I was talking to my buddy down the road yesterday and he was spit balling all the places he wanted to move away to. He mentions Australia and I immediately go off on a tangent about how damn near everything there is either poisonous/venomous or will kill you.. even telling him I am sure there is fruit there that jumps off the tree's and attacks people..
sent this to him today
Run Clint.........RUN!!
Hahahahah nice one G.
I eat poisonous snakes for breakfast ! They taste like chicken abit ! The trick is not to get bit by those bastards .
As for the fruit , it's the best in the world ! Maybe ...
You just have to watch out for the Flying foxes (big bat that eat's fruit , and the Drop bears are dangerous !
Then you have dingo's that eat babies .
I go for a swim and surf on great white shark's all the time ! again just watch out for those jaws !
Kangaroos you have to watch out for (same as cassowaries )they will rip your gut's straight open with there claws on there feet !
Then you have the crocs , that can only end bad !
Also some of the spiders are fucked up , White tail spiders charge at you trying to bite you , then the funnel web that stands up on it's back legs and shows it's fangs at cha .
Then the red back spider that you find under pots , wood , behind boxes and stuff , ALL THESE SPIDERS WILL MAKE YOU VERY ILL (then die prob)
The list goes on !!!!!!!
I love Australia