Random Jabber Jibber thread

The forum became gritty as a direct result of sock puppet attacks. Some of us sock victims decided to stand up and do something about it. So, are you part of the solution or part of the precipitate?
Who decides what the solution is?

I hadn't noticed anyone being victimized by a "sock", but I'll watch more closely. Seems the fear of socks has plenty of others getting a lot of elbows and insults. That's just my observation. Please don't imply a threat If I don't comply with your reasoning, it's not necessary.
Is that how it works, I hadn't noticed. There are so few new members, or even "new" old members.

Appears to me, the trial by fire (for any individual) is primarily for the pleasure of a handfull of aggressive members.

It would be interesting to be able to somehow tally or understand, the unheard voices, the ones that don't chime in or provide 'likes'. And the ones that leave. I believe a lot of people read the attacks and simply exit the site. It's just a theory {I'm not looking to argue with anyone}. Some are repelled by aggression and others thrive on it. I'm not sure how this forum became so gritty, or why. I think it's more about the phyche of a few. And I do so enjoy how the forum isn't heavily moderated, but the angst and attitude I must skim past to stay.
Holy hurt feelings!

Lol! I really enjoy laughing at you and your shitty ass wanna be bunba plants. :)
Who decides what the solution is?

I hadn't noticed anyone being victimized by a "sock", but I'll watch more closely. Seems the fear of socks has plenty of others getting a lot of elbows and insults. That's just my observation. Please don't imply a threat If I don't comply with your reasoning, it's not necessary.
Beat it, poindexter.
That dont answer my question.. dude

You just love starting some shit, dont ya?
Simple question.. complicated answer for what reason?

From wiki - A sockpuppet is an online identity used for purposes of deception. The term, a reference to the manipulation of a simple hand puppet made from a sock, originally referred to a false identity assumed by a member of an Internet community who spoke to, or about, themselves while pretending to be another person.

See, unless it's your first week on the internet i refuse to believe that anyone is unfamiliar with this lingo common to every forum I've read. Also, no new member comes in to TNT with confidence and guns blazing. That is pure sock, imo, usually the worst ever. Which is mainliner. Which is you...
WHAT!!! they're fuckin perfect! not 1 speck of anything.. so stupid bro.. HAHAHAHAHA

plant insults, i love it.
Who decides what the solution is?

I hadn't noticed anyone being victimized by a "sock", but I'll watch more closely. Seems the fear of socks has plenty of others getting a lot of elbows and insults. That's just my observation. Please don't imply a threat If I don't comply with your reasoning, it's not necessary.

I am not implying a threat ... if you can detail where I did so, do that.

You do need to be a regular here to know who is singing what without the libretto. I am one such, and you are free to disagree with my perceptions.

However you are giving aid and succor to a warsock. I think you need to know that.