Random Jibber Jabber Thread

I was talking to my buddy down the road yesterday and he was spit balling all the places he wanted to move away to. He mentions Australia and I immediately go off on a tangent about how damn near everything there is either poisonous/venomous or will kill you.. even telling him I am sure there is fruit there that jumps off the tree's and attacks people..

sent this to him today

Run Clint.........RUN!!

Hahahahah nice one G.
I eat poisonous snakes for breakfast ! They taste like chicken abit ! The trick is not to get bit by those bastards .
As for the fruit , it's the best in the world ! Maybe ...
You just have to watch out for the Flying foxes (big bat that eat's fruit , and the Drop bears are dangerous !
Then you have dingo's that eat babies .
I go for a swim and surf on great white shark's all the time ! again just watch out for those jaws !
Kangaroos you have to watch out for (same as cassowaries )they will rip your gut's straight open with there claws on there feet !
Then you have the crocs , that can only end bad !
Also some of the spiders are fucked up , White tail spiders charge at you trying to bite you , then the funnel web that stands up on it's back legs and shows it's fangs at cha .
Then the red back spider that you find under pots , wood , behind boxes and stuff , ALL THESE SPIDERS WILL MAKE YOU VERY ILL (then die prob)
The list goes on !!!!!!!
I love Australia :peace:
Some of the breeds are wilder than others and are a lot more aggressive, know idea why people like to raise them.

I think Duroc and Red wattles were some of them. We've had really good luck with Yorkshire and Hampshire.

They're a hardy cross able to weather well and they're not picky at all on what food they eat.

Which ones taste the best?
Please raise them deliciously and bring to pirate ship - I think there is room on the butane extraction barge. Do any of the breeds offer an ignition threat?
gioua is this new crop all sativa? LOL mmmmmmm baconey..... now for a word from my sponsor

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All I have is Bubba Kush... new crop will be blue dream silver jack bubba kush orange crush and cramelious.. all cllones now cept the bubba's.. got seeds to plant soon

been 70's all last week gonna be about the same next..

[TABLE="class: weather-gadget-layout-table"]

70° 36°[/TD]

68° 34°[/TD]

68° 39°[/TD]

68° 41°[/TD]

and now I must make the bacon tacos

heard a report the other day about the difference within the con US, Oxnard Ca was 84 and MI (or some cold ass place) was -40 124 degree diff
The weather is screwy here a few weeks ago I was trying to avert frostbite... now I'm wearing shorts and flip flops in January. Oh well might as well enjoy the weather until the water runs out.
suggestions on the best free way to convert a mpeg4 file to a dvd playable format? vlc requires added dvd authoring software.. and more reading then I am willing to do.. infact.. can someone just convert it for me?