew has been testing these strains for a lot longer. I have seen pics of almost every strain in flowering. And here is your proof in all of the pics mrs. RD just posted... Also, yes there is a 45 page thread here about the company, but not much about them on many other sites. You guys seem to be much more fascinated by the sudden emergence of RD, probably cause you haven't all been watching these strains being developed or moonshine collecting strains and posting grows for the last 13 years on the internet.

All of these "new breeders" are not a surprise to me. Especially the guys that came out of dhk. For the most part they are all excellent growers, that openly showed the world what good "elite" cannabis was, spread the best to all ends of the continent. Now that it is legal in many places, they are able to bring that to the masses in seed form. Moonshine is one of them. Raskal, swerve, all of those guys started out just loving the plant, then using it medicinally, and finally they are able to provide a version of the best for people all over the world instead just select people around the country.

If you wanna pay $50 a pack from a literal fly by night pollenchucker, go for it. But spend the money on quality breeding, you won't be disappointed.

This post is saying that test's have yet to be done, which means that every person who buys a seed is a tester.

If there are non-buyer test grows happening then have people take a few pics. Literally a few pics. Im not saying post journal's online. Shit there aren't even Pic's in the "description's" on the webpage.
Take one pic in Veg, and a couple more in Flower. One Preferably showing the structure of the plant.

And there shouldn't be that many variables in there strains, maybe 5 recognizable Pheno's tops.
If there are more than that, you'd have to spend a fortune with that $100- price tag. But your probably right, cause someone form CO told me that there was dank to find in RD beans, but you really have to look.
(/\.. i know it means nothing....)

* i was offering constructive criticism more than anything else... Mrs. D said she thought RIU would be Nicer than IC... and i was just saying why things went wrong....
If they had two pics for each strain on the site one whole plant, one bud.. nobody would ask for shit.... Or for test grows...

Good Luck


Well-Known Member
Moonshine is one of them. Raskal, swerve, all of those guys started out just loving the plant, then using it medicinally, and finally they are able to provide a version of the best for people all over the world instead just select people around the country.

If you wanna pay $50 a pack from a literal fly by night pollenchucker, go for it. But spend the money on quality breeding, you won't be disappointed.
Seriously, i thought we were done with this.... If ppl See this theyll start tearin up Mrs. Rare D's thread again, right when she started postin pics.. and for no Reason.. And it will have nothing to do with Rare Dankness....

Rare D MI

New Member
I haven't read all of the thread, I don't know who or why people were tearing apart anyone. I just came here to offer my insight as someone working with them, and as a grower and observer of industry trends for the last 10 years.

What all you seed nuts fail to take into account when purchasing seeds is the supply and demand factor... RD will be cheaper when there are more available. Moonshine just posted on another forum that the prices will be dropping as they cut overhead and produce more seed. Here's an anecdote to illustrate my point. Recently at a DJ short seminar, DJ recounted the one time he met arjan. Arjan said "so you have a small operation, what like 60k seeds a year?" that's what the big companies think is small. DJ actually produces 15k seeds a year, 1/4 of what arjan thought was small. That is why you will pay $150 a pack for his seeds, there are less of them.

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
The 6" seedlings I'm speaking of are out here in Michigan with my team members. The Colorado RD crew has been testing these strains for a lot longer. I have seen pics of almost every strain in flowering. And here is your proof in all of the pics mrs. RD just posted... Also, yes there is a 45 page thread here about the company, but not much about them on many other sites. You guys seem to be much more fascinated by the sudden emergence of RD, probably cause you haven't all been watching these strains being developed or moonshine collecting strains and posting grows for the last 13 years on the internet.

All of these "new breeders" are not a surprise to me. Especially the guys that came out of dhk. For the most part they are all excellent growers, that openly showed the world what good "elite" cannabis was, spread the best to all ends of the continent. Now that it is legal in many places, they are able to bring that to the masses in seed form. Moonshine is one of them. Raskal, swerve, all of those guys started out just loving the plant, then using it medicinally, and finally they are able to provide a version of the best for people all over the world instead just select people around the country.

If you wanna pay $50 a pack from a literal fly by night pollenchucker, go for it. But spend the money on quality breeding, you won't be disappointed.
so are you calling hazeman, sannie, escobar, loompa, motarebel and other well established breeders fly by night pollen chuckers? i am not surprise that you are here on your knees representing rd. no disrespect Mrs Rd but dude is starting to get out of line. if you're here to rep someone do that and only that, don't try to disregard or disrespect any other breeder who's prices isn't $100+ just to justify someone else's price tag. Rd charges $100 for a pack cool, but don't think that just because they charge that price that their stuff is better because of the price. as stated earlier their are other people that don't advertise for shit, genetics are proven and their prices are fair ($70 or less) and are selling what ever is stocked and one day. i guess they're just fly by nights as well? i guess alien genetics are far superior compare to everyone else being that his stock went for thousands a pack?
stand on your on two before you take up and speak up for someone else. you sound like hype man or d*ck rider that went to far.
Mrs. Rd i apologize won't happen any more, you deserve the respect that you give out. from here on out i will you no longer post any more negative post on your thread.


Well-Known Member
out of every breeder out there. he has to go and say Swerve and Raskal. LOL.

whens the super hype dbag OG coming out?.....oh, wait. you can get them now.

Rare D MI

New Member
Sorry I'm in a different circle than you guys, the only people I've even heard of those are loompa and motarebel. And they aren't exactly the most prolific breeders around. I know every site has their favorite breeders that post, so I see why you guys are biased toward your people that are around where you hang. I'm an OG and IC person. Never fucked around on these other forums. Seems to be a lot of shit talking and rumor spreading around here.

I said swerve and raskal, because they are people doing things. Did loompa just open 2 seed shops in Amsterdam ? Think what you want about their breeding styles, personally I don't like what swerve does, but people like him and moonshine are bringing things to the public that people would have killed for 10 years ago when I first was on the forums. Without them you'd all be hoping that someone like them or me would hook you up with the clone onlys that they used to make the seeds.

Rare D MI

New Member
Originally Posted by Moonshine
It'll be June for any of the OG stuff. Making sure we get a good 2+ month cure on the seeds before release for better germenation. Letting them go to early can make for difficult germ, the seeds crack but the lil embryo wont escape the pod. Dropping the price as well, going to a basic heatsealed baggie with a lable, no longer going to be carded and such. Save you guys about $20 so the prices will drop. Started looking at the cost of sorting and packing and fuck me that shit is expensive when you are talking 15,000 packs in a year.
So there you go. Hold your horses. Quit your bitching. think of this industry just as any other. Supply and demand. This is a brand new company, prices drop as the process get streamlined and overhead goes down. and don't forget the $ that the seed banks you're ordering from tack on.

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
okay i see you want to go on with the nonsense.
i dibble and dabble on every site and your circle is definitely not what's up if you say loompa or motarebel isn't prolific. shit i see more people on most boards asking about loompa's headband and many other crosses than your holy grail og. and all you talk about or post is things from or about rd. dude who are you fooling? why would you no anything else but rd.
icmag you are too funny. tbh i think the farm is better than icmag and i am pretty a lot would agree. a lot of censorship going on over there, i wonder why? if you're a fan of icmag good for you but don't knock the good people over here on riu for choosing to be here rather than a heavily censored dictatorsip that icmag runs over there. besides karma and connoisseur i don't even bother with icmag so how you like that?
as for swerve and raskal i would agree, they are definitely bringing what the people want, but they're not the only ones. if you need references i can gladly point you in the right direction son.


Well-Known Member
Sorry I'm in a different circle than you guys, the only people I've even heard of those are loompa and motarebel. And they aren't exactly the most prolific breeders around. I know every site has their favorite breeders that post, so I see why you guys are biased toward your people that are around where you hang. I'm an OG and IC person. Never fucked around on these other forums. Seems to be a lot of shit talking and rumor spreading around here.

I said swerve and raskal, because they are people doing things. Did loompa just open 2 seed shops in Amsterdam ? Think what you want about their breeding styles, personally I don't like what swerve does, but people like him and moonshine are bringing things to the public that people would have killed for 10 years ago when I first was on the forums. Without them you'd all be hoping that someone like them or me would hook you up with the clone onlys that they used to make the seeds.

The problem with your reasoning is were being forced to take the bad (shitty attitudes and bad customer service) with the good (rare genetics in seed form). Just because this industry was underground and didnt have the best rep doesnt mean you have to kowtow and suckoff asshole breeders with fire genetics. If they would have done it right (Mr. RD, Swerve, and to a lesser extent Sub, take note) they would be legends (Sannie is polite and has well priced solid genetics, take note again)

I think too many people still have a "watch your back, this is the game/streets" attitude even after they've left it behind and they bring that into their dealings with legitimate customers. Ive been around the block and it seems like some of those people you would watch out for are now "legitimate" businessmen. Its hard to leave that mentality behind but you're not just dealing with stupid teens and junkies. Now that this is legit your customers include the sick, the elderly, and "normal citizens" and I know if my mom needed weed to cope with an illness I wouldnt want her interacting with any of those kinds of breeders.

I at least have to commend Mr. RD for being smart enought to let the Mrs. handle communications from that point on. I wish them the best of luck with their expansion and let others take note. The Mr. RD thing was a speed bump and it looks like the product and the Mrs. will do all the talking now (with pictures to boot!!!)

Im officially out of this thread until I get some of their beans myself.


Well-Known Member
The problem with your reasoning is were being forced to take the bad (shitty attitudes and bad customer service) with the good (rare genetics in seed form). Just because this industry was underground and didnt have the best rep doesnt mean you have to kowtow and suckoff asshole breeders with fire genetics. If they would have done it right (Mr. RD, Swerve, and to a lesser extent Sub, take note) they would be legends (Sannie is polite and has well priced solid genetics, take note again)

I think too many people still have a "watch your back, this is the game/streets" attitude even after they've left it behind and they bring that into their dealings with legitimate customers. Ive been around the block and it seems like some of those people you would watch out for are now "legitimate" businessmen. Its hard to leave that mentality behind but you're not just dealing with stupid teens and junkies. Now that this is legit your customers include the sick, the elderly, and "normal citizens" and I know if my mom needed weed to cope with an illness I wouldnt want her interacting with any of those kinds of breeders.

I at least have to commend Mr. RD for being smart enought to let the Mrs. handle communications from that point on. I wish them the best of luck with their expansion and let others take note. The Mr. RD thing was a speed bump and it looks like the product and the Mrs. will do all the talking now (with pictures to boot!!!)

Im officially out of this thread until I get some of their beans myself.
Mr and Mrs Dankness ARE THE SHIT! PERIOD. I got to sample some Scotts OG and Moonshine Haze from the Man himself and HOLY SHIT. Inspired me to step my game up in the grow room :D Big Ups To yall I'm looking forward to seeing what i can do with these strains. Mr.Rd is one hell of a cool guy i must say anyway till next time Keep up the good work and ill have alot of Rare Dankness Smoke/Grow Reports coming Soon

Ps: I smoked a joint of Scotts Og on the way home around 11:15 it is 1:56 and im still just as high as when i first smoked if that counts