Rant rant rant


Well-Known Member
:evil:I'm so pissed off. To cut a long story short, I had someone my age steal something from me worth £800 about a year ago using a hammer, threatening to claw my face in.

I took it to court, he pleaded guilty yet nothing has happened.

I've just seen his little brother up the street - he started mouthing off to me so I shouted for him to come and say it to my face.

He didn't so I approached him.

He then started boasting about how I'm never going to get said item back and how his brother is 'free as a bird'.

I wanted to punch him SO much but I couldn't because he's a fair bit younger than me.

I fucking hate the UK justice system. It's a farce.:evil:


Well-Known Member
lets us know..so we can comment better
but if he is of age
fuck it.....shut his ass up...if he can stand up to you.. sit his ass back down.....:peace:


Well-Known Member
It was a mountain bike. I loved it. I was ALWAYS out on it. Then it was taken from me.

Yeah, I wouldn't have minded so much if it was a more manly fist vs fist theft, but the fact he had to use a hammer made it a bit pathetic.

I was younger than I am now. I'd prefer not to disclose my exact age, but I am over 18.

Yeah I agree that if someone is mouthing off you should put them in their place, but the brother is about 12, maybe 13. I couldn't hit him.

I think he knew that I wasn't going to hit him, hence why he set his cheek up so much.


Active Member
i didnt know that armed robbery was not a felony in the UK. you learn something new everyday.
i guess the guy was a minor? maybe he had some sort of pull? maybe a rich daddy?


Well-Known Member
or a good lawyer or no proof other than circumstantial, he said she said, otherwise the guy should have been locked up


Active Member
yeah but if the kid plead guilty then thats that, right? unless there was a plea bargain which lead to a slap on the wrist and a firm talking-to...


Well-Known Member
get a younger sibling/cousin to beat up the 13y/o... preferably a girl, jus to make it that much more humiliating.


Well-Known Member
maybe it was the coast of the bike that didnt make it a felony..
it might had to be over a certain amount or value to be considerd a felony..
but yea find some 13/14 yr old kid and pay him a little $$ to kick that kids ass...


Well-Known Member
Feel for you so bad, living in the uk and witnessing all this so called "justice"
the guilty and violent seem to be the only winners....


Well-Known Member
Sorry you got robbed. People can be very pathetic. If it's any consolation both those brothers will prob get whats coming to them. A person can only be a piece of crap for so long. Then some other jerk will beat them senseless and rob them. Unfortunately, it probably won't improve their manners. Best of luck, Peace.


Well-Known Member
here in america, if there is a bat, hammer, crowbar, pick axe involved.. that's a deadly weapon. I dont see how he could have gotten around the courts with that one :confused:


Well-Known Member
'were you at least compensated for the bike?'

nope - the court decided he wasn't well off enough to pay the money back. Shouldn't have robbed it in the first place then...

As the saying goes: 'Can't do the time? Don't do the crime.'

The thing is, even though he pleaded guilty to armed robbery, he didn't get sentenced. It's just on his record, but he won't have to pay for it. Not even community service...

In a way I feel sorry for people like this. But on the other hand, I worked hard to earn that bike. He didn't.


Active Member
'were you at least compensated for the bike?'

nope - the court decided he wasn't well off enough to pay the money back. Shouldn't have robbed it in the first place then...

As the saying goes: 'Can't do the time? Don't do the crime.'

The thing is, even though he pleaded guilty to armed robbery, he didn't get sentenced. It's just on his record, but he won't have to pay for it. Not even community service...

In a way I feel sorry for people like this. But on the other hand, I worked hard to earn that bike. He didn't.

well take comfort in knowing that this prick will always be in the gutter.
kind of hard to find decent employment when a big red flashing "armed robbery"
shows up on your background report ;)

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
'were you at least compensated for the bike?'

nope - the court decided he wasn't well off enough to pay the money back. Shouldn't have robbed it in the first place then...

As the saying goes: 'Can't do the time? Don't do the crime.'

The thing is, even though he pleaded guilty to armed robbery, he didn't get sentenced. It's just on his record, but he won't have to pay for it. Not even community service...

In a way I feel sorry for people like this. But on the other hand, I worked hard to earn that bike. He didn't.

If i knew where this person was i would do something very bad to him. Very bad. Theives suck.:evil:


Well-Known Member
I posted a reply but it hasn't appeared yet - not sure why.

'were you at least compensated for the bike? '

Not a penny. He got let off completely, even though he pleaded guilty. I've heard from others he sold it on.

The justice system in the UK is failing.