Random thought if enough of u like might be fun


Well-Known Member

ok here it is
a new tread .....u have the party cup contest .....what about the smallest auto and the largest auto ( for those ppl doing hidden grows smallest for the ppl that want to go big the biggest ) ...........in thoery by the end of it the 2 treads should be great for picking strains

when ppl when to post a pic they print out there Icon like mine is tom baker waving and the photo has to have the icon and the plant in it plus say a bic lighter to use as frame of height

they post what strain....medium....light used and it would be a huge learning tool .............we do it by the month each month the top 3 ppl are picked and they gain bragging rights ............sooner or later one person will win alot then it will be try to beat the top guy game .........give the title King/Queen of auto plants for first and 2nd is High mucky muck of auto plants and 3rd is Bester of auto plants (like jester but bester)

if enough of u post yes i have no idea how to do this so if a mod or a older smarter poster on here does it


Well-Known Member
you stoned buddy? :p
for the last 21 years yes ............trust me u would not like me not stoned........i have anger issues (meaning if someone is not there to stop me i will kill the person .....to me it is the logical end result u attack me trying to harm me i kill u in the fast method i can to end the fight and save engery ).......sorry it is just easier hospitals cost to much and well one less asshole willing to attack amish looking guy u know they are a dick

but think about it .................there are posts on here asking what is the best strain .......what works for hidden grows and they are posting their results ........this would be for a sticky and ppl could comb thou it and see what others got (the stuff from the seed banks tell u some and sometimes nothing here they can gather hard facts )

somone growing the same strain as u they get 14 grams more then u did and almost same set up u can msg them and ask what they did ..........i thought the point of these places was for ppl to learn gather info and get the best possible buzz/high they can to make the world a much more mellow happier place


Well-Known Member
something like this

strain name
light type
days growen
img ............................img..................................img................................img

then they can edit it and add in the weight they got dry and how it was for them /what buddies said


Well-Known Member
the honest truth is the first site that does this will get the most hits and ppl going to it since they have most the info posted in one thing and as the months go by and the strains change the info is always updated

so someone like me looking to get in for 6 months make enough for the year and pay a few bills picks the perfect strain instead of spending 3 years of trail and error to get something locked in .........or someone looking to do it in the college room gets one that will be short and not be to stinky ..........hunderents of combos for the reason to make it .........along with TEK this would be a starting point for a book


Well-Known Member
a book would be nice
seeing how there is very little about ruderalis hybrids or in its natural state even
its the black sheep of pot so to say and has been written off as useless for far to long


Well-Known Member
i been working on them for 3 months 7 hours aday

i got strains that give tiny amounts maybe a OZ i got ones saying 450 grams to m2..................................and there is no answer on any varibles plus half the time bearly anything but the sales pitch (so alot of the thc cbc cnd and all that is unaccounted for ) ................i am sorry all the photo growers out there have not done the math auto plans are the most cost effect type and the yeilds getting higher and higher every 6 months (or sooner it is the breeders out there and autos are 3 months on avg)

growing 7 lbs in 8 months all good but that is 8 months of time .............why not grow 8 autos with avg of 300 grams in 10 weeks (then u can pack the gear move store or use again) but u gain the same amount less time less engery use ........numbers do not lie


Well-Known Member
my goal is to make 30k a year by selling off some good stuff to buddies for 300 .........strong good stuff decent price (they will keep mouth sut and turn in the jackass dealers like in my teen years) ......and i make myself about 15 oz for the whole years that is 3 extra oz then what i need for parties

if i do that then i can stop busting my ass to make cash to pay for myself and the kids plus take care of the ladies and my bribes to keep certin ppl off my back


Well-Known Member
I don't know. ^ This felt like a dumb thing to advertise. Thought I'd be a dick about it.
at this point and time i no longer care ...............the founding fathers of the country did it that is good enough for me ...........if big pharm and the rope ppl are scared to damn bad .........i have a medical reason and i have done the research into getting a church stats so it can be reilgion reason and not a damn thing they can do ..........my state laws are changing and i have more then enought ppl to say yah those 3 plants are mine .....so legal there .....and the reiglion angle the federal has shit

if i thought i had a shot i will file for tribal stats ..............get some land and tell the federal goverment to suck it .............1/8th blackfoot mothers side she was 1/4...might be wrong great great great grandmother was 100% moms side to stoned to do math now

been to lock up did a bit ............i know for a fact it cost them more money to keep me in there then they make .........the pills alone they would be required to feed me for about 1000 a month .......and those would stop working and more blood test and all that crap ......it cheaper to leave me alone to take care of myself