Random Jibber Jabber Thread

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
007 and ocarina of time made my childhood.

Side note - the Mario Cart Drinking game.

You get 4 friends, each with a 6 pack of beer (or 6 mix drinks of their choice).


Before the end of each lap you must finish one beer, for a total of 6 laps.
In order to drink you have to pull of the side of the road of the road and come to a complete stop.
Who ever plays as peach must be ridiculed relentlessly through out the race.

The winner is whoever finishes their 6 pack and takes first place. If you finish the race but still have beer left, you automatically loose regardless of when you cross the finish line.
Sooooooooo no winners or losers and everyone gets wasted.

I'm in.

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
007 and ocarina of time made my childhood.

Side note - the Mario Cart Drinking game.

You get 4 friends, each with a 6 pack of beer (or 6 mix drinks of their choice).


Before the end of each lap you must finish one beer, for a total of 6 laps.
In order to drink you have to pull of the side of the road of the road and come to a complete stop.
Who ever plays as peach must be ridiculed relentlessly through out the race.

The winner is whoever finishes their 6 pack and takes first place. If you finish the race but still have beer left, you automatically loose regardless of when you cross the finish line.
love it


Staff member
Any cheesecake.... or do you have a certain flavor in mind?

that was one of the few foods i didn't like as a kid, because it was soooo rich, but now i enjoy a small slice. truth is i'm a fiend for most baked goods and confections... sweet tooth, not good!
uhm i buy now, sweet earth vegan cheese cake its chocolate espresso because thas the only flavor here its quite good but its also like 20$ cause its vegan, gluten free, fair trade , organics, fucking everything else thats humane and happy and anything else they can put in there to make it more fucking expensive never the less its delicious and very cheesecake life, but lighter which i actually enjoy since cheesecake is very heavy
but if i had my choice cherry for sure


Staff member
cherry choc vanilla.... it all sounds good.

know what ya mean about the organic/vegan ingredients driving the price up. so worth it though!

i found this place in Royal Oak (Detroit suburb) after a friend recc.... it can all be pricey but very delicious, much better than most everything from a regular market. i see on their specials that they had gazpacho today... Yum. not everyone likes that but i think it's tasty and refreshing in the summer.

HOLY FUCK nice ....dude i would eat evertything on that
thats good prices though dunno about their sizes but id be happy to pay 12$ for lunch i have no quams with that dude. i pay that here, cashew cheese tho. that shit is the bomb

baked almond cheese
vegan brie cheese

I mean man some peopel are so creative

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
These fucking people take forever at the ATM.

I've got all my shit programmed in, takes me twenty seconds at the ATM, goddammit I'm impatient today