Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Which ones taste the best?

Duroc hands down, the meat is red and actually marbled like beef.
These heirloom revival Nieman Ranch knock of chefs are free ranging Duroc crossed with Berkshire for a bit of hardiness and prolific piglet production.

That cross apparently blends the best of both pig fat worlds http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22062660 both marbling (duroc) and thick fat rind that doesn't drip off (Berkshire)
Need more info, boss.

You run Windows, Linux, or Mac?

You have a DVD burner in your computer?

There are a couple of free programs to make a DVD, you just add the MP4 file. With more info, I'll reboot to the OS you have and tell you what I'm running.
I'm stuck in the polar vortex. we get 1 maybe 2 days of decent mid 50's sunny weather and then it goes back into the single digits. Woke up today to snow on the road, wasn't bad to drive on, but will freeze tonight. Looks like another 2 weeks of this. yay :roll:
Need more info, boss.

You run Windows, Linux, or Mac? windows xp media center ed

You have a DVD burner in your computer? yup

There are a couple of free programs to make a DVD, you just add the MP4 file. With more info, I'll reboot to the OS you have and tell you what I'm running.

^.. .......... done and done
I'm getting ready to go out with the dog. He's so cute. Anyway I'm lighting up the bong because you can't run sober and it's loaded with girl scout poison. So this run is for you ;) and you know who you are!

As I'm sitting there lighting the bong with a match it made me wonder if anyone else hates using lighters with a bong? I'll use lighters for joints etc.. but bongs I light with (wooden only), matches.

So am I weird, crazy or ? Maybe I need a poll?

Maybe a little sativa heavy....