Random Jabber Jibber thread

Yeah, that trippy hippie dude made a shitty babies thread.
Oh now I remember. Shame. I believe (after @curious2garden brought the matter to my attention) admin would serve this site better by leaving such threads up ...

perhaps locked and with a terminal post from the closing admin or mod detailing how, where and by how much the posts that got it closed violate our currently nebulous TOU.

But deleting the thread discriminates in favor of the jackasses.
I have at least 2 families or red tailed hawks around me. One just grabbed a rabbit out of my yard, about ten feet from the window I'm sitting by. I heard some commotion and flapping wings, saw it take it up into a tree, it sounded like a baby screaming, for about 30 seconds, then nothing. Hopefully they grab some more, rabbits are getting out of hand around here. Really wish the hawks would eat the stupid chipmunk, there's like a thousand in my yard, I keep twisting my ankles in their fucking holes. I need to get another tin of pellets and a case of colds ones and do some exterminating.
Any day you have an excuse to google "dick on a cross" is a good day
I have to remember to clean the search history when I use my roommates tablet. I was questioned once about some of the dick related searches I've made looking for funny pics. They're usually bizarre searches too,

Marching dicks
Flying dicks
Fighting dicks
Funny floppy dicks
Potato dicks

Shit like that. I just brushed it off, so he didn't know what to think, lol.
Oh now I remember. Shame. I believe (after @curious2garden brought the matter to my attention) admin would serve this site better by leaving such threads up ...

perhaps locked and with a terminal post from the closing admin or mod detailing how, where and by how much the posts that got it closed violate our currently nebulous TOU.

But deleting the thread discriminates in favor of the jackasses.
It's just too much to clean up
whyd you ban bob zmuda? out of all the crazy shit that goes on here you ban one of our funniest and best growers? all the socks and all the shit that goes on and he goes.. thats fucked up
hes not banned hes on time out for telling someone to go fuck themselves and commit suicide and all the dumbass shit she constantly does which breaks the rules almost everytime heposts

why do you people get confused with someone constantly clearly breaks rules every single day and gets put on time out mode
i dont get it. fuck ,you shoudlnt even have to ask anymore. its always reoccurant names

put a comma cause it seemed like i said fuck you, when i meant fuck,..pause you shouldnty