Rare dankness/rd genetics


Well-Known Member
Nobody asking him to hold their hand or answer any posts, how about just post some pics of your males you are using or do a journal or something. He spends so much time in his garden and has all of this money but can't afford a camera? With the time he spent writing that rant he could of went out and taken some pictures of his garden and posted them. His garden must look like shit if he doesn't want anyone seeing it..............just saying


Well-Known Member
I dont stroke egos. I dont sugar coat. I dont play well with others. Thats what makes me, me. Been the same way for 12 years worth of being a Cannabis community member. Eveyone knows me either loves me or hates me. Personally I dont care. For evey one person I drive away with my unpolished exterior I gain 20 for being real and unrepenting. At the end of the day I let my work ethic the dank ass buds in my gardens and the stack of awards Ive have collected over the last 10 years reassure me Im doing a good job and on the right path.

The only people that matter in my life are my wife and kids, all the rest of this is noise. Living life and enjoying what you earned and built is much more fun than sitting on the computer hating on everyones success because of the shitty exsistence youve created for yourself. Lesson I had to learn over the last few years.

Most people would do better in the garden by spending time with their plants than sitting ont he computer all day. I know it did me a lot more good being in the garden 4 hr s a day than sitting on Overgrow or Icmag..

MrsRD is a much nicer person in real life as well, everyone loves her. Thats why we work so well, she compliments my roughness and keeps me on the proper side of the genius/insanity line and I deal with those who misuse her niceness.

If anyone has actual grow/strain questions Id suggest hitting the actual Rare Dankness Forum at theseeddepot. I dont frequent any sites any longer and The seeddepot and cannalyst are really the only places you will have a grow/strain questioned answered by RD.

sounds about right to me. another faggot ass breeder in the community, nothing new..... Did you take lessons from swerve or something? fucking dbag.


Well-Known Member
No one asked him to spend all day bro. I made a thread on TSD a couple days ago asking what is the lineage of 4 corners. No answer. There is a difference between answering questions from people who are interested in your work and spending all day feeding trolls.


Well-Known Member
I will answer that for you: Lineage for 4 corners = awesome, which means I don't know the lineage just got lucky winning a cup and now my beans are selling like hotcakes so I don't have time to answer your stupid questions because I have 40 more strains coming out in June and I am planning on putting out another 1,000 over the next year. Now get off your computer and quit trying to find journals of our strains because there are not any, and don't ask us the lineage because we don't know. And if you don't like what I am saying, fuk off. Now I have to go back out to my garden and start chucking some pollen, you don't get 100 strains in a year by sitting on the computer all day


Active Member
No one asked him to spend all day bro. I made a thread on TSD a couple days ago asking what is the lineage of 4 corners. No answer. There is a difference between answering questions from people who are interested in your work and spending all day feeding trolls.

I see all those Dutch and Spanish breeders all over forums, answering questions, telling you about their strains. Oh, wait...

I'm not saying this is how I would run a company, but its not my company. I've seen more communication from them then the usual Euro suspects. Unless their genetics are crap, they are doing more them most breeders out there. If yo don't want to acquire genetics because the breeder isn't full service and nice, good luck.


Well-Known Member
I would rather have a breeder say nothing than spout off like RD#1 did, plus most breeders have grow journals that can be found because their gear was tested first. And FYI, my lights are out right now and that is why I have so much time to spend on the computer


Well-Known Member
I see all those Dutch and Spanish breeders all over forums, answering questions, telling you about their strains. Oh, wait...
I don't understand you're point.

I'm not saying this is how I would run a company, but its not my company. I've seen more communication from them then the usual Euro suspects. Unless their genetics are crap, they are doing more them most breeders out there. If yo don't want to acquire genetics because the breeder isn't full service and nice, good luck.
What are they doing that's more than what other breeders are doing? Winning Cups? Arjan got that on lock and they most likely only won with his blessing. Being rude to potential customers? Swerve has been the master at that for how long now? Selling untested Genetics? Riot seeds can help you in that category.

Not seeing what they are doing that is so much compared to other reputable breeders.


Well-Known Member
LOL! Told you we were testers, nobody has grown this shit out. Not one picture of a mature plant anywhere on earth.


Well-Known Member
Being Active on a Forum, and Actually Contributing to the Forum are two different things....

You can talk on a forum all day, write a novel on how some dude traveled from the inner reaches of Afghanistan with only one nut, and a half full canteen of water..
To smuggle an Elusive and Exclusive Triple Rainbow Afghan Smush back into the states that he only gave to you, before he disappeared as mysteriously as he came...

But it doesn't mean shit, Without pics and test grows....


Well-Known Member
Being Active on a Forum, and Actually Contributing to the Forum are two different things....

You can talk on a forum all day, write a novel on how some dude traveled from the inner reaches of Afghanistan with only one nut, and a half full canteen of water..
To smuggle an Elusive and Exclusive Triple Rainbow Afghan Smush back into the states that he only gave to you, before he disappeared as mysteriously as he came...

But it doesn't mean shit, Without pics and test grows....
Hey - how did you hear the story of my Pakighani Purple OG Diesel Kush? That was intended to remain a trade secret until I release the strain (and take home strain of the year) at the HTCC next year. ;-)


Well-Known Member
some dude traveled from the inner reaches of Afghanistan with only one nut, and a half full canteen of water..
To smuggle an Elusive and Exclusive Triple Rainbow Afghan Smush back into the states that he only gave to you, before he disappeared as mysteriously as he came.
^^lol. Am I back to purchasing weed from my local drug dealer??


Well-Known Member
If Moonshine man was half as smart as he thinks he is, he would bury his huge ego, and try and be a little bit humble.

Maybe he should give the real breeders that won him his Cup some credit?

All Moonshine did was pollen chuck other breeders work, and he acts like he's God or something, too funny.

Wait till all his shit gets F2ed or selfed, and sold for half the price, then we will see how high and mighty he is:)

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
i was just about to pull the trigger on the promo at theseeddepot but i am going to have to pass after this one. don't get me wrong i went for the first promo but not this one. funny how someone is doing so good, but up until the last seeddepot promo shit was going for full price then out of no wehre was knock down to buy 1 get 1. for someone who's doing so good why not buy 1 get 1 straight from out the gate. or if you were so well known why do any promo if you knew your stock was going to sell without 1? point is your stock wasn't selling nowhere near a decent number up until the buy 1 get 1 promo. the og's went but how many packs of og's did go out to every vendor? i am pretty sure nowhere near as the nevil's wreck x's so stop fronting.
right before your release you were very humble, now your acting as if you've never really had anything worth bragging about, and now that you doing a little better you become a whole new person. it's not hard to tell that you are a phoney, just look at all your post before the release up until now.
if you really want to be impressed your afghani line just dropped right before bodhi's release and his shit is almost sold out and the tude just put his shit up for sale today. on top of it he doesn't mention one word about how his shit is in very high demand or how fast it sells out, because he doesn't have to.
dude i don't knock you for being whatever claim to be at the moment in time, but don't act like you was born with a silver spoon and this is how you've always been; you speak with too much anger for someone that always came from money or have been doing his thing for sometime to the point that everyone knows about you. every board i visit besides icmag was asking who is moonshine with these og's (never mentioning your other crosses) and you know it.
as for hating know the difference between inquiring and jealousy. don't you find it mighty funny that ever time someone ask about your p stock you become a complete square (naturally who are) and start to put on this im a ganster charade? you need to be asking who's the hater and who's getting hated on because it's nobody but you that's doing all the funny talk.
another thing everyone isn't a member on every board, so the little info that you did supply isn't going to reach everyone or anyone that doesn't attend that board the info was posted on.
like i said never a hater and i hope the rd crew and any other crew that's been in the struggle to bring good solid genetics to the masses all the best.


Well-Known Member
A rd is your gear tested or not? No grows recorded? I have nothing against you and your stuff looks dank but I need to know the quality control which I think is fair.

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
If Moonshine man was half as smart as he thinks he is, he would bury his huge ego, and try and be a little bit humble.

Maybe he should give the real breeders that won him his Cup some credit?

All Moonshine did was pollen chuck other breeders work, and he acts like he's God or something, too funny.

Wait till all his shit gets F2ed or selfed, and sold for half the price, then we will see how high and mighty he is:)
don't have to, the last promo was for $45 a pack and this one if you cash in on it is for $60 a pack. don't understand why someone who work is so great that he would do a promo back to back? of course he's going to say he's doing good, but come on who does 2 promo's back to back? shit dna/reserva doesn't, connoisseur genetics doesn't, karma doesn't, cali connection did but didn't have to and the list goes on and on.


Active Member
Wow! RD#1 post was just terrible. That attitude was uncalled for! I was supporting RD but now I feel if I have questions or concerns about their gear, I'm just going to get smart ass responses. RD should have been called DGAF seeds ( Dont give a fuck) This really upsets me. I'm interested in trying Moonshine Haze. Even though it's a cup winner, Cups don't mean jack. I went to the Cup and tried several competing strains. I was hearing that this and that was fire. Well I tried several, tested at 25% THC. Everything I did try was nothing special. I did not smoke anything from RD. I am being completely honest that the Cup is flat out a joke. I can find stuff locally that kills anything the Cup had up for the contest. I don't think the cup is rigged but I do know that it seriously lacks good quality bud that actually gets you really high. I'm growing Moonshine and it better be really good for me to continue to support someone who makes comments like that! You really gain 1 customer for every 20 you lose.