Rare dankness/rd genetics

Yeah phantom test grows... If you are chomping at the bit to see 6" tall seedlings, you have too much time on your hands. Test grows will be posted as plants begin to be sorted out. Everyone wants to see nuggets anyway, not cotyledons and 3-5 finger leaves. Patience is a virtue, RD is just beginning to be widely distributed, gonna take a minute to see lots of grows posted.
Yeah phantom test grows... If you are chomping at the bit to see 6" tall seedlings, you have too much time on your hands. Test grows will be posted as plants begin to be sorted out. Everyone wants to see nuggets anyway, not cotyledons and 3-5 finger leaves. Patience is a virtue, RD is just beginning to be widely distributed, gonna take a minute to see lots of grows posted.

There have been 42 strains released...

And you just said that the buyers are the test subjects.....
@ $100- ea.

Yes!!!!!!!!! they are tested... i don't know how many times I have said that ... PinkHouse, Nestor, River Rock, southwest Alt. and several others in Co run/grow the strain and sell to their patients. They have Rectangle, Scott's OG, Scott's Blue, Moonshine Haze, ect, ect...

I was just trying to say that this stuff..../\ means nothing to us....
Because we cant see it... It wasn't an insult, or however you took it...
I too used to think moonshine was a bit much with the ego. Watching him for 10 years on forums will give you that impression. When you actually meet the dude, there's only hints of that guy from the Internet. He's humble, very knowledgeable, kind, and well deserving of his ego. I have never smoked better commercially produced herb in my life.

As for being a pollenchucker and not giving credit where credit is due.... First of all, his goal is to take rare strains and make them available in seed form, but in a way to preserve the genetic integrity of the plants. He carefully selects his males the he uses for the different lines and does not produce any feminized seeds. Second of all, to your not giving credit point... I was standing next to moonshine when he won the cup in Amsterdam with the moonshine haze. I smoked his victory joint with him and mrs. RD and was right there outside the melkweg when he hugged soma for 5 minutes and thanked him for his support and for the great amnesia cut he found in a pack of his seeds, which I have smoke on both the mom and the winning moonshine, and the moonshine is notably stronger.

Thats cool, I know it is hard to know someone thru the internet, and Scott is probably a real good dude in person. He should maybe try and not post anything unless he's in a "GREAT" mood, LOL!

I have 7 of his strains, and I have high hopes they're kickass:)
Where did I say the buys are the test subjects? And how is that different than any other major seed company? There are non buyer test grows happening all over Colorado, to make sure the quality is there for the company before they are distributed. More cannabis growing happens off the Internet than on it. The fact that there are not pictures for your pleasure, doesn't mean they didn't happen.

And what good does watching someone else grow something online to for you? Your seeds won't present the exact same expressions, your grow won't produce the same results. There are too many variables in everything to be able to look at pictures and make a decision on whether a strain is worth growing or not. The ultimate judge is you. If you have the balls to look for something special, you just might find it.
Are you fucking kidding me? I sit on my computer most of the day researching strains and diseases and learning to be a better grower. I try to connect with others in my state and share info. I even bought some of your seeds not knowing if they were good or not. I figured many people have been holloring for grow reports. Then you insult us?

ROLLITUP MEMBERS: Am I wrong for feeling insulted by this?

You should not be insulted unless you neglect your plants or children. Its all really good advice, the Internet helps, but it does not a farmer make.
Thats cool, I know it is hard to know someone thru the internet, and Scott is probably a real good dude in person. He should maybe try and not post anything unless he's in a "GREAT" mood, LOL!

I have 7 of his strains, and I have high hopes they're kickass:)

Indeed, one of his traits is being brutally honest, sometimes to his own detriment. So yeah, you can definitely tell when he's stressed or not in a good mood when he posts, cause he'll tell you. But I know he has been in a pretty good mood lately, just doesn't have much time to post.
You will read it a bunch of times on here. People grow for a decade or more and think they know shit. Then they meet a few people online and revolutionize their methods. I think you are really down playing how bad ass the internet and growing are. lol
The fact that there are not pictures for your pleasure, doesn't mean they didn't happen.


With this much hype (44 pages now here on RIU alone), a couple of cup wins, a small business going global all of a sudden, a clothing line??, and still not any personal grow journals to speak of that are past the seedling stage anywhere on the entire internet...

Yeah, it makes us wonder and tend to question!
Yeah phantom test grows... If you are chomping at the bit to see 6" tall seedlings, you have too much time on your hands. Test grows will be posted as plants begin to be sorted out. Everyone wants to see nuggets anyway, not cotyledons and 3-5 finger leaves. Patience is a virtue, RD is just beginning to be widely distributed, gonna take a minute to see lots of grows posted.

This post is saying that test's have yet to be done, which means that every person who buys a seed is a tester.

If there are non-buyer test grows happening then have people take a few pics. Literally a few pics. Im not saying post journal's online. Shit there aren't even Pic's in the "description's" on the webpage.
Take one pic in Veg, and a couple more in Flower. One Preferably showing the structure of the plant.

There are too many variables in everything to be able to look at pictures and make a decision on whether a strain is worth growing or not.

And there shouldn't be that many variables in there strains, maybe 5 recognizable Pheno's tops.
If there are more than that, you'd have to spend a fortune with that $100- price tag. But your probably right, cause someone form CO told me that there was dank to find in RD beans, but you really have to look.
(/\.. i know it means nothing....)

* i was offering constructive criticism more than anything else... Mrs. D said she thought RIU would be Nicer than IC... and i was just saying why things went wrong....
If they had two pics for each strain on the site one whole plant, one bud.. nobody would ask for shit.... Or for test grows...

Good Luck
OK .. for the next few days I am going to go through every file I have and post some pics... this also includes 4 different computers.. So this will take time. I will pull photos of things and lable them.

facewrckB (427x640).jpgfacewreck purphazeb (427x640).jpgpurplehaze#2 tangerinetwhaze (640x427).jpgtangerinetrwrhaze grow out
nice looking buds.
The Tangerine Trainwreck Haze, is labeled FaceWreck B... Does that Matter?

And im sure everyone appreciates the photo's, myself included.