Random thoughts and Genetics


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Just a couple of days since that last picture. Since that time, all plants have pulled trough. Kind of amazing to get 100% survival rate after how these clones looked a week or so ago. There was a time I was wondering if I would truly have enough to fill the tent. Now I have all I need to do what ever I want. Now would be a good time to know what that is. I wish I could say I have the right answer. I am sure there will be a couple of worthy plants. I just need to choose right.

The plan to reverse both Super Lemon Haze is still on. I am wondering now if I should do both The New plants also. That would be 4 reversed plants at once. That would also mean there would be some pollen mixing with each other. I would have more options for choices that way. The seeds would be nearly as stable as I would like. I wouldn't know for sure what seeds are selfed and which are hybrids of the plant next to it. On the bright side. I should get pollen for sure if I do all 4. The plan is to run these plants sooner then the others. I hope I can then transfer pollen to plants in the flower tent for known hybrids. Both of the Golden Berry and Key Lime Kush plants that were cloned are still the best looking plants structure wise for the strains. I think the Key Lime Kush pheno I have is Key Lime Pie dominate. It damn sure doesn't look like a Kush lol. I can see the Kush in the other pheno. There is a very good chance that these plants would make great hybrids. I don't know I will have enough info about them to know if they should in fact be reversed for the hybrids.

The chance of me picking the best Golden Berry plant is still 1 in 6. Just because this plant has the best looking structure doesn't mean it will have the best high. It is right in the middle phenotype wise which is a good sign. The others are either shorter or taller. They are all still very grow able plants. DNA genetics are solid enough that one of these 6 plants could very well be great.

The only plant I wouldn't want to grow again would be the small The New. It will probably be kick ass weed but the plant is still only around a foot tall. 2 foot across but still only 1 tall. If I needed short plants this would be a sure winner. If it turns into something truly special I will try and regenerate it later.


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Little tiny buds just starting to form on the mothers. They are not all mothers but it is the only name I have for this tent right now LMAO. Watering day for the plants in the first picture so they are a bit droopy. Other than that everything is looking good. I seem to be getting a lot more stretch from one side. I can't say for sure if that is the case. One side had all the taller plants. Taller plants will stretch more. I do know I have moved one side up more than the other. The side with less stretch is also the side with the older bulb. I am going to change it out just in case. This way I know both bulbs have the same amount of life. The old one should have plenty of life left. I will keep it as a back up just in case.



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Damn! Some of the Golden Berry plants have had a massive amount of stretch. It doesn't look like it will be so bad I have to bend branches over yet. They are going to push my height limits by the time they are done.

I still feel that I should replace the bulb on one side. I was supposed to do it yesterday and forgot. I noticed last night I need to clean the inside of the tube also. The light film of dirt inside the tube is holding a bit of heat so I am sure it is blocking some light. I have never cleaned the tube before and only noticed it was dirty compared to a brand new one. I can't say this will change things but I should at least try. All the plants on the short side were short from the beginning.

Major differences between phenotypes on a couple of strains. One of The new plants is 4' tall and its sister is only 1.5' tall. They all got the same treatment for the most part. Golden Berry plants are about the same. 3 tall pheno's 2 short pheno's and one in the middle that is the bushiest. The Bushy one has looked the best all the way through the grow so far. It is the only Golden Berry I cloned.

I am still really happy with the plants I have cloned. With clones of 6 plants I have a 50 percent chance of have clones of the best plant/plants. I didn't loose one clone so I will have a clone available for breeding if the best plant is one of the ones I have cloned. Other than that the plan is to try and self the SLH for lemon terps. Pretty much the same thing with The New. I don't have clones of the smallest TN plant it is too short and slow growing to be of much use for me. I will probably have to eat my words on that one and have to try and regenerate it later lol. The 2 TN I have clones I also want to try and keep the genetics of. I just don't know for sure I am going to like it yet. Based on growth rate and structure the tall The New is the winner so far if I only do one.

There is very little chance that the Key Lime Kush or the Golden Berry clones will be reversed. If they turn out great they will get pollen from the SLH or TN. The plan right now is still to try and reverse one of each of the SLH and TN. That is unless things change which they always do.


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After changing out bulbs and cleaning the tube. The lights are putting off the same amount of light. I don't know for sure which was the major problem. I shouldn't have had too many hours on it. I only ran one crop with it. Either way I always need a back up just in case. This way I have both bulbs on the same schedule.

I will be setting up the 5 x 5 tent today or tomorrow. I plan to harvest the Xanadu today. It doesn't look like I have one of the 100 day flowering pheno's. The clones are really taking off now and I want to get them under the 630 watt CMH. As soon as I can find some good small stakes I will be bending plants to start them bushing out. I am hoping to see enough about the pheno's I have cloned to know which ones I want to reverse in the next month. I have a plan if not. The biggest thing is to get them going a month before the others. so I can have pollen to spread in the flower tent. If not I will only have selfed plants.


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Everything is moving along fine. I started training clones yesterday. They may be a little young yet, we will see how they respond. As clones I think they will do fine. Now that roots are formed the plants are taking off.

One of the real surprises. Most of the F**ked up leaves have turned back around. Only the edges are burnt all yellowing has turned green. This is the most I have seen leaves change. Now what to do with them all. Most will just be flowered, a couple reversed. What I am deciding now is if I want to save a few clones in veg as mothers. At least till I see which ones are the best. I may keep the best The New if I like the high. Everything I have seen so far I like. They are finickier then some strains but I will figure it out. Both the Key Lime Kush and the cloned Golden Berry are also really nice plants. They have good structure, bush out nicely and looked to produce rather well. What the weed is like I won't know for a while. I don't know that I want to keep 4 mother plants right now just to see which is best.

That isn't even considering the Super Lemon Haze plants. I wouldn't call them big plants but they are growing well. I just don't know that they will be large producers. That doesn't matter when It comes to smoke. It does matter for keeper plants. That is why I wanted to be sure to get some seeds from this strain. One plant is Haze dominate from the looks of the leaves. The other is skunk leaning. Quality of high matters and lemon matters. Type of high I don't care. A haze or a skunk high will work for me. Either way it will be sativa dominate. I want SLH to go along with C-99 for my daytime sativa. I have enough Cinderella to last for years I need something as a quality backup.


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One more week of stretch and I will be safe. I still don't see it being a problem. This would have been a lot different with my old tent. This way I can have all my tall plants on the same side and adjust lights to them. The other side can do what it want and I can adjust to it also. Some of the plants that started on the short side are now on the tall side. Golden Berry is the main culprit. 4 of the 6 stretched a lot. One of The New plants is down on that far end with them. One of the Golden Berry plants has reached the same level as the lights. My light just about runs down a channel of plants. With air cooled lights and plenty of air movement. I am getting away with the light being 12" above the plants. Here is how everything is looking now.



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I have been keeping a eye out for frost. Outside it showed up a long time ago. Indoors it has been in the last couple of days. The only ones with out lots of visible trichome's are the Super Lemon Haze. The Lemon Skunk leaning pheno has it just starting. This is no big surprise. There are lots of modern hybrids in the bunch. The biggest surprise. Golden Berry. These plants are so damn frosty I am beginning to think I may want to spread some pollen on one of its clones. The short Key Lime Kush looks the same.

Early frost doesn't mean shit. It is cool to look at. The end product is what really matters. I really makes it hard to pick a Super Lemon Haze to pollinate all the hybrids with nothing impressive to base it on. I am leaning to the tall The New as a pollen donor now. I am going to know lots more than what I do now, by the time I need to decide. I don't think I will know the quality of the high. I am hoping that the smells will help me some. A great lemon smell from one of the SLH might change my mind. I at least want great lemon smell before I breed into it. Basing everything on frost/smell I will be choosing a VERY frosty plant to reverse. With that in mind. It looks like the Golden Berry and the Key Lime Kush will be receiving pollen. As I write this. I am thinking of running more clones for seeds. I can strip down mothers to just a top or 2 I could fit more clones in with the reversed plants. I want seed for me to grow. It doesn't take a very big plant to make a bunch of seeds. I could easily pick one of each clones if I strip them and only reversing one. The reversed plant is going to have to be bigger. It needs to put out pollen and make seeds. I wouldn't have room for 2 big plants and all the other clones.

I can't say what I plan to do yet. I can say. Everything is working out so I can do what ever comes to mind.


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Kind of weird here Dankman. Pretty sure you are my only follower. LOL. As you can see from my last post it still helps me figure out what I want to do. I figure out a lot of stuff just writing. Where ever that happens. I am slowly trying to shrink my social media footprint. As I do I want to stay in touch with the relationships I do have.

Only a select few people from the internet world make it into my inner circle. I am pretty good at weeding out the riff raff as things go along. In the end it is still just a computer talking. Hard as it sounds to others. If I don't know you in person most will never earn my trust. You and Orlando are the only people to make the list so far.


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It's always nice to talk to like minded people. Especially when it comes to canna projects. They are dropping fast over there at the other place. Another one last night I was friends with.
I just wrapped up a 11 plant pheno hunt of one of my crosses. I have narrowed it down to 6 for the keeper of the bunch. I'll let them cure awhile then make a decision about the one to keep. Meanwhile I'll be running 8 out of the 11 again


Well-Known Member
Dankman, as you know I never run something again. Or never used too. All my plants in veg are from flowering plants. Out of those there are a couple that show real promise to be keepers. Hell I don't even have time to check my own hybrids yet LOL. Why make more? For me it is I was mostly practicing before. I want to find some elite plants to really get going.

You just never know where you are going to find one of those. All my concentration has been on The New and Super Lemon Haze. I may have been better off looking more at Golden Berry. I do have 2 clones of my favorite, this was based only on growth structure. Now that I am over 3 weeks into flower it is still looking pretty damn good. I don't know if it is the frostiest but it is one of the top 3 for trichome coverage. They are also the first plants to put out smell. Most have a nice berry smell. This plant stretched a lot but it has everything else also. I will post a pic of it. As much as I want to include this plant into the seed tent. I may just want to keep one as a mother. All I know is I can't do everything right now with just the 2 clones.

The main thing is. If I keep a mother or mothers. It is going to be a while before I do much with it or them. I really want to keep looking at new stuff. If I don't I may regret it. If you have a great plant and loose it you have only yourself to blame. I good at blaming stuff on myself LOL. Here is a look at the Golden Berry I am talking about.
golden berry.jpggolden berry.jpg


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Golden Berry has some monsters in the genetics. the 3 tallest plants are all Golden Berry. This pheno is the best looking all around so far.

What is weird is I didn't see this strain stretching like this. Even with it being 60/40 and a mostly sativa I still expected more of the bush type. Like I am getting from the other pheno's.


Well-Known Member
Random thoughts, Auto Flower version is making progress. I didn't use huge pots so these should get very big. This is more to see what happens than anything else so they don't need to get big. In time I will have mothers in the place. Until then I may as well see what a auto flower strain can do. It is Sweet seeds Jack 47 auto. It was a high rated auto flower when I purchased them. Sweet seeds is one of the leaders in the auto craze. I figured this was a good place to start looking.

I am not paying much attention to these plants. They will get super cropped then let go. Part of the whole idea is simple for auto's. we will see how simple. Here they are at day ? LMAO. I am going to call Dec 1st as the start day. I really should have tracked the start date. The how long is not what I am looking at I am comparing the type of weed to a photo period strain. Not much to look at yet but here they are.


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On my other fronts. I decided on the reversals. I pretty much had to if I want a chance to have pollen by the time the others are in flower. I re-potted 4 plants and started spraying 3. The New was the main project when I started so I am going stick with that plan. I have one of each of The New clones picked out. That and both Super Lemon Haze. I am only spraying one of the SLH. It is frosting up and flowering faster than its sister. I really hope it is Lemon Skunk leaning. If not no big deal. The tent is already being used might as well use all the space. The last Super Lemon Haze looks to be Haze dominate. It is just going to collect pollen not produce it. I may pull plants from this project as I go. The SLH will stay no matter what. It is in early so it will be ready when the pollen is.

The plan is to harvest and spread pollen more than to make selfed seeds. I hope to have S-1 seeds from each plant but that is not the main goal. Some of those seeds may be questionable because of the other random pollen around. As long as all plants are worthy then it shouldn't matter a whole lot. That is why I may pull plants. I can pull plants out I can't add them. The hope is to have pollen to paint on the plants in flower. This pollen will only go to select plants. That and the best pollen saved for next run if it is good enough.

From everything I have heard. Sherbs other hybrids with his GSC have all came out great. Flavor profiles were the deciding factors of the offspring. That is why I am reversing both plants. First I don't know which one I will like, plus I may like them both. The chances of both plants sucking is slim.

I also plan to clone a few plants before putting the vegging clones to flower. I am not totally sure which ones yet. These will either be kept or killed depending on the final outcome. I am tired of loosing great plants. I need to make sure I am done with these strains now before I move on to the next ones.

With that said I am working on the new line up now. Time for a Bodhi strain as the regular seeds for the next grow. Indicas and hybrids are easy choices. Their highs don't need to have limits. Great morning weed is a different story. I have lots of C-99 hybrids. Pretty much everyone Grimm has released LMAO. I have some of Grimms new Pineapple XX a pineapple version of Cinderella. It is pretty high on my list just because I like the pineapple flavor in weed. Topping the list is Princess Haze. SSH is one of my other favorite day time weeds. Why not mix them. I will need to decide in the next couple weeks.