Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Spending the evening alone (by choice). Well, not totally alone. I have some really good pot. I'm watching this thing on the tele in between playing guitar. The dialogue on the show was about trust. It occurs to me that I don't really trust anyone... or not many people, anyway. I don't mind being alone... but I've never really felt lonely before. It's interesting. Lonely is different. I could go out or call someone but I don't want to. Very odd experience tonight. I'll probably be able to use this to write a new song. But I do that all the time. Another songwriter asked me how I come up with new songs all the time. I told him, "I can't turn it off. It just plays in my head constantly and is exhausting." I don't think he understood. oh shit know on my door. later

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
This guy was dead when he got rolled in the door. We did CPR, breathed for him, and pushed some narcan. He woke up right before we were gonna intubate him, pulled all his lines and tubes off, then told us to fuck ourselves and walked out.

Wow, what a douche, could have at least said thanks for fucking saving my life.

And we wonder why medical costs are high.

We didn't even get his name...
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Well-Known Member
This guy was dead when he got rolled in the door. We did CPR, breathed for him, and pushed some narcan. He woke up right before we were gonna intubate him, pulled all his lines and tubes off, then told us to fuck ourselves and walked out.

Wow, what a douche, could have at least said thanks for fucking saving my life.

And we wonder why medical costs are high.

We didn't even get his name...
charles manson

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
This guy was dead when he got rolled in the door. We did CPR, breathed for him, and pushed some narcan. He woke up right before we were gonna intubate him, pulled all his lines and tubes off, then told us to fuck ourselves and walked out.

Wow, what a douche, could have at least said thanks for fucking saving my life.

And we wonder why medical costs are high.

We didn't even get his name...
That was pretty gangsta of him.