Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Yeah they was calling, your mom , Bob, over in seed an strain. But he picked Whitebb to go after and I found that odd, for bob. Plenty of targets to choose from, why pick him, he's cool with everyone. Part of TNT
Everyone believes that logical assessment Jerry.
I should've taken a pic before I hooked everything up.
Homemade Pho with meat balls, tendon, rare steak, and fatty brisket. I started the broth yesterday at 7pm and let it go till like 9am today. Then I strained it and put it in the fridge. All the fat solidified on top and I scraped it off. Then back on the stove to heat up. I made the bowls up and poured the hot broth over.

It turned out killer.
You are a very angry young man. I suggest yoga. It has helped me with my sexual abuse ptsd. You seem like you may also be suffering from ptsd. Who hurt you young man? If I'm a sock,you're the only one falling hook, line and sinker. ;)
Perchance you are VERY familiar with a zarabeth? Do you prefer yoga pants to other attire and have you enjoyed lesbianism in your youth?
Perchance you are VERY familiar with a zarabeth? Do you prefer yoga pants to other attire and have you enjoyed lesbianism in your youth?
Yuck! I would never do a lesbian stuff. The only oyster I like is my own! Woman power! Hands off my body! My vagina MY RULES! You can ask the young men though. My oyster is moister. Yoga helps with my sexual abuse ptsd. Have I told you about my nightmares and the wolfmen?
Yuck! I would never do a lesbian stuff. The only oyster I like is my own! Woman power! Hands off my body! My vagina MY RULES! You can ask the young men though. My oyster is moister. Yoga helps with my sexual abuse ptsd. Have I told you about my nightmares and the wolfmen?

Eating seafood is one of the best ways to head off osteoporosis. That is Greek for "cannot win at Sumo with those fine young men". I advise acquiring a taste for that salty delicacy.
Yuck! I would never do a lesbian stuff. The only oyster I like is my own! Woman power! Hands off my body! My vagina MY RULES! You can ask the young men though. My oyster is moister. Yoga helps with my sexual abuse ptsd. Have I told you about my nightmares and the wolfmen?
Until you answer gar I'm afraid your shellfish proclivities are of little interest to me.
Hey new lady. I have a question to ask you. Now keep in mind, this is a pretty standard question for these parts. So don't take offense...

How many dix can you fit in your mouth at one time?
Young man! In my day we had respect for our elders! Mmmmmm....oooooooh........grunt.....mmmmmm. I'm sorry. Your question has my seashell at maximum wetness. It's like a rainforest in my knickers. I've only had 2 of my sons friends bulbous heads in my mouth together. I told them they were gay for letting the heads of their penises touch but they didn't care. They were almost as aggressive as the wolfmen of my nightmares. One of their veiny members kept getting kind of limp. I suspect my comment about him being gay got inside his head. I knew while I was working these young men that I could fit many, many,MANY more in my mouth. Line up boys. Mama wants the protein!
Young man! In my day we had respect for our elders! Mmmmmm....oooooooh........grunt.....mmmmmm. I'm sorry. Your question has my seashell at maximum wetness. It's like a rainforest in my knickers. I've only had 2 of my sons friends bulbous heads in my mouth together. I told them they were gay for letting the heads of their penises touch but they didn't care. They were almost as aggressive as the wolfmen of my nightmares. One of their veiny members kept getting kind of limp. I suspect my comment about him being gay got inside his head. I knew while I was working these young men that I could fit many, many,MANY more in my mouth. Line up boys. Mama wants the protein!
2 dixo_O and one was limp?! Excuse me ma'am but wtf kinda shit is that? That's the lowest number I've ever heard! Hell most here can fit at least 3 raging dongs I'm their mouths. I even know someone that claims he can fit 19 pencil dix in there at once.

I thought as you get older you lose elasticity in your skin... so you should be able to cram lots of peckers in there. Your biggest hurdle should be how all the dudes have to be positioned to get that many down.

By your age your butthole should be so loose that you have to do anal kegels. So don't give me that shit about 2 dix!
2 dixo_O and one was limp?! Excuse me ma'am but wtf kinda shit is that? That's the lowest number I've ever heard! Hell most here can fit at least 3 raging dongs I'm their mouths. I even know someone that claims he can fit 19 pencil dix in there at once.

I thought as you get older you lose elasticity in your skin... so you should be able to cram lots of peckers in there. Your biggest hurdle should be how all the dudes have to be positioned to get that many down.

By your age your butthole should be so loose that you have to do anal kegels. So don't give me that shit about 2 dix!

2 dixo_O and one was limp?! Excuse me ma'am but wtf kinda shit is that? That's the lowest number I've ever heard! Hell most here can fit at least 3 raging dongs I'm their mouths. I even know someone that claims he can fit 19 pencil dix in there at once.

I thought as you get older you lose elasticity in your skin... so you should be able to cram lots of peckers in there. Your biggest hurdle should be how all the dudes have to be positioned to get that many down.

By your age your butthole should be so loose that you have to do anal kegels. So don't give me that shit about 2 dix!
you never asked me about my anus. While it is paper thin it is capable of handling more weiners than you've ever seen young man. I was taking penises in every hole on the human body while you were a twinkle in your dads eye. I'm a master of jacking cock and you should respect your mom! I was getting creampied by the negro jazz musicians by the dozens in the 40s! One time they made me squirt it back into a champagne glass and drink it! Naughty! We would smoke tea and and sniff ether. So many hands on my body. So many throbbing tentacles in my orifices. I'm going to blow my sons friend right here in this bar!
you never asked me about my anus. While it is paper thin it is capable of handling more weiners than you've ever seen young man. I was taking penises in every hole on the human body while you were a twinkle in your dads eye. I'm a master of jacking cock and you should respect your mom! I was getting creampied by the negro jazz musicians by the dozens in the 40s! One time they made me squirt it back into a champagne glass and drink it! Naughty! We would smoke tea and and sniff ether. So many hands on my body. So many throbbing tentacles in my orifices. I'm going to blow my sons friend right here in this bar!
Girl after my own heart....and maybe my hymen.
Wait, wut?
Sweety... I hate to ask you this as it's embarrassing for both you and I but I think it's time I asked. Do you know why the pages of my cosmopolitan, redbook and vogue magazines keep getting stuck together? I found some under your bed. Those subscriptions cost a lot of money and I don't need you using your man glue to ruin them. I'm sorry if that was awkward. Now go shower your stinky little balls and I'll come tuck you in after.