Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Beer, bud, hockey, hot tub, and the girlfriend
awesome night

HEY!!! I'm Indian and want go to college and I'm not sure why I'm yelling at you
restraint: defined... by me..

having to tie a tie for your daughters boyfriend and assist in securing to boyfriends neck.... without too much pressure...

they are off to a formal dance and dinner tonight.. he keeps bringing me food, he might win me over..
restraint: defined... by me..

having to tie a tie for your daughters boyfriend and assist in securing to boyfriends neck.... without too much pressure...

they are off to a formal dance and dinner tonight.. he keeps bringing me food, he might win me over..

he can inhale = forbearing dad.
restraint: defined... by me..

having to tie a tie for your daughters boyfriend and assist in securing to boyfriends neck.... without too much pressure...

they are off to a formal dance and dinner tonight.. he keeps bringing me food, he might win me over..
Trusting soul, letting Dad affix a fastening device around his neck.:shock:
He must figure he hasn't gotten on your bad side yet.
this was my gauge to see how scared he was of me.. he only flinched twice..
I know, huh?
My daughter has had the same BF for over 2 years now, and they have wedding plans that have been put off once already when she decided she wanted to finish nursing school first, and no matter what I do, I can't get him to quit calling me 'Sir'.:shock:
Kinda funny really, but he is a nice respectable kid (I say 'kid' because he's same age as my daughter, 22 this year).
restraint: defined... by me..

having to tie a tie for your daughters boyfriend and assist in securing to boyfriends neck.... without too much pressure...

they are off to a formal dance and dinner tonight.. he keeps bringing me food, he might win me over..

I won over my fiancees mother by weed eating her whole front yard. Her dad came later when he figured out he no longer had to work on her car and that I could support her.
I love days like today. Nothing like a nice stroll in the park with the dog. The tourists are wearing T-shirts so they're probably Russian or Scandinavian. Excellent for January regardless.



i am considering going on the raw diet dunno if i can give up cooked foods though ahhaha

I have always wanted to, cause im so fucking lazy seems pretty easy... after looking into it i found out its much cheaper to cook your food and not be lazy ={
i want to get 11 sets of the 98 cube starter plugs of rockwool and make 1000 purple kush clones and sell em to cartel for 3k-4k ....but i think my mothers would only give me about 500 or so
Last night I got toasted off 4 IPAs and some joints. Might be the first time going out to a bar since I got arrested and finished my probation. My buddies band played it was such a good time. Saw a lot of friends too.
restraint: defined... by me..

having to tie a tie for your daughters boyfriend and assist in securing to boyfriends neck.... without too much pressure...

they are off to a formal dance and dinner tonight.. he keeps bringing me food, he might win me over..

Hmmmmm when he brings you pot, shoot him.