Rapid Rooter - 2 weeks? +rep for answer


Well-Known Member
This method works for me about 80% it is not bullshit I dont monitor temps or humidity either, the only strain I have been able to clone in under a week is purple passion all the other ones have been about two. You shouldent accuse me of giving false information when I have been using this method for over a year now and its been working great for me and tons of other people.

I got 49 unrooted clones calling you a liar. And you don't monitor medium or plant top temps? More BS. It just don't stop does it.

Is this Luda? I mean 84 posts in a year, and still only just "able to roll a joint". Looks to me like you made a name, put it away for a bit, and then came back to it just to fuck with me. I could be wrong, you might just give info so bad that after a year you're still only just able to roll a joint.

I have not had a problem with the clear cups they only stay in there till I can see roots and then I transplant once the plant is strong. Dont be a dick and say my information is useless just cause you couldent properly clone using the easiest method out there, it works, its simple you wasted money on the rapid rooter.
Don't lie, you read about that BS in a High Times magazine about 4 months ago. I didn't beleive it at the time because it was a write in, one person's opinion. But then when someone else here confirmed it I tried it and wasted 2 weeks that I couldn't afford to waste.

There's no way to get plants rooted in any real percentage in soil in 2 weeks. Maybe you can get lucky once in a while, and that's giving you a hell of a lot of credit. So if you think I'm going to beleive you over my own two eyes, you're delusional.

80% for over a year without monitoring temps or covering roots so light doesn't get to them. Not on this planet.

And the biggest dicks in here are the ones that pass bad info. I might be a dick, but you are a huge dick.

Do us both a favor and just don't try giving me advice. I don't have time for your BS, I have 2 weeks to make up for.


Well-Known Member
This method works for me about 80% it is not bullshit I dont monitor temps or humidity either, the only strain I have been able to clone in under a week is purple passion all the other ones have been about two. You shouldent accuse me of giving false information when I have been using this method for over a year now and its been working great for me and tons of other people.

I have not had a problem with the clear cups they only stay in there till I can see roots and then I transplant once the plant is strong. Dont be a dick and say my information is useless just cause you couldent properly clone using the easiest method out there, it works, its simple you wasted money on the rapid rooter.
You ask for help but your gonna be an asshole?? I've never in my life had a clone take 4-5 weeks to root. I've never personally rooted in a cup of dirt either I use Rockwool. I'm assuming the guy you decided to reprimand for trying to help only waits until he see's that roots are forming, which generally doesn't take much over 10 days depending on how far the roots have to travel before emerging, Alot of people wait til the roots are 6+ inches long others plant as soon as a little white tip is showing, I do it that way. My theory is if I can see that the clone is living well and is forming roots it rooted and ready to be transplanted, its going to continue to root through your entire grow as well, however the moment you see growth you can only assume its going to be fine.
I took bad info a few times now and it has cost me a lot of money, so sorry if I have no tollerance for it. Now that I know more, and know more good growers who know what they're talking about to turn to for some of my info, it's a lot harder to trick me.

I have 16 clones 2 weeks old now, I did everything that High Times article said, which he's just reposting here, and I don't have 1 even close to beeing rooted. And I monitor temps & humidity. Plus I have people with Mr. Ganja rating in here telling me there's no way to get rooted clones in less than 4 to 5 weeks in dirt. I woulnd't call someone a liar unless I was sure they're lieing.

And BTW, 58 posts in 6 months? Is this the same guy under a different nic or what?


Well-Known Member
I'm just learning to clone right now too so i'll only answer what i know as i'm still learning.

question 1) no clue

question 2) definately use rooting hormone and i haven't read or seen of anyone using water additives.

question3) I have grown plants from seed in ocean forest soil so i don't see why a clone wouldn't take as long as you're not adding nutritents in.

everything i've seen says around two weeks if using rooting hormone of some sort medium like rockwool or peat pucks.

i know i didnt give you much info but i hope it was somehow helpful. good luck
Thanks for your help +rep

I was pretty sure on the rooting hormone, but I needed confirmation on the FFOF. Thanks again


Well-Known Member
hey man i have used the rapid rooter several times and with different additives. i recomend making sure your ph is right in the money spot 6 or so than if you are going to add anything make sure it isnt at full potency since your working with clones i added some root accelorator and had nice healthy roots in about 8 to 9 days. and on the 2 weeks in dirt it is possible the clones stem would just have to be incredibaly skinny i have done it and the plant grew and i harvested it so it is possible.
Thanks for the info +rep

I said a little bit earlier that it may happen once in a while if you get lucky, I guess lucky = incredibaly skinny stem. lol

I can't say yes or no, I have a fan on full blast oscillating over the mothers so all the stems are thicker. (I was told that using a fan that way would help to improve limb strength and I can say first hand that it works)


Active Member
I took bad info a few times now and it has cost me a lot of money, so sorry if I have no tollerance for it. Now that I know more, and know more good growers who know what they're talking about to turn to for some of my info, it's a lot harder to trick me.

I have 16 clones 2 weeks old now, I did everything that High Times article said, which he's just reposting here, and I don't have 1 even close to beeing rooted. And I monitor temps & humidity. Plus I have people with Mr. Ganja rating in here telling me there's no way to get rooted clones in less than 4 to 5 weeks in dirt. I woulnd't call someone a liar unless I was sure they're lieing.

And BTW, 58 posts in 6 months? Is this the same guy under a different nic or what?
Try 18 months first off, second I'm by no means him not that I have to prove anything to you ask a mod to show IPs if it makes you feel better, I don't post whore about useless shit my apologies. I also took a steady break from my activities while the new medical laws in my state were set up and until I became a patient I had no reason to scour a weed growing forum as I don't need the info I have the experience and personal knowledge of to many successful grows. Also RIU was a last resort for me as HG420 was my homestead until that whole fiasco started.

as I had stated I have never cloned in soil but it seems beyond hard to believe that cloning will take 5+ weeks, also what would be the point in waiting 5 weeks for roots?! You'd be better off just using beans at that point. Rapid rooters and Rockwool seem to be a much better cloning medium if what your saying is correct and I would advise you to switch to either of them, once I use up this giant slab of rockwool I will be trying rapid rooters. My assumption would be use stabil ph (5.8-6.2) for the rapid rooters unless the runoff is very acidic or base then compensate for it and test run off again. Once you figure it out once just stick to that formula, don't try to over complicate things thats what I did when I first ventured into cloning and I had a 0% success rate some how. Then I just stuck to Clonex Gel, Rockwool and a mister full of 5.8ph water and its worked like a charm ever since.

dude those clones wont die for a couple of weeks iv had clones that have taking 4/5 weeks to root so no dont throw them out if the leaves droop then put them back in for an other while, by the way its very hard to clone from the top of a plant almost imposable, so i hope you took them from the bottem

hope this helps bro and good luck
^Is this your Mr.Ganja... One guy says 4/5 weeks and he's not a Mr.Ganja rating and you discredit everybody else??
the 1 Mr.Ganja in your cloning thread who said this...
On average it takes about 1-2 weeks. Rapid rooters are little plug looking thingies that are made up of composted tree bark. They have a hole in the middle of them to stick the stem of the cutting into. The tray kinda looks like a big ice cube tray. You can just buy bags of the refills when you have used up the ones that come with the tray. They are supposedly innoculated with beneficial bacteria which encourage root development and fend off fungal attack. I can't wait to see how well they work. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
use a little mycorrhizae on top of what the rapid rooters have
Hey, don't meant to bug ya, but I made some calls and found out that they make products with Mycrorrhiza for different uses. The 3 I found are vegetables, perennials, and trees/shrubs.

I'm guessing I want the one for vegetables, am I right?

And to carry over the benefits once I plant in dirt, do I treat again?

And am I right in understanding that I just put some on top of the plugs? Or should I dilute in the water or apply directly to the roots?


New Member
Hey, don't meant to bug ya, but I made some calls and found out that they make products with Mycrorrhiza for different uses. The 3 I found are vegetables, perennials, and trees/shrubs.

I'm guessing I want the one for vegetables, am I right?

And to carry over the benefits once I plant in dirt, do I treat again?

And am I right in understanding that I just put some on top of the plugs? Or should I dilute in the water or apply directly to the roots?
yea you can just water with it. I didn't know it came in different plant types. I have two brands of it: general hydro sub culture m and plant revolution plant success. sub culture m I would use for watering with and the plant success is applied directly to the soil, so really it depends on your product. most mycorrhizae products love being used as frequently as they can be hahaha.


Well-Known Member
lol at op

what a tool.

10 days to get clones rooted...rockwool cube. then straight to 50/50 FFOF and Lightwarrior

as the saying goes:

Keep It Simple STUPID.

Tool? Like you never needed to learn at some point. We all do, some of us get bad info and the learning is delayed.

Thanks for the info +rep, even with the insults. lol


Well-Known Member
Try 18 months first off, second I'm by no means him not that I have to prove anything to you ask a mod to show IPs if it makes you feel better, I don't post whore about useless shit my apologies. I also took a steady break from my activities while the new medical laws in my state were set up and until I became a patient I had no reason to scour a weed growing forum as I don't need the info I have the experience and personal knowledge of to many successful grows. Also RIU was a last resort for me as HG420 was my homestead until that whole fiasco started.

as I had stated I have never cloned in soil but it seems beyond hard to believe that cloning will take 5+ weeks, also what would be the point in waiting 5 weeks for roots?! You'd be better off just using beans at that point. Rapid rooters and Rockwool seem to be a much better cloning medium if what your saying is correct and I would advise you to switch to either of them, once I use up this giant slab of rockwool I will be trying rapid rooters. My assumption would be use stabil ph (5.8-6.2) for the rapid rooters unless the runoff is very acidic or base then compensate for it and test run off again. Once you figure it out once just stick to that formula, don't try to over complicate things thats what I did when I first ventured into cloning and I had a 0% success rate some how. Then I just stuck to Clonex Gel, Rockwool and a mister full of 5.8ph water and its worked like a charm ever since.

^Is this your Mr.Ganja... One guy says 4/5 weeks and he's not a Mr.Ganja rating and you discredit everybody else??
the 1 Mr.Ganja in your cloning thread who said this...

Well if you're not him I appologize, and I wouldn't appologize if I thought you were. I just couldn't figure out why else someone would stick up for him.

From wha I'm told, cloning takes 4 to 5 weeks, not 5 weeks +. I can't confirm this because I'm pulling all my clones at 2 weeks to replant in plugs.

And you're right about waiting 4 weeks not making any sense except for the fact that you know what you're getting, no males to mess up your day. And I guess if you just sell clones and have some sort of rotation going, then it wouldn't matter once the first batch root because you have another batch right behind it that have been in the soil for 2 or 3 weeks already, and maybe another batch already planted right behind that one.

Thanks for the info on the pH, +rep

Sorry, I don't have time to find all the posts, but this isn't the only thread I have going on this, and I've also been told in other threads by people with hi ratings, not just Mr. Ganja. If you do a search on my threads you'll find many people telling me the same thing over the last week or so. Plus I also go to another site as well.

I have to get to the nursery before it closes though, so sorry I couldn't look it up for you.


Well-Known Member
yea you can just water with it. I didn't know it came in different plant types. I have two brands of it: general hydro sub culture m and plant revolution plant success. sub culture m I would use for watering with and the plant success is applied directly to the soil, so really it depends on your product. most mycorrhizae products love being used as frequently as they can be hahaha.

Thanks agian man. I'd just ask the horticulturist, but he's one of the people who told me to add bone & blood meal to FFOF so I really don't trust him anymore. lol

I'll have to add it to my watering regiment, but you just gave me a big piece of the puzzle. I've been trying to figure out how to grow monsters like this (see pic) and getter her more nutes is the only thing I can come up with. This is a big part of getting her more nutes. Plus this should help me with rooting clones. Thanks again.

I gotta shower real quick and run out to the nursery by 6 so I'll be back in an hour or two. I'll let you know if I find anything out about the different types.



Well-Known Member
Just got back. Male horticulturist told me it didn't matter what type it was (trees, perrenials, vegitables) and the female horticulturist agreed. Since she hasn't steered me wrong yet, I think this info is fairly reliable.

I bought the tree & shrub because it had the lowest ammount of nutes. (0.1 - 0.2 - 1) so it should be safe to use from seedling/clipping right on through to harvest.

A qt cost only $13 at the nursery, the local grow store wanted $40 for the same ammount. And I just found out that around here the nurseries shut down for the season right after X-Mas. So if anyone reading this wants to get some, you better hurry.

Thanks a million Dbo, this is one valuable piece of info. You deserve another +rep at least. If anyone else finds this info valuable, please +rep Dbo24242.


Active Member
Well if you're not him I appologize, and I wouldn't appologize if I thought you were. I just couldn't figure out why else someone would stick up for him.

From wha I'm told, cloning takes 4 to 5 weeks, not 5 weeks +. I can't confirm this because I'm pulling all my clones at 2 weeks to replant in plugs.

And you're right about waiting 4 weeks not making any sense except for the fact that you know what you're getting, no males to mess up your day. And I guess if you just sell clones and have some sort of rotation going, then it wouldn't matter once the first batch root because you have another batch right behind it that have been in the soil for 2 or 3 weeks already, and maybe another batch already planted right behind that one.

Thanks for the info on the pH, +rep

Sorry, I don't have time to find all the posts, but this isn't the only thread I have going on this, and I've also been told in other threads by people with hi ratings, not just Mr. Ganja. If you do a search on my threads you'll find many people telling me the same thing over the last week or so. Plus I also go to another site as well.

I have to get to the nursery before it closes though, so sorry I couldn't look it up for you.
Oh I don't care for proof, and it wasn't so much as I was sticking up for him as it was I just get angry when I see people on forums asking for help then discrediting any attempt at help due to something somebody else had said. I do appreciate the rep and the apology, I really don't care about the posts or whatever I was just skimming that thread and notice that wanted to add that in lol, no hard feelings eithers thanks for the rep, If you do have any issues in regards to rockwool cloning let me know I have experience in that department.


Well-Known Member
Oh I don't care for proof, and it wasn't so much as I was sticking up for him as it was I just get angry when I see people on forums asking for help then discrediting any attempt at help due to something somebody else had said. I do appreciate the rep and the apology, I really don't care about the posts or whatever I was just skimming that thread and notice that wanted to add that in lol, no hard feelings eithers thanks for the rep, If you do have any issues in regards to rockwool cloning let me know I have experience in that department.
Well don't get me wrong, I appreciate any good info that I get. When I started I appreciated any info good or bad, but I learned my lesson. The first piece of bad info I got was to add bone & blood meal to FFOF. I ended up with minor nute burns and slow growth for a month, and one of the plants didn't make it. I figure that piece of bad advice cost me anywhere from $2.5k to $15k. I wont know the total till I harvest.

On top of that, I'm counting on money from the clones to keep me afloat till I get in this first harvest. Then someone gives me bad info a couple of weeks ago and now I have no rooted clones (one kind of had a little root, but I think that one was an experiment - planted one where I didn't trim off a branch from it's node and the branch was turning into a root underground). So when someone else offered me the same bad info I let him know it wasn't cool.

I would have probably done the same thing even if I wasn't staring at 49 unrooted clones. After the FFOF & Meal deal, I have lost any & all tollerance for bad info. (I just don't want anyone thinking I'm a jerk). Everyone reading this, if you're not sure of something and you're answering a question, just start with "I'm not sure but". That's all you need to do to keep bad info from screwing anyone up.

Anyway no hard feeling, and sorry to ramble on, I'm just stressed about money right now.

And thanks for the offer for future help, I might take you up on it. This is my first time with plugs The only problem so far was bending a stem in half trying to push it into the plug, but that one was weak from being in the ground 2 weeks. I don't think I did much more damage than what's done when super cropping, but I'll know soon enough.

VV Cephei

Active Member
Cloning in soil doesn't take very long. I regularly get roots and new growth by day 14 - 16 in soil, and sometimes even a few days sooner.