Random Jabber Jibber thread

You know I'm not here to argue but I work at a hospital and most of the doctors are full of themselves and think they know more than they do just cuz they got a big degree.. instead of listening they like to tell you what they think.

True story; I have asthma and have my whole life. I had just moved to Florida and didn't know anyone or anything, well I went to Dr cuz my asthma was acting up and I needed an inhaler. Doc says " you are trying to get drugs from me" here is some cough syrup.. dafuq ,I didn't even have a cough. So my ex wife goes to see same Dr to get pills, purposely, says she can't sleep. Leaves with 4scripts one being Xanax.. lmao!!! Fast forward bout 12yrs, now his picture is on the wall at work under "legendary caregivers" smh.. knowing what I know now, I wouldn't let him put a bandaid on me..

Oh, I had to leave the Dr office and go to ER to get what I knew I needed.. I know we need them and some are good but a lot of them are only book smart and don't have a clue..
There are good doctors and bad doctors. When my primary care physician decided to specialize in sports medicine, it was time for me to find a new doctor. I fired two of them after a single appointment. Ended up having my old doc pull some strings to get me the MD I've got now. He wasn't taking new patients, so it took a little magic to make that happen...
If you knew the FIRST thing about me, you'd know i'm laughing/smiling so hard right now.

Looks like some displacement to me.

Tell us, why are YOU so upset/angry :lol:

Boy I missed some good clean fun last night. I have no inclination to buy one of those spinny hand-fidget toys currently on every gas station counter. My anger management tools post on this forum.
So I've been out of smoke for 3 days, cuz I smoke way more than I can grow. I don't harvest lbs like most of you. Yet.. lol.. anyway this guy told me $40 for 1.3 of "mids" lmfao.. so needless to say, Im still out :? I used to be plugged in but now I'm in the dark..
He probably sprayed it with Round Up :) think of the nice tolerance break and how you will smoke so much less and get much higher.
Wish you were closer!