rapid rooters vs rockwool


Well-Known Member
no, seriously. i tried using them just likie i used the rapid rooters and they look dead. i'll get pics tomorrow.


stays relevant.
I only use rapid rooters, and refuse to use anything else... I take pride and care for my cuttings... Good starts are important.


Well-Known Member


Active Member
hmm that does look funky, supposing you didnt let them dry out, did you soak it in ph adjusted water with a diluted cloning solution overnight fdd?


Active Member
oh and water in the bottom of the tray would be keeping the rockwool too wet, i find they need dome misting every other day and watering every 4-5 days, usually they root before i really need to add any water to them besides the occasional mist


Active Member
sorry for posting 3 times in a row but to my last comments i dont use a heating mat so that would increase watering and misting by double, and i got some more rooters today i think if im lucky ill have a 30-40% rooting ratio, better than id had first hoped, they just root like molasses (2-3weeks) for me, but hell at least they are rooting!!


Well-Known Member

Just throwing this out there, since i dont know where you live or if you already ordered that, but if you have a fred meyer's right now since its nearing spring they have these same kits (in lots of different sizes) for anywhere from $6-15. I think they have one as big as 24" with pellets + dome. but they also have smaller ones too.

The same probably goes for any other store that has a nusery section. I never see these during the winter because they are sold seasonally, most of the time, but now is the perfect time to stock up. Also, if you dont have FM Im sure Home Depot, Lowe's, and most local hardware stores will also carry them.

Might check into that before ordering online. you might get a better deal!:lol:bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
the jiffy plugs work great, they are just too wet initialy, they have to start drying out befor the roots will start to grow, and you have to let them dry out a little bit befor you use them, otherwise while theyre in the dome it doesnt get dry enough and the cuttings will start to get root rot befor there is roots, and they will never grow, just prep the jiffy pellets the day befor and let them sit out to fully absorb the water and somewhat dry the excess water. they dont want to be dripping, they want to be firm not squishy and somewhat compact, not loose.

rockwool is hard because just a little too wet is way too wet... with rooters, thats the last thing you have to worry about, if you just but a lil water in the tray it works great, but thats the only thing water in the tray works with.

BiG PuFFer

Well-Known Member
i want to germ seeds in RR's, in 2in net pots, in my aero set up then transplant to 4 inch pots. will this work?

dogglet forever

Well-Known Member
since last posting on this thread i use rapidrooters the most now... i have had 100 percent success rate with starting un-germed seeds in RR's and using a heat mat