rapid rooters vs rockwool


Well-Known Member
my problem with the rapid rooters was that it didn't seem like they expanded well. how long did you set them in water to expand for? I think the box said like 10 minutes or something. mine only looked slightly bigger.

mine come pre-moistened in the tray. my hydro shop sells refills that are pre-moistened as well. i don't think they are ever supposed to completely dry out.



Well-Known Member
i'm actually using rockwool right now. hydro shop was out of rapid rooters last time i went in so i just grabbed rockwool. it's just a medium used for rooting. they all work.


New Member

Does that RR tray come with a domed lid? Also how would these that have like 50 or so in them ( RR's and PP's )work if you only use a cpl at a time ( only germ a few seeds or start a few clones at a time ) ? Would it be a prob to only use a few at a time in the tray's ?



Well-Known Member

Does that RR tray come with a domed lid? Also how would these that have like 50 or so in them ( RR's and PP's )work if you only use a cpl at a time ( only germ a few seeds or start a few clones at a time ) ? Would it be a prob to only use a few at a time in the tray's ?

the dome is purchased separately. it even has a light that snaps into it. i can't find my pics and my room is locked. sorry.

i've used the full tray all at once and i've used just one or two at a time. it all works the same.


dogglet forever

Well-Known Member
the same but different... much like everyone on RIU.... fdd you mentioned something about a dome that holds a light... you don't happen to know the brand? so i can tell my shop to get some


Well-Known Member
oh forgot to mention what is that pellet made up of glassfreak?
they are pellets of compressed, dried peat moss, it grows in swams where the grownd is nearly flush with the water, one of the best fertalizers there is. when you add water they expand to about 4 times theyre size, and they have a net all around the peat, so it is its own nice little pot untill your seedlings outgrow it, then you just transplant the whole thing, net and all, no transplant shock.


Well-Known Member
rapid rooters are better because they dont get waterlogged, what you do with rooters is keep a little water in the bottom of the tray theyre in, they are spongy enough to let as much air to the root area as is needed, while still keeping the cube fully saturated.

see the thing with rockwool is that they cant be wet at all. they have to be barely moist, or just damp. the thing to do is right befor you take cuttings, prepare the rockwool, just soak it with water, wait till its fully saturated, which shouldnt take long, and then what i did was take it into the bathroom and swing it toward my bath tub, to fling the excess water out of it, once there is no more water coming out when you swing it, its good to go, avoid watering the clones, just mist the plants and the dome theyre in, this will keep the rockwool moist but not wet, when its wet the cutting just drinks because water is right there, it doesnt need to send roots out to look for water. when its just damp, it knows there isnt enough water, so it will stop taking water up to make new growth, and revert the old growths energy to making new roots, to survive. so yea, thats just an important thing.


Well-Known Member
argh.. Now I dont know which to get.. The Rapid Rooters or the Peat Plugs.
go for the rapid rooters man, heard so much good about them, after using both peat and rockwool, i just want something easier, rapid rooters are more of a set it and forget it kind of thing, the peat has to start drying out befor cuttings will root and rockwool is to hard to get right. plus success rates are hard to get high with rockwool, unless you know exactly what your doing. i really didnt like rockwool actualy...


Well-Known Member
they are pellets of compressed, dried peat moss, it grows in swams where the grownd is nearly flush with the water, one of the best fertalizers there is. when you add water they expand to about 4 times theyre size, and they have a net all around the peat, so it is its own nice little pot untill your seedlings outgrow it, then you just transplant the whole thing, net and all, no transplant shock.

there are NO fertilizers in peat moss no nutriants at all that is why peat moss makes a good starter... it holds water, it does not burn young seedlings


Active Member
I want to try out a hempy bucket, which is best to start in for one of those. I've used jiffy pellets/peat pucks before, actually, I just seen my local home depot is starting to carry them already this year, I can get 72 jiffies for $2.00. Beats my local garden store price of $0.12. Or is it just better to start out in a small cup of perlite? I will be using clones btw.

The Scooby Master

Active Member
The Home Depot and Menards here in Minneapolis already have a full isle of starter stuff. The Jiffy pucks are $2 here also. 36 and 72 puck trays with lid for under $7. And Menards has a 72 puck tray with a short dome with a heating pad for $21. And a higher dome 6-8" I think is $4.

Wish me luck. I am starting my seeds tonight. I have to get a hps light this week, and have already drawn up the plans for a pvc fence post hydro setup. Should I use sprayers aimed at the bottom of 4" pots? or would I be better off with drip lines?